НовостиПравилаФорум.157ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZБВДЗКЛНСТХЧ24.07.2012 15:00Обсудить Окончательно перевёл весь динамический контент на новый "скрипт". Список изменений: - дерево mp3 ушло в историю; * полностью поменялись все URL :( + полная UTFизация; + вернулась согласованность между форумом и музыкальной частью сайта; + cнова можно писать рецензии :)
Осталось только доваять сортировщик/выкладывалку на сайт... ну и выложЫть те полторы тонны mp3, что принёс Ssphinx... 10.03.2011 17:07Обсудить Не смотря ни на что (С) на сервере произошёл "небольшой" апгрейд. От старого сервера остался только корпус и часть ПО, которую не успел переконфигурировать в соответствии с новыми веяниями. Из того, что затрагивает качающих: 1. Теперь количество соединений проверяется pf-ом. Есть надежда, что он будет точнее отсекать лишнее. 2. (Временно) сняты ограничения на скорость скачивания для отдельного IP. Сейчас стоит общий лимит 350Kbit/s на всех, что, учитывая текущее количество активных качальщиков, должно быть не так уж плохо.
Правда вообще всё еще стоит вопрос - а стОит ли продолжать раздачу через http. С одной стороны - вроде пытаются поприжать пиратов, с другой - на данный момент качает только лишь двое, с третьем - лишний головняк для меня.
Из менее интересного: Поменял FreeBSD 7.0/i386 на 9.0/amd64, IDE на SATA2, UFS на ZFS, ipfw на pf, нерезервированное хранилище файлов на полноценное зеркалирование, планирую перевод бОльшей части сайта с apache+cgi и KOI8-R на nginx+fastcgi и UTF-8. Код для последнего действа даже потихоньку пишется. На этот раз таки планирую перетащить и музыкальную часть под новый движок. Сильно думаю над судьбой данного форума. И над тем, не сделать ли его чем-то вроде новостной ленты для всея сайта, а не только музыкальной его части...
14.12.2009 15:43Обсудить Выложены Immortal "Unholy Forces Of Evil (EP)" '1991, Immortal "Sons Of Northern Darkness (Deluxe Edition) (Rerelease)" '2005 (thanks to Ssphinx).
09.11.2009 15:25Обсудить Выложены Graveworm "Diabolical Figures" '2009.
08.07.2009 11:29Обсудить Выложены Within Temptation "Enter" '1997, Beherit "Drawing Down The Moon" '1993, Noctes "Pandemonic Requiem" '1997, Funeris Nocturnum "Pure Satanic Blasphemy" '2000, Twilight Ophera "Midnight Horror" '1999, Geimhre "Noidagh" '2008 (thanks to Ssphinx).
07.07.2009 16:07Обсудить Выложены 5:45 "Notwehr" '2008, Abigail Williams "In The Shadow Of A Thousand Suns" '2008, Abomino Aetas "Sower Of Death" '2008, Abused Majesty "...So Man Created God" '2008, Ad Hominem "Theory 0 (EP)" '2008, Ad Noctum "The Excellence Of Supremacy" '2004, Ad Noctum "Arrogance" '2008, Ador Dorath "Bestiari" '2008, Adorned Brood "Noor" '2008, Adumus "Infinite Battles For Immortality (Demo)" '2000, Adumus "Besieging Abominations (EP)" '2000, Adumus "To Heed The Call Of War" '2004, Adumus "Invincible Black Order" '2008, Aeon "An Extravagance Of Norm" '2008, Aeveron "The Ancient Realm (EP)" '2006, Aeveron "Construality" '2004, Aeveron "Existential Dead End" '2008, Agrypnie "F51.4" '2006, Agrypnie "Exit" '2008, Aguynguerran "Hordes Of The Antichrist (Demo)" '2000, Aguynguerran "Perverting The Nazarene Cult" '2008, Akrival "Enigmas Of The Contradictory Nature" '2004, Akrival "Vitriolic" '2008, Amarok "Blasphemous Edictum" '2008, Amnion "The Return Of Total Desolation (Demo)" '2003, Amnion "Cryptic Wanderings" '2008, Amon Amarth "With Oden On Our Side" '2006, Amon Amarth "Twilight Of The Thunder God" '2008, Anatholian Wisdom "Where The Iblis Dwells" '2008, Andras "Iron Way" '2008, Animae Capronii "Saaroth - True Muntagnunn Black Metal" '2008, Aosoth "Aosoth" '2008, Arathorn "Treue & Verrat" '2008, Arathyr "Curse Man's Blame" '2008, Arcana Imperia "Hymns Of Infinite Decay" '2008, Arckanum "Demo 93 (Demo)" '1993, Arckanum "Antikosmos" '2008, Arckanum "Antikosmos (EP)" '2008, Arckanum "Grimalkinz Skaldi (EP)" '2008, Ashen Light "Бог Мертв! Смерть - Бог!" '2006, Ashen Light "Реальная Жизнь - Жизнь Здесь И Сейчас!" '2008, Asmegin "Arv" '2008, Asmegin "Naar Rimkalkene Heves (Demo)" '1999, Athos "Crossing The River Of Charon" '2008, Aurora Black "And The Skies Dream Infinite Sorrow" '2008, Avsky "Mass Destruction" '2006, Avsky "Malignant" '2008, Battle Dagorath "Eternal Throne" '2008, Black Coven "The Awakening Of Funeralia" '2008, Black Flame "Conquering Purity" '2006, Black Flame "Torment And Glory" '2004, Black Flame "Imperivm" '2008, Blodtru "The Death Of The Spirit" '2008, Blood Red Fog "Blood Red Fog" '2006, Blood Red Fog "Radiating Desolation (EP)" '2008, Bloodstained Dusk "Dirge Of Death's Silence" '2000, Bloodstained Dusk "Thy Legions Reign Over Christendom (EP)" '2000, Bloodstained Dusk "Continuance Of Evil" '2004, Bloodstained Dusk "Black Faith Inquisition" '2008, Bloodsworn "All Hyllest Till Satan" '2008, Blutrache "Todessehnsucht" '2008, Borgazur "2P3 Alchemists Earth Of Aeon" '2008, Brother Von Doom "Relentless" '2008, Brutal Morticinio "'Despertar Dos Chacais; O Outono Dos Povos...'" '2008, Burzukh "End Game" '2008, Capitis Damnaire "Black Stigmatized" '2008, Catamenia "Location: Cold" '2006, Catamenia "The Time Unchained" '2008, Ceremonial Castings "The Chaos Chapter (MCD)" '2002, Ceremonial Castings "Barbaric Is The Beast" '2006, Ceremonial Castings "13 Roses (Demo)" '2000, Ceremonial Castings "Vampiria - The Second Coming (Demo)" '2000, Ceremonial Castings "Immortal Black Art" '2005, Ceremonial Castings "Universal Funeral March" '2003, Ceremonial Castings "Salem 1962" '2008, Chainerdog "Journey To The Omega (EP)" '2008, Chaosweaver "Puppetmaster Of Pandemonium" '2008, Children Of Bodom "Hellhounds On My Trail (EP)" '2008, Crystalmoors "Antiqvam Exqvirite Matrem" '2008, Cult Of Luna "Eternal Kingdom" '2008, Cultes Des Ghoules "Haxan" '2008, Dagon "They Who Abideth Amidst The Posion" '2006, Dagon "In Desolationem Per Nefandum" '2008, Dark Domination "Reign Of The Fallen One (EP)" '2008, Dark Ritual "Under Ravenwings" '2008, Darkestrah "The Great Silk Road" '2008, Darkflight "Perfectly Calm" '2008, Deathmoor "Mors Ultima Ratio" '2008, Deathspell Omega "Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum: Chaining The Katechon (EP)" '2008, Deferum Sacrum "Antichristian Disease (EP)" '2008, Deletion "Deletion" '2008, Den Saakaldte "Ol, Morke Og Depresjon" '2008, Detonator 666 "Supremacy & Tyranny" '2008, Devilry "Inhumane Regiment (EP)" '2002, Devilry "Stormbolt (MCD)" '2006, Devilry "Rites For The Spring Of Supremacy" '2008, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Riders On The Storm" '2006, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Dschingis Khan (EP)" '1998, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Licht" '2008, Diminishing Light "Inherited By Earth" '2008, Diocletian "Sect Of Swords (EP)" '2008, Dornenreich "In Luft Geritzt" '2008, Dragobrath "'And Mountains Openeth Eyes...'" '2008, Drowning The Light "The Serpents Reign" '2008, Dusken "Pyrimanes" '2008, Dzjady "Kryveyu Pa Sneze" '2008, Edieh "Butterfly Catastrophe (EP)" '2008, Eisregen "Knochenkult" '2008, Elimi "Summoned From Ashes" '2008, Elite "We Own The Mountains" '2008, Emancer "Utopian Illusions" '2001, Emancer "The Human Experiment" '2002, Emancer "Invisible" '2004, Emancer "The Menace Within" '2005, Emancer "Twilight And Randomness" '2008, Embryonic Cells "Black Seas" '2008, Enslaved "Vertebrae" '2008, Episode 13 "Pitch Black" '2008, Equilibrium "Sagas" '2008, Ereb Altor "By Honour" '2008, Ethereal Woods "In The Forest Of Arden" '2005, Exterminate "Pact (EP)" '2008, Fairytale Abuse "Perversions Of Angel IV" '2008, Falls Of Rauros "Hail Wind And Hewn Oak" '2008, Feigd "Svarte Sjoar (Demo)" '2008, Fimbulvet "Der Ruf In Goldene Hallen" '2008, Finnugor "Darkness Needs Us" '2004, Finnugor "Voitettuani Kuoleman" '2006, Finnugor "Fame Et Morte" '2008, Folkodia "Odes From The Past" '2008, Frangar "1915 Tvtto Per La Patria (MCD)" '2008, Funebre "Indictment About The World Of Man" '2008, Germanen Blut "Der Zorn Des Sturms" '2006, Germanen Blut "Auf In Die Schlacht (Demo)" '2005, Germanen Blut "Wandelnd In Der Einsamkeit Abgrundtiefer Gedanken" '2008, Gramary "Suffocation" '2008, Gravdal "Sadist" '2008, Grimbane "Let The Empires Fall" '2008, Grimburg "Naturherrschaft" '2008, Hammer "Shoax" '2008, Harvist "A Gleam In The Night" '2002, Harvist "Wolfskin Clad" '2008, Heartless "Suicidal Engagement" '2008, Heimdalls Wacht "Westfalischer Schlachtenlarm" '2005, Heimdalls Wacht "Rehearsal (Demo)" '2008, Heimdalls Wacht "Ut De Graute Olle Tied - Deel I" '2008, Helfahrt "Wiedergang" '2008, Helvete "Warmasters" '2008, Hennes Siste Hoest "Host" '2008, Heralder "Twilight Kingdom" '2008, Hermh "Eden's Fire" '2006, Hermh "After The Fire - Ashes (EP)" '2008, Herrschaft "Tesla" '2008, Horgoth "It Finally Comes... (EP)" '2008, Horn "Wanderszeit (Demo)" '2003, Horn "Der Forst Im Fruhjahr" '2004, Horn "Jahreszeiten" '2005, Horn "Die Kraft Der Szenarien" '2006, Horn "Naturkraft" '2008, Horna "Sanojesi Aarelle" '2008, Im Nebel "Vitriol" '2008, Inchivatu "Miseria" '2008, Dark Intermentn "Наши Боги Дремлют В Нас" '2008, Infaust "Des Schmerzes Macht" '2006, Infaust "Blutbad & Melancholie" '2008, Infernal Hate "Upset" '2008, Invocation Of Evil "Satan's Hellfires (Demo)" '2008, Irae "Hellnation" '2008, Iskald "Revelations Of Reckoning Day" '2008, Istapp "Koldens Union" '2008, Jarost Marksa "We The People (EP)" '2008, Jenovah "Post Mortem (Demo)" '2008, Kargvint "Seelenwerks Fortgang" '2008, Keep Of Kalessin "Kolossus" '2008, Khold "Masterpiss Of Pain" '2001, Khold "Hundre Ar Gammal" '2008, Klage "Veltvinters Kraft (Demo)" '2004, Klage "Die Weihe Des Eises - Eine Grossweise" '2008, Koldbrann "Stigma: Pa Kant Med Livet (EP)" '2008, Korog "Mumus" '2008, Krallice "Krallice" '2008, Kreator "Hordes Of Chaos" '2009, Kruk "U Gonar Czornaga Staba" '1998, Kruk "Endkampf" '2008, Kulto Maldito "Kulto A La Bestia" '2008, Leadhaze "Black Water Path" '2008, Leichenbrand "Traumtoeter (EP)" '2008, Lonndom "Hagkomster Fran Nordliga Nejder (EP)" '2008, Lucifugum "Involtation" '2006, Lucifugum "Stigma Egoism" '2003, Lucifugum "Gates Of Nocticula (Demo) (Rerelease)" '2004, Lucifugum "Sociopath Philosophy Cynicism" '2004, Lucifugum "Высшее Искусство Геноцида" '2006, Lucifugum "Acme Adeptum" '2008, Lugubrum "Albino De Congo" '2008, Malnatt "La Voce Dei Morti" '2008, Malnurture "VII (EP)" '2008, Malus "Insignificant Life" '2002, Malus "Creation Of Death" '2003, Malus "In Revenge" '2003, Malus "The Beauty Of Doom" '2008, Massemord "The Whore Of Hate" '2008, Minhyriath "Gondolyn" '2008, Mitochondrion "Archaeaeon" '2008, Moonsorrow "Tulimyrsky (EP)" '2008, Mort "Godless Dominion" '2004, Mort "Raw & Cold" '2008, Mortjuri "...Desoulate" '2008, Nabaath "War Blasphemy (Demo)" '2008, Nachtmystium "Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. 1" '2008, Nachtmystium "Worldfall (EP)" '2008, Nauthisuruz "Visions" '2008, Necrostorm "Necrostorm" '2008, Negativity "Please Kill Yourself" '2007, Negativity "Perpetual Darkness (Demo)" '2008, Neptune "Acts Of Supremacy" '2008, Netherbird "The Ghost Collector" '2008, Neurolepsia "The Apocalyptic Symphony (Demo)" '2008, Nightwish "The Islander (CDS)" '2008, Njiqahdda "Nji. Njiijn. Njiiijn." '2008, Nocte Obducta "Sequenzen Einer Wanderung" '2008, Nyktalgia "Peisithanatos" '2008, Oakenshield "Gylfaginning" '2008, Obscuro "Where Obscurity Dwells" '2008, Obtest "Tukstantmetis" '1997, Obtest "Gyvybes Medis" '2008, October Falls "The Womb Of Primordial Nature" '2008, Odal "Zornes Heimat" '2008, Ode "Schimmenwoud" '2008, Old Forest "Tales Of The Sussex Weald: Part I (EP)" '2008, Opeth "Watershed" '2008, Osirion "Har Sabbat (Rerelease)" '2008, Osirion "Reconquista" '2008, Pagan Hellfire "A Voice From Centuries Away" '2001, Pagan Hellfire "Solidarity" '2008, Panchrysia "In Obscure Depths" '2003, Panchrysia "Deathcult Salvation" '2008, Panopticon "Panopticon" '2008, Paria "Blut Und Knochenstaub (Demo)" '2005, Paria "VerminRace" '2008, Perversus Stigmata "Interstellar Hatred Void (Demo)" '2008, Pripegal "Ziemia Gromadzi Prochy" '2008, Ragnar "The March Of The Unholy Age (EP)" '2008, Redemptor Hominis "Premices I-IV (EP)" '2008, Revenge "Infiltration, Downfall, Death" '2008, Riddle Of Meander "End Of All Lffe And Creation" '2007, Riddle Of Meander "Orcus" '2008, Rovkram "Asscream" '2008, Ruina "Ukruina" '2008, Ruins "Cauldron" '2008, Sacrilegio "La Tradizione Ermetica" '2008, Sanctus Infernum "Sanctus Infernum" '2008, Sanguis "Ascension" '2008, Satan's Host "Great American Scapegoat" '2008, Sator Marte "Termonuklearni Evoluce" '2008, Saturnian Mist "Saturnian Mist (Demo)" '2008, Satyricon "My Skin Is Cold (EP)" '2008, Sect "WWIII" '2008, Septic Flesh "Communion" '2008, Serpent "Cradle Of Insanity" '2005, Serpent "XGODx" '2008, Shadows Ground "Один Путь - Смерть (EP)" '2008, Sightless "Larvae Of Trinity" '2008, Sikaryus "Unrestrained (Demo)" '2008, Skald "I En Svunnen Tid (EP)" '2008, Skjold "Kirkebrand (Demo)" '1996, Skjold "Fourteen Years Hell" '2008, Slavigrom "Kraj Temny (EP)" '2008, Sorg Uten Tarer "Grave Songs [Part 1] [PLamenism]" '2008, Sorgsvart "Vikingtid Og Anarki" '2008, Sothis "De Oppresso Liber" '2008, Stone Of Erech "Stone Of Erech (EP)" '2008, Storming Darkness "...By Path Of Death (EP)" '2003, Storming Darkness "Sin-Thesis" '2008, Stormlord "Mare Nostrum" '2008, Supplicium "Atrae Poenae (EP)" '2008, Svartahrid "Forthcoming Storm" '1999, Svartahrid "As The Sunrise Flickers" '2000, Svartahrid "Malicious Pride" '2008, Svartediket "Svartediket" '2008, Svartkraft "III - Lord Of Vermin" '2008, Svartthron "Bearer Of The Crimson Flame" '2008, Synnove "Synnove (EP)" '2005, Synnove "The Whore And The Bride" '2008, Syphilitic Vaginas "Black Motor Covenant (EP)" '2008, Syphilitic Vaginas "Syphilitic Vaginas (EP)" '2008, Taake "Taake" '2008, Tapetum Lucidum "Machteloos Bestaan" '2008, Teratism "Pure Unadultered Hate" '2008, Teurgia "With True Faith" '2008, Teutoburg Forest "Chao Ab Ordo" '2008, The Absolute Of Malignity "The Absolute Of Malignity" '2008, The Crypt "Heartless Merciless Blasphemous... Martyr Slain" '2003, The Crypt "Bestialmente" '2008, The End Of Six Thousand Years "Isolation" '2008, The Funeral Pyre "Immersed By The Flames Of Mank" '2004, The Funeral Pyre "Wounds" '2008, The Symphonic Wings Of Tragedy "(Demo)" '2008, Theudho "Cult Of Wuotan" '2008, Thorngoth "Rauhnacht" '2008, Thronar "Unleash The Fire" '2008, Tisic Let Od Raje "Waves" '2008, Tjolgtjar "Halloween" '2007, Tjolgtjar "Ikarikitomidun, Lord Of The Forest" '2008, Total Hate "Depopulating Planet Earth" '2008, Tourment Noir "Entre L'enfer Et Le Paradis (EP)" '2008, Transcending Bizarre? "The Serpent's Manifolds" '2008, Trayjen "Walking Among The Stones Of Fire" '2008, Triskele "Les Murmures De La Fore" '2003, Triskele "Origines" '2004, Triskele "Triade Nordique" '2008, Tystnaden "In Our Eye" '2008, Ulvdalir "Flame Once Lost" '2008, Ulvdalir "Soul Void" '2008, Undivine "A Deceitful Calm" '2008, Urn "Dawn Of The Devastation" '2006, Urn "I Am Your Nightmare (EP)" '1998, Urn "Soul Destroyers" '2008, Urt "Ussikuningas-Saatanhark II" '2008, Utgard "Thrones And Dominions" '2008, VI "De Praestigiis Daemonum (MCD)" '2008, Vanguard "Dragon Slayers (EP)" '2006, Vanguard "Erek And Ivor" '2008, Vardlokkur "Fragmenteret Okkult Bespottelse" '2008, Veil "Dolor" '2005, Veil "Sombre" '2008, Velnias "Sovereign Nocturnal" '2008, Verge "(Demo)" '2005, Verge "Hatemagic" '2008, Verjnuarmu "Ruatokansan Uamunkoetto" '2008, Vermeth "Your Ruin" '2001, Vermeth "Suicide Or Be Killed!" '2008, Verzivatar "In The Shadow Of Sombre Clouds" '2008, Virgin Black "Requiem - Fortissimo" '2008, Vobiscum "Berchfrit" '2008, Volahn "Dimensi?nes Del Trance K?smico" '2008, Vreid "Milorg" '2009, W.E.B "Jesus Heist" '2008, Waylander "Honour Amongst Chaos (Demo)" '2007, Waylander "Honour Amongst Chaos" '2008, Weapon "Para Bhakti... Salvation (EP)" '2008, Weeping Birth "Anosognosic Industry Of The I" '2008, Weltkrieg "Свержение Гнетущих Оков (EP)" '2008, Wildesheer "Wildesheer (Demo)" '2002, Wildes Heer "The Beast Takes Flesh" '2008, Winds Of Plague "Decimate The Weak" '2008, Woe "A Spell For The Death Of Man" '2008, Wolf & Winter "Endless Forest Of Silent Sorrow... The Howl Of Hate" '2008, Wolff "Promo 2008 (Demo)" '2008, Wolfmare "Whitemare Rhymes" '2008, Wolfnacht "Zeit Der Cherusker" '2008, Wolfsrune "Screams Of The Forgotten" '2008, Wrath Passion "Careful Saint" '2008, Wurzelkraft "Urgewalt (Demo)" '2005, Wurzelkraft "'Primitiv Und Edel Wie Nie Zuvor...'" '2008, Yaotzin "Heaven Burning Bleeding" '1998, Yaotzin "Mors Christii" '2008, Zerstorer "Panzer Metal" '2008, Zrec "Zertva" '2008, Веретрагор "Чёрное Золото" '2008, Дружина "Эхо Далёких Битв" '2008, Зверъ "В Сердце Леса" '2008, Крада "Ступени" '2008, Лютомысл "Catharsis" '2006, Лютомысл "De Profundi" '2008, Навь "The Wolf's Sun" '2008, Смага "Мои Земли (EP)" '2008, Твердь "Вслед За Солнцеворотом" '2008, Чёрный Кофе "Сладкий Ангел" '1985, Чёрный Кофе "Полукровка (Cds)" '2008 (thanks to Ssphinx), Cult Of Luna "The Beyond" '2003, Kreator "Coma Of Souls" '1990, Kreator "Renewal" '1992, Kreator "Violent Revolution" '2001, Kreator "Outcast" '1997, Kreator "Chosen Few" '1999, Kreator "Endorama" '1999, Kreator "Live In Moscow" '1999, Kreator "Past Life Trauma" '2000, Kreator "Voices Of Transgression" '1999, Waylander "Reawakening Pride Once Lost" '1998, Waylander "The Light The Dark And The Endless Knot" '2001 (thanks to Satanist), Enslaved "Live Retaliation" '2003, Enslaved "Live Retaliation (DVD Bonus Audio)" '2003 (thanks to Pollux), Septic Flesh "Forgotten Paths (The Early Days)" '2000 (thanks to Metalian), Навь "Гимн Холодному Безмолвию (Demo)" '1998, Навь "Из Нави В Явь (Demo)" '1997 (thanks to Neiromonach).
19.03.2009 10:06Обсудить Выложены Unanimated "In The Forest Of The Dreaming Dead" '1993 (thanks to Ssphinx).
23.12.2008 12:42Обсудить Выложены Draconian "No Greater Sorrow (Single)" '2008 (thanks to AesirLoki).
17.10.2008 14:11Обсудить Выложены Adversam "Animadverte" '1999, Adversam "Proclama" '2008, Aeba "Kodex V" '2008, Alghazanth "Dim Is The Moon's Light (Demo)" '1997, Alghazanth "The Phosphorescent (CDS)" '2008, Alghazanth "Wreath Of Thevetat" '2008, Ancestors Blood "Wisdom Opens The Gates For The King (Demo)" '2003, Ancestors Blood "Return Of The Ancient Ones" '2008, Animus Mortis "Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh)" '2008, Ansur "Warring Factions" '2008, Arsis "We Are The Nightmare" '2008, Artefact "Ruins" '2008, Averse Sefira "Advent Parallax" '2008, Azaghal "Luciferin Valo" '2006, Azaghal "Omega" '2008, Baptism "Sons Of Ruin & Terror (Demo)" '2000, Baptism "The Beherial Midnight" '2002, Baptism "Black Ceremony (EP)" '2004, Baptism "Evil Mysteries (EP)" '2006, Baptism "Grim Arts Of Melancholy" '2008, Behexen "Eternal Realm (Demo)" '1997, Behexen "Blessed Be The Darkness (Demo)" '1998, Behexen "My Soul For His Glory" '2008, Belphegor "The Last Supper (Rerelease)" '1999, Belphegor "Pestapokalypse VI" '2006, Belphegor "Bloodbath In Paradise (EP)" '1992, Belphegor "Blutsabbath" '1997, Belphegor "Goatreich - Fleshcult" '2005, Belphegor "Bondage Goat Zombie" '2008, Blackwind "Flesh Inferno" '2008, Blackwinds "Origin" '2008, Brown Jenkins "Brown Jenkins" '2008, Carach Angren "Lammendam" '2008, Carcharoth "Desolated Battlefields" '2008, Celestia "A Dying Out Ecstasy (Demo)" '1998, Celestia "A Cave Full Of Bats (MCD)" '1999, Celestia "Dead Insecta Sequestration" '2003, Celestia "Frigidiis Apotheosia: Abstinen" '2008, Celestial Bloodshed "Cursed, Scarred And Forever Possessed" '2008, Children Of Bodom "Are You Dead Yet?" '2005, Children Of Bodom "Blooddrunk" '2008, Children Of Bodom "Blooddrunk (CDS)" '2008, Cor Scorpii "Attergangar (Demo)" '2005, Cor Scorpii "Monument" '2008, Cradle Of Filth "Dirge Inferno (CDS)" '2006, Cradle Of Filth "Thornography" '2006, Cradle Of Filth "Orgiastic Pleasures Foul (Demo)" '1992, Cradle Of Filth "Harder, Darker, Faster: Thornography Deluxe" '2008, Crematory "Pray" '2008, Crematory "Greed Digipak" '2004, Cryptic Tales "Valley Of The Dolls" '1994, Cryptic Tales "The Tales" '1996, Cryptic Tales "VII Dogmata Of Mercy" '2008, Dagorlad "Herald Of Doom" '2008, Dark Age "Minus Exitus" '2008, Dark Fortress "Seance" '2006, Dark Fortress "Eidolon" '2008, Dead Christ Cult "Stigma" '2008, Deathgate Arkanum "Stillhallen" '2008, Degradead "Til Death Do Us Apart" '2008, Dekadent "The Deliverance Of The Fall" '2008, Destinity "Wepts From The Sky" '1999, Destinity "Supreme Domination's Art" '2001, Destinity "Under The Smell Of Chaos" '2003, Destinity "The Inside" '2008, Detonator 666 "At The Dawn Of Sadistic Infernal Holocaust" '2004, Detonator 666 "Supremacy And Tyranny" '2008, Dulcamara "Anatomicamente Imperfecto" '2008, Elivagar "Heirs Of The Ancient Tales" '2008, Eluveitie "Ven (MCD)" '2003, Eluveitie "Spirit" '2006, Eluveitie "Slania" '2008, Elvira Madigan "Regent Sie" '2008, Enclave "Paradise Of Putrefaction" '2008, Enoid "Dodssyklus" '2007, Enoid "Ad Nilem (EP)" '2008, Epiclore "Labyrinth Alpha" '2008, Epping Forest "Everblasting Struggle" '2008, Flagellum Dei "Under The Might" '2008, Flame Of War "Europa Or The Spirit Among The Ruins" '2008, Flaming Fog "Armony In Desgrace (EP)" '2008, Flesh "Worship The Soul Of Disgust" '2008, Folkearth "By The Sword Of My Father" '2006, Folkearth "Drakkars In The Mist" '2007, Folkearth "Father Of Victory" '2008, Forefather "Steadfast" '2008, Gargotheron "Black Metal Supreme" '2008, Geimhre "Mollachd" '2005, Geimhre "Hinterland Suthainn" '2007, Geimhre "Noidagh" '2008, Gloria Morti "Eryx" '2008, Gouda Borgir "Ostafaerd (EP)" '2008, Grab "Plague" '2008, Gwydion "Ynys Moen" '2008, Hate "Morphosis" '2008, Hegemon "Contempus Mundi" '2008, Hegemon "Chaos Supreme" '2000, Helheim "Nidr Ok Nordr Liggr Helvegr (Demo)" '1994, Helheim "Kaoskult" '2008, Her Whisper "The Great Unifier" '2008, Hindvir "Roth Cingetos Taxonaria" '2008, IC Rex "Valonkantajan Alkemia" '2008, In Flames "A Sense Of Purpose" '2008, Inferno "'V Navratu Pohanstvi...'" '2003, Inferno "Utter Hell" '1996, Inferno "Downtown Hades" '1997, Inferno "Uctivani Temne Zuoivosti" '2008, Iskon "Dok Gniev Prosloti Navire" '2008, KRV "Ponor" '2008, Kalmah "For The Revolution" '2008, Kataklysm "Prevail" '2008, Kawir "Epoptia" '1999, Kawir "Ophiolatreia" '2008, Korpiklaani "Tervaskanto" '2007, Korpiklaani "Keep On Galloping (CDS)" '2008, Korpiklaani "Korven Kuningas" '2008, Kurgan "...And Green Grasses Are Freezing Slowly" '2008, Lost Dreams "End Of Time" '2008, Martriden "The Unsettling Dark" '2008, Mercenary "Architect Of Lies" '2008, Mirrorthrone "Gangrene" '2008, Moonspell "The Antidote" '2003, Moonspell "Memorial" '2006, Moonspell "Under Satanae" '2007, Moonspell "Night Eternal" '2008, Mygrain "Signs Of Existence" '2008, Nastrond "Muspellz Synir" '2008, Nefarium "Praesidium" '2005, Nefarium "Haeretichristus" '2008, Nightwish "Bye Bye Beautiful (CDS)" '2008, Nihil Nocturne "Necrohell" '2003, Nihil Nocturne "Wahnsinn Tod Verrat" '2006, Nihil Nocturne "Entheogen" '2008, Nordafrost "North Arise" '2004, Nordafrost "Back To The Shores Of Grey" '2008, Norther "Till Death Us Unites" '2006, Norther "N" '2008, Orcivus "Consummatum Est" '2008, Rexor "Ain (Demo)" '2008, Rookwood "You Worship Shit" '2008, Svyatogor "...With Wolfish Stalk And By Wings Of Black (Rerelease)" '2007, Thyrgrim "Winterhall" '2006, Thyrgrim "Niedergang" '2008, Fatum "Неприкаянный (Demo)" '2008, Holdaar "Противление" '2007, Holdaar "Путь К Солнцу" '2008, Kamaedzitca "Пяруне" '2008, Svyatogor "Энергия-Свобода Сила Сильная, Власть Властная" '2008, Aboriorth "Far Away From Hateful Mankind Plague" '2007, Adversus "Winter So Unsagbar Winter" '2003, Adversus "Einer Nacht Gewesenes" '2005, Adversus "Laya (EP)" '2007, Aeon "Rise To Dominate" '2007, Aetherius Obscuritas "Layae Bolcsoje" '2006, Aetherius Obscuritas "Viziok (Visions)" '2007, After Death "Retronomicon" '2007, Against The Plagues "The Architecture Of Oppression" '2007, Alfa Eridano Akhernar "Aberrant Hate Icon" '2007, Alien Vampires "Nuns Are Pregnant (MCD)" '2007, Amputator "Amputator (Demo)" '2005, Amputator "Deathcult Barbaric Hell" '2007, Anaal Nathrakh "Eschaton" '2006, Anthems Of Gomorrah "Gebrechlichkeit" '2007, Armagedda "Echoes In Eternity" '2007, Armentar "Baptism By Hate" '2007, Arsonist Lodge "Lihaa Pedolle (Demo)" '2004, Arsonist Lodge "Perkele, Antikristus Ja Vaara Profeetta (MCD)" '2007, Aryanas "Vinlandic Winds Shall Guide Me (Demo)" '2005, Aryanas "Dawn Of A Noble Era" '2007, Aryanas "Volkskrieg (Demo)" '2006, Astaarth "Gloria Burgundia" '2007, Astarium "On The Edge Of Chasm" '2007, Astral Division "Spadyum" '2007, Astrofaes "Dying Emotions Domain" '1998, Astrofaes "'Idea. Form. Essence...'" '2007, Austere "Withering Illusions And Desolation" '2007, Azhyria "The Dark Land" '2007, Azrael "Goat" '2007, Azrael "Self" '2007, Beastcraft "Baptised In Blood And Goatsemen" '2007, Behelal "Metamorphosis" '2007, Belenos "Notre Amour Eternel (Demo)" '1996, Belenos "Triste Pensee" '1997, Belenos "Allegorie D'une Souffrance (Demo)" '1998, Belenos "Notre Amour Eternel" '1998, Belenos "L'Ancien Temps (Triste Pensee) (Rerelease)" '2004, Belenos "Chemins De Souffrance" '2007, Bergraven "Dodsvisioner" '2007, Bergraven "Foerdaerv" '2004, Besatt "In Nomine Satanas" '1997, Besatt "Roots Of Evil (EP)" '2003, Besatt "Black Mass" '2006, Besatt "Triumph Of Antichrist" '2007, Besatt "Hail Lucifer" '2000, Bilskirnir "Wolfswut (EP)" '2006, Bilskirnir "Wotansvolk" '2007, Black Wraith "Channeling The Unlight Of The Moon (Demo)" '2007, Blessmon "Under The Storm Of Hate" '2007, Blinded By Faith "Under An Occult Sun" '2003, Blinded By Faith "Veiled Hideousness (EP) (Rerelease)" '2006, Blinded By Faith "Weapons Of Mass Distraction" '2007, Blodfest "I Kong Skjolds Navn" '2007, Blood Of Kingu "De Occulta Philosophia" '2007, Blood Stain Child "Silence Of Northern Hell" '2002, Blood Stain Child "Idolator" '2005, Blood Stain Child "Mozaiq" '2007, Bloody Sign "Explosion Of Elements" '2007, Blowsight "Destination Terrorville" '2007, Blut Aus Nord "Mort" '2006, Blut Aus Nord "Odinist" '2007, Bluteszorn "Victory Of The Dead" '2007, Blutklinge "Reflection Of A Bleak Mind" '2007, Borgne "II" '2007, By Brute Force "With Intent To Destroy" '2007, Caina "Mourner" '2007, Calvarium Funestus "Opus Domine Satanus" '2007, Ceremony Of Opposites "Death's Dominion" '2007, Chaos Moon "Languor Into Echoes, Beyond" '2007, Chaos Moon "Origin Of Apparition" '2007, Chaoswolf "Lychanthropic Passages And Mystic Blackness (Demo)" '2007, Charnel Valley "The Dark Archives" '2005, Charnel Valley "The Igneous Race" '2007, Church Bizarre "Sinister Glorification" '2007, Cobalt "Eater Of Birds" '2007, Coldhand "Coldfield" '2007, Control Human Delete "Terminal World Perspective" '2007, Corpus Christii "Saeculum Domini" '2000, Corpus Christii "F.O.A.D. (Split)" '2004, Corpus Christii "Rising" '2007, Countess "Holocaust Of The God Believers" '2006, Countess "Blazing Flames Of War" '2007, Crionics "Armageddons Evolution" '2004, Crionics "Neuthrone" '2007, Crionics "Beyond The Blazing Horizon" '2001, Cryfemal "Perpetua Funebre GLoria" '2005, Cryfemal "Apoteosis Oculta" '2007, Crystal Abyss "Word Of The Darkest Ages" '2007, Crystal Abyss "Sageness Fallen (MCD)" '2001, Crystalium "Doxa O Revelation" '2007, Crystalium "De Aeternitate Commando" '2001, Daemonheim "Hexentanz" '2007, Dark Funeral "In The Sign... (EP)" '1994, Dark Funeral "The Secrets Of The Black Arts (Rerelease)" '2007, Darkest Hate Warfront "The Aftermath" '2007, Darkthrone "NWOBHM (New Wave Of Black Heavy Metal) (EP)" '2007, Dead To This World "First Strike For Spiritual Renewance" '2007, Deathrow "Primordial Lifecode" '2007, Deathspell Omega "Infernal Battles" '2000, Deathspell Omega "Inquisitors Of Satan" '2002, Deathspell Omega "Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem" '2007, Deborah "The Song Of Deborah" '2004, Deborah "Soteria" '2007, Decades Of Blood "Bitchblood And Beatdown Fury (Demo)" '2007, Decayed "The Conjuration Of The Southern Circle" '1993, Decayed "Behold The Wrath (CDS)" '1997, Decayed "The Book Of Darkness" '1999, Decayed "Nockthurnaal" '2001, Decayed "Hexagram" '2007, Deinonychus "Warfare Machines" '2610, Deinonychus "Mournument" '2002, Deofel "Aposni Rytual (The Last Ritual)" '2007, Depressive Reality "Las Sombras" '2007, Devian "Ninewinged Serpent" '2007, Die Entweihung "Die Entweihung (Demo)" '2007, Dimension F3H "Does The Pain Excite You?" '2007, Diphteria "Gateways To My Hell" '2007, Direwolf "Beyond The Lands Of Human Existence" '2007, Dissentient "Northern Aloofness" '2007, Dodheimsgard "Supervillain Outcast (Demo)" '2005, Dodheimsgard "Supervillain Outcast" '2007, Doomsword "My Name Will Live On" '2007, Dorn "Spiegel Der Unendlichkeit" '2007, Drautran "Unter Dem Banner Der Nordwinde (Demo)" '1999, Drautran "Throne Of The Depths" '2007, Drautran "Unter Dem Banner Der Nordwind" '2000, Drowning The Light "A World Long Dead" '2007, Drudkh "Songs Of Grief And Solitude" '2006, Drudkh "Anti-Urban (EP)" '2007, Dusk "Pray For Death" '2007, Dusken "Hateful" '2007, Einherjar "Sur Les Sentiers Dune Guerre Paienne (Demo)" '2007, Eisregen "Blutbahnen" '2007, Elexorien "Elexorien" '2007, Elvenking "The Scythe" '2007, Elysian Blaze "Levitating The Carnal" '2006, Elysian Blaze "Beneath Silent Faces (Rerelease)" '2007, Empyreal Destroyer "The Destroyer (MCD)" '2007, Enslavement Of Beauty "Mere Contemplations" '2007, Enthroned "Prophecies Of Pagan Fire" '1995, Enthroned "Prophecies Of Pagan Fire (Bonus Cd - Live & Demo 94) (Compilation)" '1999, Enthroned "Tetra Karcist" '2007, Entirety "Proud" '2007, Eternity "Funeral Mass" '2007, Fall Of Eden "Dawn Of A New Age" '2007, Farsot "IIII" '2007, Finsterforst "Wiege Der Finsternis (EP)" '2005, Finsterforst "Weltenkraft" '2007, Fjoergyn "Sade Et Masoch" '2007, Forest Of Impaled "Rise And Conquer" '2007, Forgotten Tomb "Negative Megalomania" '2007, Forgotten Woods "Race Of Cain" '2007, Foscor "The Smile Of The Sad Ones" '2007, Frangar "Totalitarian War" '2007, From Ashes "As The Leaves Fall" '2007, Frozen "'Их Имена На Снегах...'" '2007, Funeral Fog "Channelling Ancient Shadows" '2007, Funeral Forest "Winter Forest (Demo)" '2005, Drowning The Light "Through The Noose Of Existance" '2007, Drowning The Light "To The End Of Time" '2007, Funeral Forest "Against The Mordern Black Metal (Demo)" '2007, Funeral Winds "Nexion Xul - The Cursed Blood" '2007, Funeral Winds "Resurection Of The Five Winds" '1993, Furze "First Feast For Freedom (EP)" '2000, Furze "Necromanzee Cogent" '2003, Furze "UTD" '2007, Gallhammer "Ill Innocence" '2007, Gardarika "Volkodav" '2007, Garden Of Delight "Lutherion III" '2007, Geistbeschworer "...Und Zuruck Kehrt Die Pest Namens Nacht" '2007, Gestapo 666 "Black Gestapo Metal" '2005, Gestapo 666 "Nostalgiah" '2007, Geyst "Into The Nocturnal (EP)" '2007, Ghremdrakk "Sterrenpracht" '2006, Ghremdrakk "Je M Exalte" '2007, Glemt "Comatose Visions (Demo)" '2007, Gloomy Grim "Tapetum Lucidum (EP)" '2007, Gloria Diaboli "Gate To Sheol (EP)" '2007, Glorior Belli "Manifesting The Raging Beast" '2007, Goat Semen "En Vivo En Lima Hell" '2007, Gorefest "Rise To Ruin" '2007, Gospel Of The Horns "Realm Of The Damned" '2007, Grabak "Agash Daeva" '2007, Grabak "Demo" '1997, Grabak "Der Prophet Des Chaos" '1999, Graveland "Will Stronger Than Death" '2007, Graveworm "Collateral Defect (Promo)" '2007, Grenade "The Howling Damned" '2007, Grigori "Visions Of A Burning Dawn (Demo)" '2007, Grimfaug "Blood Upon The Face Of Creation" '2004, Grimfaug "Defloration Of Life's Essence" '2007, Groza "Gecmisin Kasvetli Izleri" '2007, Gurtholfinn "Never Forget (Demo)" '2006, Gurtholfinn "The Forest Of Long Awaiting (Demo)" '2007, Hacride "Deviant Current Signal" '2005, Hacride "Amoeba" '2007, Haereticus "Our Legions Fight Religions (Rerelease)" '2007, Hargonath "Hargonath" '2007, Hathor "Ancient" '2007, Havohej "Dethrone The Son Of God" '1993, Havohej "Tungkat Blood Wand (EP)" '2007, Heavenwood "Promo (Demo)" '2007, Helcaraxe "Triumph And Revenge" '2007, Hellishthrone "Light A Candle For The Dead... And A Torch To Burn Their Corpses" '2007, Hellveto "Visions From The Past/stony Fathers Of Winter" '2006, Hellveto "966" '2007, Helrunar "Gratr" '2003, Helrunar "Baldr Ok Iss" '2007, Helvetespine "Frykten Og Mennesket" '2007, Hexenwood "Regevandor" '2007, Hilderog "66,6° Nord" '2007, Hollow Corp. "Cloister Of Radiance" '2007, Horna "Pakanhymni Rehearsal (Demo)" '1994, Horna "Poltettu Rehearsal (Demo)" '1994, Horna "Kristuksentappo Treenit (Rehearsal) (Demo)" '1996, Horna "Pimeyden Hehku (MCD)" '2007, Horna "Sotahuuto" '2007, Huldrefolk "Eeuwenhout" '2007, Hymir "Perish" '2007, Iceni "As Carnyx Screams Consume The Silence (Demo)" '2007, Iciclan "Frozen Dimensions" '2007, Imperium Dekadenz "...Und Die Welt Ward Kalt Und Leer" '2006, Imperium Dekadenz "Dammerung Der Szenarien" '2007, Impious Havoc "At The Ruins Of The Holy Kingdom" '2004, Impious Havoc "The Great Day Of Wrath" '2003, Impious Havoc "Maleficium" '2007, Impious Havoc "Manifestations Of Plague And War" '2007, In Lingua Mortua "Bellowing Sea - Racked By Tempest" '2007, In Vain "The Latter Rain" '2007, InThyFlesh "Crawl Beneath Our Shadow" '2004, InThyFlesh "Lechery Maledictions" '2007, Infernaeon "A Symphony Of Suffering" '2007, Infernal War "Infernal SS" '2002, Infernal War "Redesekration" '2007, Inferno Requiem "Gloomy Night Stories" '2007, Irrlycht "Irrlycht" '2007, Jumalhamara "Slaughter The Messanger (MCD)" '2007, Kalot Enbolot "MCCCXLVII" '2007, Kapein "Aeon Of Rust" '2007, Kekal "The Habit Of Fire" '2007, Kill "Necro (EP)" '2002, Kill "Inverted Funeral" '2007, Klabautamann "Opus Obscoenum Infernalis (Demo)" '1998, Klabautamann "Gott Schenkt Gift (Demo)" '2000, Klabautamann "Our Journey Through The Woods" '2003, Klabautamann "Der Ort" '2005, Klabautamann "Klabautamann (EP)" '2007, Korgonthurus "Root Of Evil (Demo)" '2005, Korgonthurus "Ristilla Madantyen (EP)" '2007, Korvus "In The Name Of Lucifer" '2007, Kroda "Cry To Me, River" '2004, Kroda "'Do Nebokraju Zhittja...'" '2005, Kroda "Fimbulvinter" '2007, Krohm "Crown Of The Ancients (Demo)" '2000, Krohm "The Haunting Presence" '2007, Kromlek "Kveldridhur" '2005, Kromlek "Strange Rumours... Distant Tremors" '2007, Krypt "I Am God (EP)" '2007, Kult Perunov "Slavenski Crni Metal (Demo)" '2007, Kyrie Eleison "... In The Arms Of Decadence" '2007, Kythrone "Kult Des Todes" '2007, Lik "Besvartade Strofer" '2005, Lik "Lekamen Illusionen Kallet" '2007, Limbonic Art "A Legacy Of Evil" '2007, Little Dead Bertha "In Memorium Premortis" '1998, Little Dead Bertha "Two Sides... (Rerelease 2004)" '2000, Little Dead Bertha "Light And Shadows" '2003, Little Dead Bertha "Way Of Blind" '2005, Little Dead Bertha "Dance... In Darkness (EP)" '2007, Loits "Vere Kutse Kohustab" '2004, Loits "Must Album" '2007, Lonndom "Falen Fran Norr" '2007, Lugubrum "De Vette Cuecken" '2004, Lugubrum "Black Prophecies (Demo)" '1993, Lugubrum "Gedachte & Geheugen" '1997, Lugubrum "De Ware Hond" '2007, Lugubrum "Al Ghemist" '2001, Lunatic Gods "Ante Portas" '2007, Lupine Fall "Trials For Worthless Flesh (Demo)" '2001, Lupine Fall "Zarathustran Funeral Song (Demo)" '2003, Lupine Fall "Nemesis Of Nazarene Sickness (Demo)" '2004, Lupine Fall "Cold And Deaf To Sorrow (EP)" '2007, Malfeitor "Unio Mystica Maxima" '2007, Malsain "The Disease" '2007, Manegarm "Vargstenen" '2007, Mare "Rehearsal (Demo)" '2005, Mare "Throne Of The Thirteenth Witch (EP)" '2007, Massenvernichtung "Im Dienste Des Morddoms" '2007, Mayhem "Ordo Ad Chao" '2007, Medea "Декаданс" '2007, Membaris "Into Nevermore" '2007, Menhir "Barditus (Demo)" '1995, Menhir "Die Ewigen Steine" '1997, Menhir "Buchonia (EP)" '1998, Menhir "Ziuwari" '2001, Menhir "Hildebrandslied" '2007, Menhir "Thuringia" '1999, Mephisto "Tyrant's Return" '2007, Mgla "Crushing The Holy Trinity (Split)" '2005, Mgla "Further Down The Nest (EP)" '2007, Mgla "Mdlosci And Further Down The Nest (Compilation)" '2007, Misanthropic Path "A Bluntly Descripton Of The Present" '2007, Moorgate "Close Your Eyes And Fade Away" '2007, Moravska Zima "Pod Praporem Vitezstvi" '2007, Morkriket "Hellwards" '2007, Morrigan "Welcome To Samhain" '2006, Morrigan "The Damned" '2007, Mortuus "De Contemplanda Morte" '2007, Mortuus Infradaemoni "Daemon Qui Fecit Terram" '2007, Must Missa "The Target Of Hate" '2005, Must Missa "Martyr Of Wrath" '2007, Mutiilation "Destroy Your Life For Satan (Demo)" '2001, Mutiilation "Sorrow Galaxies" '2007, N.I.L. "N.I.L." '2007, Nae'blis "Sketches Of Reality" '2007, Narath "Fury" '2007, Ne Obliviscaris "The Aurora Veil (Demo)" '2007, Necromantia "The Sound Of Lucifer Storming Heaven" '2007, Necronoclast "The Plague" '2007, Nekrokrist SS "Suicide" '2007, Neochrome "Manifestation Of The Forgotten Subconscious" '2004, Neochrome "Downfall - ?ollapse" '2007, Nerthus "The Crowned's Reunion" '2007, Nervengas "Alpha Germania" '2007, Nightkarnation "Impending Hell" '2006, Nightkarnation "Hell Overdose (EP)" '2007, Nightrage "A New Disease Is Born" '2007, Nihternnes "The Dawning Of A New Era" '2007, Niroth "Niroth" '2007, Nocturnal Breed "Fields Of Rot" '2007, Nocturnal Depression "Four Seasons To A Depression" '2006, Nocturnal Depression "Soundtrack For A Suicide - Opus II" '2007, Nocturnal Feelings "Consecration Of Evil Forces" '2007, Nordglanz "Kampfhymnen Germaniens" '2006, Nordglanz "Heldenreich" '2004, Nordglanz "Volkischer Schwarzmetall" '2007, Nordheim "Nordheim (MCD)" '2007, Noromi Lucalen "A Pitiful Tribute To Satan (Demo)" '2007, Northern Breeze "Sailing To The North" '2007, Northern Frost "Ewig Kalte (EP)" '2007, Obituary "Xecutioner's Return" '2007, Obscure "Shedded Blood" '2007, Obscurus Advocam "Verbia Daemonicus" '2007, Obskene Sonare "Wildes Blut (Demo)" '2006, Obskene Sonare "Todnachten (MCD)" '2007, Odious "Summoned By Night (Demo)" '2003, Odious "Mirror Of Vibrations" '2007, Ohtar "Human Fuel Of Death" '2007, Ominous Grief "Nothing In Remembrance" '2007, Omitir "Old Temple Of Depression" '2007, Pagan Hellfire "In Desolation, In Ruins" '2007, Pagan Heritage "Forn Sed" '2007, Panychida "Paganized" '2007, Panzerfrost "AK-47 Supreme Terrorism Bloodstorm (EP)" '2007, Sigh "Hangman's Hymn" '2007, Slaotvean "Origins" '2007, Soulgrind "Pakana" '2007, Taake "Nekro (EP)" '2007, Taarma "Sorrow Of My Ancestral Spirits" '2006, Taarma "Remnants Of A Tormenting Black Shadow" '2007, The Mission "God Is A Bullet" '2007, Thornspawn "Sanctified By Satan's Blood" '2007, Throne Of Katarsis "An Eternal Dark Horizon" '2007, Thunderbolt "The Sons Of The Darkness" '2001, Thunderbolt "The Burning Deed Of Deceit" '2003, Thunderbolt "Apocalyptic Doom" '2007, Thurs "Mot Nord (Demo)" '2007, Thyruz "Northern Blasphemy" '2007, Trimonium "Son Of A Blizzard" '2007, Tulus "Biography Obscene" '2007, Tulus "Pure Black Energy" '1996, Vehementer Nos "Vehementer Nos" '2007, Vreid "I Krig" '2007, Vrolok "Soul Amputation" '2005, Vrolok "Resurgence II: Where The Dying Meet The Dead" '2003, Vrolok "Resurgence III: Order Of The Sphere" '2007, Watain "Casus Luciferi" '2003, Watain "The Ritual Macabre" '2001, Watain "Puzzlez Ov Flesh" '2002, Watain "Sworn To The Dark" '2007, Weltkrieg "(Demo)" '2007, Winds Of Torment "Delighting In Relentless Ignorance" '2007, Wolfenhords "Pathway To Lunar Utopia" '2007, Wolfenhords "Wolfs Of The New Beginning" '2007, Xeohl "Un Genre De Noir" '2007 (thanks to Ssphinx), Moonspell "Live In Moscow" '2002, Moonspell "Wolfheart" '1995, Moonspell "Sin / Pecado" '1998, Moonspell "2econd Skin" '1997, Moonspell "Unreleased Tracks" '2003, Moonspell "Irreligious" '1996, Moonspell "Darkness And Hope" '2001, Moonspell "The Butterfly Effect" '1999, Moonspell "Under The Moonspell" '1994, Obituary "Anthology" '2001 (thanks to Pollux), Countess "Permafrost" '1992 (thanks to LEICK), Heavenwood "Swallow" '1998, Heavenwood "Diva" '1996, Sopor Aeternus "Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two)" '2000 (thanks to AesirLoki), Obituary "Cause Of Death" '1990, Obituary "Dead" '1998 (thanks to Satanist), Sopor Aeternus "Voyager - The Jugglers Of Jusa" '1997, Sopor Aeternus "The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller (Aus Dem Scho Der Holle Ward Geboren Die Totensonne)" '1997, Sopor Aeternus "Ehjeh Ascher Ehjeh" '1995, Sopor Aeternus "Todeswunch" '1995, Sopor Aeternus "Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell" '2003 (thanks to Neiromonach).
24.01.2008 10:20Обсудить Выложены Darkstroll "Frozen Forest (Demo)" '2005, Darkstroll "At The Silent Halls (EP)" '2007, Taigensis "Six Spheres Of Satan [EP]" '2007 (thanks to OiZiN).
29.12.2007 19:30Обсудить Выложены Bladesmith "Darkness Remains Unsent (Demo)" '2007, Blutklinge "Ahnengeist" '2006, Blutklinge "Call Of The Blackened Woods (EP)" '2007, Cadaveria "The Shadows' Madame" '2002, Cadaveria "In Your Blood" '2007, Cadaveria "Far Away From Conformity" '2004, Catholicon "Treatise On The Abyss" '2007, Chthonian "Of Beatings And The Silence In Between" '2007, Cirith Gorgor "Cirith Gorgor" '2007 (thanks to Ssphinx).
11.10.2007 13:21Обсудить Выложены Napalm Death "Scum" '1987, Napalm Death "From Enslavement To Obliteration" '1988, Napalm Death "Harmony Corruption" '1990, Napalm Death "Death By Manipulation" '1991, Napalm Death "Utopia Banished" '1992, Napalm Death "Fear, Emptiness, Despair" '1994, Napalm Death "Diatribes" '1995, Napalm Death "Inside The Torn Apart" '1997, Napalm Death "Leaders Not Followers" '1999, Napalm Death "Words From The Exit Wound" '1999 (thanks to Satanist), Abigor "Fractal Possession" '2007, Aetherium "Circle With The End" '2007, Akercocke "(Demo)" '2000, Akercocke "Antichrist" '2007, Angantyr "Haevn" '2007, April "Tidelines" '2007, Averse "Scolopendrian Perception Haze (EP)" '2007 (thanks to Ssphinx).
29.05.2007 16:41Обсудить Выложены Crematory "Revolution" '2004.
25.05.2007 18:12Обсудить Выложены Enslaved "Rehearsal 04.1992 (Demo)" '1992, Arkona (PL) "Nocturnal Arkonian Hordes" '2002, Arkona (PL) "Konstelacja Lodu" '2003, Nightfall (GR) "Macabre Sunsets" '1993, Nightfall (GR) "Eons Aura (EP)" '1994, Nightfall (GR) "Lesbian Show" '1997, Nightfall (GR) "Electronegative (EP)" '1998, Nightfall (GR) "Diva Futura" '1999, Nightfall (GR) "I Am Jesus" '2003, Nightfall (GR) "Lyssa (Rural Gods & Astonishing Punishments)" '2005, Hammerfall "Legacy Of Kings" '1998, Hammerfall "Renegade" '2000, Hammerfall "Crimsom Thunder" '2002, Hammerfall "Threshold" '2006, Arkona (PL) "An Eternal Curse (Compilation)" '1997 (thanks to Ssphinx).
24.04.2007 12:01Обсудить Выложены Inside You "Lost In The Faith" '2005, Eisheilig "Eisheilig" '2001 (thanks to AesirLoki).
18.04.2007 14:38Обсудить Выложены Graveworm "Collateral Defect" '2007 (thanks to Ssphinx).
12.04.2007 17:05Обсудить Выложены Astarte "Demonized" '2007, Barastir "Battlehymns Of Hate" '2007, Be Persecuted "I.I" '2007, Be Persecuted "Be Persecuted (Demo)" '2006, Burden Of Grief "Death End Road" '2007, Caprarius "Епископ (Demo)" '2007, Creeping "Funeral Crawl" '2007, Darkestrah "Epos" '2007, Dimmu Borgir "Rehearsal (08-1994) (Demo)" '1994, Dimmu Borgir "In Sorte Diaboli" '2007, Dying Fetus "War Of Attrition (Promo)" '2007, Ensiferum "One More Magic Potion (CDS)" '2007, Ensiferum "Victory Songs" '2007, Finntroll "Ur Jordens Djup" '2007, Fortid "Voluspa Part II - The Arrival Of Fenris" '2007, Lord Belial "Revelation" '2007, Lumsk "Det Vilde Kor" '2007, Lunar Aurora "Andacht" '2007, Malnatt (IT) "Happy Days" '2007, Marduk "Rom 5:12 (Promo)" '2007, Marduk "Live Warschau (Live)" '2005, Massemord "Let The World Burn" '2007, Monstrosity "Spiritual Apocalypse" '2007, Naglfar "Promo '95 (Demo)" '1995, Naglfar "Vittra" '1995, Naglfar "Harvest" '2007, Nahemah (ES) "The Second Philosophy" '2007, Nattsmyg "Nar Solen Slocknar" '2007, Naumachia "Callous Kagathos" '2007, Norther "No Way Back (EP)" '2007, Slavigrom "Navrat Slovanskej Nenavisti (Demo)" '2007, Moonsorrow "V - Havitetty" '2007, Vintersorg "Solens Rotter" '2007, Susperia "Cut From Stone" '2007 (thanks to Ssphinx), Dying Fetus "Killing On Adrenaline" '1998, Dying Fetus "Grotesque Impalement" '2000 (thanks to Metalian).
26.03.2007 11:53Обсудить Выложены Within Temptation "The Heart Of Everything" '2007, Astaroth (AT) "Organic Perpetual Hatework" '2005 (thanks to Ssphinx).
19.03.2007 08:20Обсудить Выложены Cradle Of Filth "Venus In Fear (Compilation) (Demo)" '1994, Creature "Kreuzlaub" '2006, Dark Storm "Four Lucan Emperors (EP)" '1996, Dark Storm "Hell Satan Blasphemy" '2006, Darkthule "Wolforder" '2005, Darvulia "L'alliance Des Venins" '2006, Dawnfall "Dominance Of Darkness" '1994, Destruktor "Nuclear Storm (EP)" '2004, Diamatregon "Blasphemy For Satan" '2003, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Friede Sei Mit Dir (EP)" '2006, Disarmonia Mundi "Mind Tricks" '2006, Dissimulation "MaRaS" '2002, Dreamscapes Of The Perverse "Gignesthai" '2006, Dzlvarv "(Demo)" '1996, Edicius "Pure Degenered Madness" '2004, Eithel Sirion "La Splendeur Du Neant (Demo)" '2004, Elite "Bifrost" '2006, Elysian Blaze "Prophecies Of Misery (Demo)" '2003, Elysian Blaze "Beneath Silent Faces (Demo)" '2004, Emberland "Emberland" '2006, Enochian Crescent "Babalon Patrale De Telocvovim (EP)" '1998, Ensoph "Bleeding Womb Of Ananke" '2001, Ephel Duath "Rephormula" '2002, Ephel Duath "Pain Necessary To Know" '2005, Equinox "The Immortal Kind (EP)" '2006, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow "Before The Bleeding Sun" '2006, Eugenik "Tag Des Raben" '2005, Evol "Dies Irae" '2001, Fear Of Eternity "Spirit Of Sorrow" '2006, Feldgrau "Mechanized Misanthropy" '2005, Fog "Through The Eyes Of Night...Winged They Come" '2000, Forest Of Souls "War And Poetry" '1995, Forest Of Souls "Huskaleil (EP)" '1998, Forgotten Chaos "Victorious Among The Damned" '2006, Forlorn "Forlorn (EP)" '1997, Frostkrieg "Majestatic Eines Kalten Elements" '2003, Frostkrieg "Das Astrale Fenster" '2006, Frostrike "Ett Odelagt Rike I Ruiner Av Hat (Demo)" '1998, Goetia "Enthroned Upon Dark Skies (Demo)" '2001, Gorgoroth "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam" '2006, Heldenreich "Nordglanz" '2004, Helheim "The Journeys And Experiences Of Death" '2006, Hellspawn "Lords Of Eternity" '2001, Helritt "Walder (Demo)" '2005, Hortus Animae "The Blow Of Furious Winds" '2005, Hromovlad "Vladca Lesov, Skalnych Stien" '2005, Ibex Throne "Total Inversion" '2006, Ihsahn "The Adversary" '2006, Immortal Hammer "V Znameni Per_novho Kruhu" '2002, Infernal War "Terrorfront" '2005, Infernal War "Under Wings Demons Of Hell (Demo)" '2004, Infernal War "Infernal War (Compilation)" '2004, Irreverent "Crush The Messiah (Demo)" '1992, Jotunspor "Gleipnirs Smeder" '2006, Kawir "To Cavirs" '1997, Kerifern "Demo" '2005, Kivimetsan Druidi "Taival (Demo)" '2004, La Rumeur Des Chaines "La Rumeur Des Chaines (EP)" '2005, Legion Of Darkness (IT) "Cantus" '2005, Leviathan "Howl Mockery At The Cross" '2005, Lucifugum "The Supreme Art Of Genocide" '2005, Lucifugum "Through Indifferent Sky (Demo)" '1998, Lueger "Kill Worship Die" '2005, Lunar Aurora "Weltenganger" '1996, Lunar Aurora "Zyklus" '2004, Lunarsea "Hydrodynamic Wave" '2006, Lurker Of Chalice "Lurker Of Chalice" '2005, Macabre Omen "The Ancient Return" '2005, Malnatt "Carmina Pagana" '2005, Malus "Awakened Grimness" '2002, Mareritt "Hymner Til Doden Og Morket (EP)" '2005, Melencolia Estatica "Melencolia Estatica" '2006, Midgard "Dawn Of Martyrdom (Demo)" '2004, Mystic Fire "Hybrid Hostes And Abysmal Empire" '2004, Nachtmystium "Instinct: Decay" '2006, Nachtmystium "Unholy Terrorist Cult" '2001, Naer Mataron "River At Dash Scalding" '2003, Nargathrond "Неизбежность" '2005, Natural Spirit "Русколунь" '2004, Necrodeath "100% Hell" '2006, Nibiru "Demo" '2004, Nightside "The End Of Christianity" '2001, Nirnaeth Arnoediad "Nirnaeth Arnoediad" '2005, Nocte Obducta "Lethe - Gottverreckte Finsternis" '1999, Nocte Obducta "Aschefruhling (CDS)" '2006, Nordisches Blut "Our Banner Will Rise" '2001, Now "Nowia" '2004, Obruthion "Landscapes Speak (Demo)" '2002, Ohtar "Petrified Breath Of Hope" '2006, Onirik "Songs For The Apocalipse" '2005, Otargos "Ten-Eyed Nemesis" '2006, Otargos "Conqueror, Conqueror... Destroyer (Demo)" '2002, Otargos "Codex 666 - Infernal Legions Strike (EP)" '2004, Ovskum "Atto II (Demo)" '2004, Pagan Hellfire "The Will Of Night" '2006, Pain Confessor "Turmoil" '2004, Pain Confessor "Fearrage" '2006, Panchrysia "Malicious Parasite" '2004, Paysage D'hiver "Nacht (Demo)" '2004, Potentiam "Balsyn" '1998, Prevalent Resistance (FI) "Under Satans Command (Demo)" '2004, Profane Solitude "Пробуждение В Пустоте" '2005, Purified In Blood "Reaper Of Souls" '2006, Raate "Demo" '2004, Raptor "Worship The Goat" '2005, Rigorism "Cold And Pain" '2006, S.V.E.S.T. "Coagula (L'ether Du Diable)" '2005,, Sacradis "Darkness Of Our Souls" '2004, Sadistik Exekution "We Are Death Fuck You" '1994, Samhain "Saligia" '2004, Sapthuran "To The Edge Of Land" '2005, Sarkom "Aggravation Of Mind" '2006, Satan's Almighty Penis "Into The Cunt Of Chaos" '2004, Satanic Warmaster "Bloody Ritual (Demo)" '1999, Sathanas "Entering The Diabolic Trinity" '2005, Scar Symmetry "Pitch Black Progress" '2006, Seigneur Voland "Consumatum Est (MCD)" '2003, Selvmord "...In Limbo (MCD)" '2005, Serpens "The Cult" '2006, Setherial "A Hail To The Faceless Angels (Demo)" '1994, Setherial "Death Triumphant" '2006, Seven Main Sins "Demo A.D. 2005 (Demo)" '2005, Sezarbil "The Unknown Empire" '2000, She Said Destroy "Time Like Vines" '2006, Sigillum Diaboli "Demo II (Demo)" '1994, Sigillum Diaboli "Sigillum Diaboli (Demo)" '2004, Skaur "En Hymne Til Dauden I Iv Capitler (Demo)" '2005, Skaur "Fullmanesang (Demo)" '2005, Sombre Chemin "Notre Heritage Ancestral" '2006, Soulburn "Feeding On Angels" '1998, Spektr "The Near Death Experience" '2006, Sphera Noctis "Memory Of Forever (Demo)" '2006, Ssorc "Infidel Eternal" '2005, Sterbend "Dwelling Lifeless" '2006, Stutthof "Towards Thy Astral Path" '2003, Surma "(Demo)" '2004, Surma "Veren Tytar (Demo)" '2005, Surma "III (Demo)" '2006, Svardenvyrd "Obycej Slunovratu" '2005, Svarga "Yav Vozdimaet (MCD)" '2006, Svartsyn "Destruction Of Man" '2003, Symbyosis "On The Wings Of Phoenix" '2005, Symbyosis "Phoenix Ashes" '2005, Tavaron "Suizid" '2005, The Heretic "Gospel Songs In E Minor" '2005, The Shadow Order "Untold" '2006, Thor's Hammer "Fidelity Shall Triumph" '1998, Thy Disease "Rat Age" '2006, Thyestean Feast "Cycles Of Worldburn" '2002, Todesstoss "Beutetrieb Schwarzer Witwen (EP)" '2005, Todesstoss "Pantherwelle (Demo)" '2006, Todesstoss "Eine Verloreene Seele (Demo)" '2000, Todesstoss "Jenseitslge (Demo)" '2002, Total Hate "Total Hate" '2002, Tristwood "The Delphic Doctrine" '2006, Troll "Demo 94 (Demo)" '1994, Troll "Trollstorm Over Nidingjuv" '1996, Tymah "Funeral Fog (Demo)" '2004, Tymah "Transilvanian Dreams" '2005, Ufych Sormeer "Anthem To The Glory Of The Great Octagon" '1999, Ufych Sormeer "The Whimsical Have A Dream (EP)" '2005, Лютомысл "Зима Людства" '2004, Unquintessence (CA) "Ruined (EP)" '2002, Trollskogen "Der Weg Zur Unendlichkeit" '2003, Trollzorn "Deutsche Urgewalt" '2004, Typhus "Profound Blasphemous Proclamat" '2005, Uhrilehto "Ihmisvihan Eliitti" '2005, Urfaust "Verraterischer, Nichtswurdiger Geist" '2005, Valgrind "Uhrikallio (Demo)" '2003, Vilkates "Apocalyptic Millennium" '2000, Void "Posthuman" '2003, Vorkreist "Sabbathical Flesh Possession" '2003, Vorkuta "Morbid Audial Plaguestorm" '2006, Wilk "Zwyciestwo Bedzie Nasze! (EP)" '2004, Wilk "Na Rozkaz Krwi" '2006, Wind Of The Black Mountains "Black Sun Shall Rise" '2002, Winter Of Apokalypse "Solitary Winter Night" '2004, Wolfnacht "Morgendammerung Der Heiden (Demo)" '2001, Wolves In The Throne Room "Diadem Of 12 Stars" '2006, Worms Of Sabnock "Dark Harmonies" '2006, Mord (NO) "Unholy Inquisition (Demo)" '2004, Mord (NO) "Christendom Perished" '2006, Сокира Перуна "...I Мертвим, I Живим, I Ненарожденим..." '2006, Kekal "Contra Spiritualia Requitiae (Demo)" '1996, Kekal "Beyond The Glimpse Of Dreams" '1998, Kekal "Embrace The Dead" '2000, Kekal "The Painful Experience" '2001, Kekal "1000 Thoughts Of Violence" '2003, Kekal "Acidity" '2005, Cryfemal "Raising Deads, Buring Alives" '2003, Cryfemal "With The Help Of The Devil" '2004, Vigrid "Anxious Soul (Demo)" '2003, Vigrid "Old And Forgotten (Demo)" '2004, Anaon "Les Rites De Cromlech (EP)" '1997, Lorn "Towards The Abyss Of Disease" '2006, Aryan Art "And Despite All, Bulgaria Will Survive" '2006, Axamenta "Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture" '2006, Balam-Akab "Xibalba" '2006, Bishop Of Hexen "The Nightmarish Compositions" '2006, Blizzard "Vjuga (Demo)" '1999, Cirith Gorgor "Unveiling The Essence" '2001, Cobalt "War Metal" '2005, Cruor Cultum "Bloody Days On The Altar" '2004, Desolation Hymn "Purgatory Despairing (EP)" '2003, Dunkel "Evighed (Demo)" '1999, Ereshkigal "Shadow's Land" '2006, Fanisk "Noontide" '2003, Forbidden Site "Sturm Und Drang" '1997, Gergovia "Coulee De Lave" '2006, Goatholocaust "Satan Jugend" '2006, Gorduw "Desyataya Chastt Istorii Feitnathorotha. Gan Sensory" '2002, Gorefest "False" '1992, Graveland "Immortal Pride" '1998, Horna "Aania Yossa" '2006, Immemorial "Temple Of Retribution" '2001, Inner Shrine "Samaya" '2004, Isafjord "The Unseen Passage (Demo)" '1998, Krater "Stolz Schurt Uns're Kraft" '2004, Kriegsmaschine "Flagrum (Demo)" '2003, Lindisfarne "Heading The Attack" '2005, Meat-Grinder "Воскрешение Из Пепла" '2004, Menneskerhat "Der Weg Zum Galgen (Demo)" '2005, Morgul "'All Dead Here...'" '2005, Nihili Locus "...Ad Nihilum Recidunt Omnia (EP)" '1996, Octinomos "Fuckhole Armageddon" '2001, Sacramentum "Finis Malorum (EP)" '1994, Secht "Secht" '2006, Swastika "Prophecies Of Aryan Moon" '2001, Terem "Secrets Of The Dark Nature" '2005, Theudho "The Volsunga Saga" '2006, Thy Worshiper "Signum" '2006, Trollfest "Brakebein" '2006, Ulvhedner "Ferdasyn (Demo)" '2005, Velimor "Vo Slavu Roda" '2004, Within Y "Portraying Dead Dreams" '2006, Xerion "A Harpa Do Guerreiro (Demo)" '2004, Zemial "In Monumentum" '2006, Forbidden Site "Astralgeist" '1999, Graveland "Necromanteion (Demo)" '1991, Graveland "Promo June '92 (Demo)" '1992, Graveland "Rehearsal 1993 (Demo)" '1993, Graveland "Impaler's Wolves (EP)" '1999, Horna "Hiidentorni + Kohti Yhdeksan Nousua" '2000, Horna "Perima Vihassa Ja Verikostossa + Ordo Regnum Sathanas" '2000, Morgul "Lost In Shadows Grey" '1997, Morgul "Parody Of The Mass" '1998, Velimor "Ancestry" '2005 (thanks to Ssphinx), Ephel Duath "Phormula" '2000, The Heretic "The Book Of Fate" '1997 (thanks to Satanist), Forlorn "The Crystal Palace" '1997, Forlorn "Opus III Ad Caelestis Aes" '2000, Symbyosis "Crisis" '2000 (thanks to Metalian), Ohtar "Woodland Desolation" '2003, Ohtar "Deep Woods" '2002, Ohtar "When I Cut The Throat" '2003, Paysage D'Hiver "Steineiche" '1998, Paysage D'Hiver "Die Festung Demo" '1999 (thanks to Neiromonach), Inner Shrine "Fallen Beauty" '2000 (thanks to northernwind).
16.03.2007 12:18Обсудить Выложены Kalmah "The Black Waltz" '2006, Kampfar "Kvass" '2006, Kampfar "Mellom Skogledde Aaser" '1997, Kampfar "Norse" '1998, Kampfar "Fra Underverdenen" '1999, Kampfar "Kampfar" '1996, Kataklysm "Victims Of This Fallen World" '2001, Kataklysm "In The Arms Of Devastation" '2006, Kataklysm "Serenity In Fire" '2004, Keep Of Kalessin "Armada" '2006, Krieg "Blue Miasma" '2006, Krieg "Songs For Resistance (Demo)" '2002, Krieg "Patrick Bateman (EP)" '2004, Liar Of Golgotha "Dwell Within The Mysterious Dark" '1998, Mgla "Presence (EP)" '2006, Mirrorthrone "Carriers Of Dust" '2006, Satyricon "K.I.N.G. (CDS)" '2006, Satyricon "Now, Diabolical" '2006, Theriomorphic "Enter The Mighty Theriomorphic" '2005, Velvet Cacoon "Dextronaut" '1998, Vreid "Pitch Black Brigade" '2006, Zyklon "Disintegrate" '2006, Балканджи "Пробуждане" '2001, Abyssic Hate "Eternal Damnation (EP)" '1998, Abyssic Hate "A Decade Of Hate (Compilation) (Rerelease)" '2006, Agmen "Eternal" '2006, Alcest "Le Secret (EP)" '2005, Alverg "Alverg" '2005, Ammattammen Bas "Estanna Yabny Estanna" '2003, Annihilatus "Annihilation (EP)" '2001, Apotheosis "Farthest From The Sun" '2002, Asmodeus "Imperium Damnatum" '2006, Asmodeus "Phalanx Inferna" '2003, Aura Noir "Dreams Like Deserts (EP)" '1995, Aurora Borealis "Relinquish" '2006, Axis Of Advance "Purify (EP)" '2006, Ayat "El Nabi Mojrem Moghtaseb Dajjal (Demo)" '2002, Azeroth "Doctrine Of Dark Forest" '1998, Bannerwar "To Honour Fatherland" '2004, Bannerwar "Chronicles Of Pagan Steel (EP)" '2005, Bannerwar "Centuries Of Heathen Might" '2006, Barbatos "War! Speed And Power" '2001, Battered "Battered" '2006, Belenos "Triste Pensee (Demo)" '1997, Belenos "Errances Oniriques" '2001, Belenos "L'ancien Temps - Notre Amour Eternel (Rerelease)" '2004, Belenos "Chants De Bataille" '2006, Belenos "Spicilege" '2002, Bestial Mockery "Gospel Of The Insane" '2006, Brocken Moon "Mondfinsternis" '2005, Carpathian Forest "Fuck You All" '2006, Colder Than Moon "(Demo)" '2003, Crebain "Night Of Stormcrow" '2005, Crux "Rev Smrti (Demo)" '1991, Darkmoon "Seas Of Unrest" '1999, Darkmoon "308 Antichrist (EP)" '2001, Decemberwolves "Completely Dehumanized" '1998, Denial Of God "Klabautermanden (EP)" '2006, Dimhymn "Djavulens Tid Ar Kommen" '2005, Dimhymn "Fordarvets Maskineri" '2005, Dissection "Reinkaos" '2006, Dragobrath "Scripture Of The Woods" '2006, Drudkh "Blood In Our Wells" '2006, Ecclesia Satani "NS Satan" '2001, Enforsaken "Sinners Intuition" '2006, Haatstrijd "Satansplaag (EP)" '2003, Heiden "Potomkum Pozemskeho Soumraku" '2004, Heretical "De Praestigiis Daemonum (EP)" '2004, Horned Almighty "Black Metal Jesus" '2004, Horned Almighty "In The Year Of Our Horned Lord (EP)" '2004, Horned Almighty "The Devil's Music" '2006, Impaled Nazarene "Pro Patria Finlandia" '2006, Jormgrun "Stillhet" '2003, Ludicra "Hollow Psalms" '2002, Lutomysl "The Challenge" '2002, Megiddo "Subterranean Empire" '2003, Musta Surma "(Demo)" '1997, Musta Surma "Kaiken Pyhan Raunioilla (EP)" '2002, Nehemah "Light Of The Dead Star" '2002, Pantheon I "Atrocity Divine" '2006, Runic "Liar Flags" '2006, Summoning "Oath Bound" '2006, Abominator "The Eternal Conflagration" '2006, Abysmal Dawn "From Ashes" '2006, Abyssmal Nocturne "Gates Beyond The Stars (Demo)" '1999, Act Of Gods "Maat" '2006, Ancient Rites "Rvbicon" '2006, Asgeirr "Nouvel Ordere Du Nord (Demo)" '2003, Astral Rising "Alpha State (EP)" '1992, Augur "Custodia" '1998, Balrog "Bestial Satanic Terror" '2006, Baptism "Morbid Wings Of Sathanas" '2005, Beastcraft "Into The Burning Pit Of Hell" '2005, Beheaded Lamb "A Grave To This World" '2002, Black Blood "Cryptic Ritual" '2004, Bleeding Art "Moja Dusza (Demo)" '1997, Brenoritvrezorkre "Nevgzeria" '1995, Burial Hordes "War Revenge And Total Annihilation" '2006, Cerberus "Klagelieder - Grabesgesang" '2006 (thanks to Ssphinx), Kataklysm "The Mystical Gate Of Reincarnation" '1993, Kataklysm "Shadows & Dust" '2002 (thanks to Pollux), Liar Of Golgotha "Ancient Wars" '1999 (thanks to Satanist).
15.03.2007 17:48Обсудить Выложены Zarathustra "Perpetual Black Force" '2003, Absurd (DE) "God's Death (Demo)" '1992, Absurd (DE) "Asgardsrei (EP)" '1999, Absurd (DE) "Werwolfthron" '2001, Absurd (DE) "Asgardsrei (EP) (Rerelesase)" '2004, Absurd (DE) "Grimmige Volksmusik (EP)" '2005, Absurd (DE) "Sadness (Demo)" '1993, Absurd (DE) "Out Of The Dungeons (Demo)" '1994, Absurd (DE) "Die Legende Lebt! (EP) (Tribute)" '2002, Aeon Noctis "As Times Of Eclipse Come" '2004, Aeternus "Hexaeon" '2006, Aguynguerran "Christreign Annihillation" '2003, Akerbeltz "Akerhell" '2000, Akerbeltz "A Wave Of Darkness" '2000, Amethista "Realitale" '2006, Antisacrum "Antisacrum (Demo)" '2001, Argar "The Flame Of Dark Creation" '1997, Bloodthorn "In The Shadow Of Your Black Wings" '1997, Bloodthorn "Genocide" '2006, Bloodthorn "Onwards Into Battle" '1999, Cannibal Corpse "Kill" '2006, Cemetary "An Evil Shade Of Grey" '1992, Cemetary "Godless Beauty" '1993, Coldworld "The Stars Are Dead Now" '2006, Crimson Midwinter "Random Chaos" '1998, Darkthrone "The Cult Is Alive" '2006, Darkthrone "Too Old, Too Cold (CDS)" '2006, Destroyer 666 "Violence Is The Prince Of This World" '1995, Destroyer 666 "Satanic Speed Metal (EP)" '1998, Destroyer 666 "King Of Kings / Lord Of Wild (EP)" '2000, Destroyer 666 "Terror Abraxas (EP)" '2003, Drastus "Roars From The Old Serpent's Paradise" '2005, Enslaved "Ruun" '2006, Everlost "Bitterness Of The Triumph" '2003, Gort (IT) "We Declare Destruction (Demo)" '2005, Hel (DE) "Falland Vorandi" '2005, Hel (DE) "Pagan Midgard Art (EP) (Rerelease)" '2004, Hellveto "Zmierzch" '2006, Hellveto "Zemsta" '2003, Hellveto "Winterforest (Demo)" '1998, Hellveto "Autumnal Night" '2002, Hellveto "In Arms Of Kurpian Phantom" '2004, Hellveto "Klatwa" '2005, Hellveto "Prelude To Dying" '2005, Hellveto "Stos" '2006, Hellveto "Medieval Scream" '2004, Hellveto "Hellveto (Demo)" '2001, Hellveto "My Eternal Hegemony... (EP)" '2003 (thanks to Ssphinx), Aeternus "...And So The Night Became" '1998 (thanks to Metalian).
09.03.2007 13:39Обсудить Выложены Genocide Kommando "Black Metal Supremacy" '2002, Goathemy "Frostland" '2006, Hacavitz "Venganza" '2006, Hirilorn "A Hymn To The Ancient Souls (Demo)" '1997, Hirilorn "Legends Of Evil And Eternal Death" '1998, Hirilorn "Depopulate (Prelude To Apocalypse) (EP)" '1999, Hirilorn "Rehearsal 1999 (Demo)" '1999, Hirilorn "Revenge Is Near (Live)" '2004, Koldbrann "Atomvinter (EP)" '2006, Koldbrann "Moribund" '2006, Kristallnacht "Of Elitism And War (Compilation)" '2002, Kristallnacht "Adversary (EP)" '2002, Kristallnacht "Creation Through Destruction/Adversary (Compilation)" '2004, Krohm (US) "Slayers Of Lost Martyrs (Demo)" '1997, Melechesh "As Jerusalem Burns... Al'Intisar" '1996, Moonblood "My Evil Soul (Rehearsal 1) (Demo)" '1994, Moonblood "Nosferatu (Demo)" '1994, Moonblood "The Evil Rules (Rehearsal 2) (Demo)" '1994, Moonblood "Frozen Tears Of A Vampire (Rehearsal 3) (Demo)" '1995, Moonblood "Rehearsal 4 (Demo)" '1995, Moonblood "Siegfried (Die Sage Vom Helden) (Demo)" '1995, Moonblood "The Winter Falls Over The Land (Demo)" '1995, Moonblood "Under The Cold Fullmoon (Rehearsal 5) (Demo)" '1995, Moonblood "Conquering The Ravenland (Rehearsal 8) (Demo)" '1996, Moonblood "Rehearsal 6 (Demo)" '1996, Moonblood "Rehearsal 7 (Demo)" '1996, Moonblood "Unpure Desires Of Diabolical Lust (Demo)" '1996, Moonblood "Blut Und Krieg" '1997, Moonblood "Worshippers Of The Grim Sepulchral Moon (Rehearsal 11) (Demo)" '1997, Moonblood "Rehearsal 12 (Demo)" '1998, Moonblood "Taste Our German Steel" '2000, Moonblood "Dusk Woerot (Demo)" '2003, Mystic Circle "The Bloody Path Of God" '2006, Mystic Forest "Green Hell" '2001, Mystic Forest "Welcome Back In The Forest" '2001, Nastrond "Digerdoden (EP)" '1995, Nastrond "From Black Funeral Coffin" '2003, Nastrond "Toteslaut" '1995, Nitberg "The Wolf Of The Sleipnir Of The Hooves Holocaust (Demo)" '1999, Nitberg "Donnerwetter, Donnerwyrd (Demo)" '2000, Nitberg "Nitsanger (EP)" '2005, Odal "...Wilde Kraft" '2005, Odal "Sturmes Brut (Darkland)" '2002, Orden Ogan "Testimonium A.D." '2004, Samael "Era One" '2006, Sammath Naur "The Wall Of Sleep (Demo)" '2001, Sammath Naur "Self-Proclaimed Existence" '2005, Shining "Shining (Demo)" '1996, Syny Severa "Orlinyj Vzor" '2004, Syny Severa "Syny Severa" '2004, Szron "Frost Eternal (Demo)" '2002, Szron "Pure Slavonic Blasphemy" '2002, Szron "The Purificating Flame Of Annihilation" '2004, The Legion (SE) "Revocation" '2006, Thundra "Demo 2003 (Demo)" '2003, Thundra "Worshipped By Chaos" '2006, Thundra "Blood Of Your Soul" '2000, Thy Serpent "Into Everlasting Fire (Demo)" '1995, Thy Serpent "Lords Of Twilight" '1997, Thy Serpent "Death (EP)" '2000, Thy Serpent "Frozen Memory (Demo)" '1994, Thy Serpent "Forests Of Witchery" '1996, Tunrida "Promo 2001 (Demo)" '2001, Tunrida "Hierarchy" '1998, Vassago (SE) "Knights From Hell" '1999, Verjnuarmu "Muanpiallinen Helevetti" '2006, Vicious Art "Demo 2003 (Demo)" '2003, Vociferian "Exxakschionnistiik Warmageddon Xzul" '2005, Vociferian "Universal Hate Decades Ultimatum (EP)" '2005, Vociferian "Triumphant Usurper Beast" '2005, Wallachia "From Behind The Light" '1999, Weakling "Dead As Dreams" '2000, Wolfsmond "Des Dusterwaldes Reigen" '2002, Wyrd "The Ghost Album" '2006, Wyrd "Songs Of The Northern Gales (Demo)" '2000 (thanks to Ssphinx), Cruachan "Tuatha Na Gael" '2002 (thanks to Pollux).
25.10.2006 12:00Обсудить Выложены Ophthalamia "A Journey In Darkness" '1994, Ophthalamia "Via Dolorosa" '1995 (thanks to Ssphinx).
04.10.2006 10:39Обсудить Выложены Demoniac "Demo I (Demo)" '1994, Elysium "Eclipse" '2001, Enochian Crescent "Black Church" '2006, Ewiges Reich "Ewiges Reich" '2001, Ewiges Reich "Krieg, Hass, Tod" '2005, Ewiges Reich "Zeit Des Erwachens" '1999, Frostmoon Eclipse "Dead And Forever Gone" '2005, Funeral Fog "Under The Black Veil" '2003, Funeris Nocturnum "From The Aspect Of Darkly Illu" '2001, Funeris Nocturnum "Code 666: Religion Syndrome Deceased" '2003, Furia (FR) "A La Quete Du Passe (Rerelease)" '2004, Furia (FR) "Un Lac De Larmes Et De Sang" '2003, Furia (FR) "A La Quete Du Passe" '2004, Furia (FR) "Kheros" '2006, Furia (FI) "Thy Second Month Of Winter (EP)" '1997 (thanks to Ssphinx).
25.08.2006 15:58Обсудить Выложены Saturnus "Veronika Decides To Die" '2006 (thanks to Ssphinx), Saturnus "Paradise Belongs To You" '1997, Saturnus "For The Loveless Lonely Nights" '1998 (thanks to AesirLoki).
04.08.2006 17:27Обсудить Выложены Abigor "Shockwave 666 (EP)" '2004, Aborym "Generator" '2006, Amorphis "Eclipse" '2006, Anael "On Wings Of Mercury" '2005, Art Inferno "Abyssvs Abyssvm Invocat" '1999, Astriaal "Summoning The Essence Of Ancient Wisdom (EP)" '2000, Astriaal "Somnium Infinitus - Astriaal Archetype Anno MMI (EP)" '2001, Astriaal "The Throne To Perish - An Icon Of Disease (EP)" '2003, Avatar (SE) "Thoughts Of No Tomorrow (2006)" '2006, Bal-Sagoth "Demo" '1993, Bal-Sagoth "The Chtonic Chronicles" '2006, Celestia "Awakening Of The Dormant Fiancee (Demo)" '2000, Celestia "Apparitia - Sumptuous Spectre" '2002, Black Funeral (US) "Az-i-Dahak" '2005, Black Funeral (US) "Ordog" '2006, Clandestine Blaze "There Comes The Day (Demo)" '2001, Clandestine Blaze "Blood And Cum (Demo)" '2002, Clandestine Blaze "Fire Burns In Our Hearts" '1999, Craft "Total Eclipse (Demo)" '1999, Craft "Total Soul Rape" '2000, Craft "Terror Propaganda: Second Black Metal Attack" '2004, Cryptic Winds "Storms Of The Black Millenium" '2001, Eikenskaden "The Black Laments Symphonie" '2001, Eikenskaden "The Last Dance" '2002, Eikenskaden "665.999" '2004, Eikenskaden "There Is No Light At The End Of The Tunnel" '2005 (thanks to Ssphinx).
02.08.2006 14:53Обсудить Выложены Ensiferum "Dragonheads (EP)" '2006 (thanks to Ssphinx), Draconian "The Burning Halo (Promo)" '2006, Butterfly Temple "Время Мары" '2005.
05.04.2006 20:28Обсудить Выложены A Gruesome Find "Minions Engage" '2005, Act Of God "The Place Of Worship" '2005, Age Of Ruin "Black Sands Of The Hourglass (Rerelease)" '2003, Age Of Ruin "The Tides Of Tragedy" '2004, Antares "The Last Sunset" '2005, Archeon "End Of The Weakness" '2005, Atakhama "Existence Indifferent" '2005, Apokrypha "Moral Sloth (Demo)" '2003, Abhor "Vehementia" '2005, Ablaze In Hatred "Closure Of Life (Promo)" '2005, Aborym "Worshipping Damned Souls (Demo)" '1993, Adorior "Author Of Incest" '2005, Ajattara "Apare" '2006, Amorphis "House Of Sleep (CDS)" '2006, An "Revelation I: World Minus Population" '2005, Anarazel "Undivine" '2005, Angis "Pries Ausra (Demo)" '1998, Anthropolatri "V Svete Kostrov" '1999, Arnstadt "Contemplant Un Monde Obscur" '2002, Ashes "Funeral Forest" '2004, Astriaal "Deception Revelation (EP)" '2002, Astriaal "Renascent Misanthropy" '2003, Averse Sefira "Blasphomet Sin Abset (Demo)" '1997, Averse Sefira "Homecoming's March" '1999, Averse Sefira "Battle's Clarion" '2001, Avzhia "The Key Of Throne" '2004 (thanks to Ssphinx), Draconian "Where Lovers Mourn" '2003, Draconian "Arcane Rain Fell" '2005 (thanks to AesirLoki), Aborym "Kali-Yuga Bizarre" '1999 (thanks to Metalian).
20.12.2005 13:23Обсудить Выложены Frost (DE) "Dark Possession" '2001, Frozen Tears "When The Earth Cries" '2000, Funeral Mist "Salvation" '2001, Furia "I Krzyk (Demo)" '2005, Glittertind "Til Dovre Faller (EP)" '2005, Gloria Morti "Lifestream Corrosion" '2004, Goatfire "Sacrophobic Initiation" '2005, Goatmoon "Death Before Dishonour" '2004, Goderak "Tam Gdzie Widaa Zemsty Blask (Demo)" '2001, Goderak "Zaamienie (Demo)" '2003, Godkiller "The Rebirth Of The Middle Ages (EP)" '1996, Goetia "Hail Satan" '2002, Gomorrah "The Infernal Diatribe" '2002, Grabnebelfursten "Schwarz Gegen Weis" '2005, Grabnebelfursten "Von Schemen Und Trugbildern" '2002, Grafenstein "Silence Endless" '2005, Grafvolluth "Black Metal Against Time" '2004, Graupel "Als Der Nebel..." '2001, Haemoth "Vice, Suffering And Destruction" '2004, Handful Of Hate "Scorn And Conquest (EP)" '2005, Hate Forest "Sorrow" '2005, Hatepulse "In Extenso Letalis (EP)" '2003, Hazael "Thor" '1994, Heidevolk "Geldersch Volkslied (CDS)" '2004, Heidevolk "De Strijdlust Is Geboren" '2005, Hellishthrone "The Book Of War - Tales Of Forthcoming Battles For The Throne" '2004, Heol Telwen "An Deiz Ruz" '2005, Hills Of Sefiroth "Of Disease And Desperation" '2004, Hills Of Sefiroth "The Neglected Ancestry" '2005, Homicide "Dale Of Lost Souls" '2004, Hornagest "Blask Pioruna" '1998, Hugi "Solarliod" '2005, Human Ground "Human Ground" '2005, In Aeternum "Dawn Of A New Aeon" '2005, In Tha Umbra "Nigrium Nigrius Nigro" '2005, Inquisition "Magnificent Glorification Of Lucifer" '2004, Insidius Infernus "Eyes In Astral Abyss" '2004, Insomnium "In The Halls Of Awaiting" '2002, Iperyt "Particular Hatred (EP)" '2005, Isaz "Reigen Des Todes (Demo)" '1997, Kataxu "Hunger Of Elements" '2005, Kathaarian "Cryptic Temples Of The Ancient Cult" '2005, Kawir "Arai" '2005, Khold "Krek" '2005, Krieg "Forgotten Secrets (Demo)" '2000, Krieg "Sono Lo Scherno" '2005, Krieg "Rise Of The Imperial Hordes" '2001, Krieg "The Black House" '2003, Kriegsmaschine "Altered States Of Divinity" '2005, Kult Ov Azazel "The World, The Flesh & The Devil" '2005, Kvist "For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike" '1996, Kwelhekse "De Vergelding (Demo)" '2001, Lemuria "Tales, Ale And Fire" '2005, Lords Of Decadence "Cognitive Note Of Discord" '2004, Love Lies Bleeding "S.I.N." '2001, Luftwaffe Raid "Empire" '2004, Luna Field "Close To Prime" '2003, Luna Field "Diva" '2005, Lutomysl "Decadence" '2005, Lyfthrasyr "Beyond The Frontiers Of Mortal (Demo)" '2002, Lyfthrasyr "The Final Resurrection" '2005, Malsain "They Never Die" '2005, Malvery "Promo" '1998, Malvery "Mortal Entrenchment In Requiem" '1999, Manegarm "Vredens Tid" '2005, Marduk "Deathmarch Tour (EP)" '2004, Massemord "12 Years Of Mass Murders" '2005, Melechesh "The Ziggurat Scrolls (EP)" '2004, Melencoliam "Areloc, O Reino Do Demonio" '2003, Metsatoll "Terast Mis Hangund Me Hinge" '1999, Minas Morgul "Das Dunkle Reich Des Paganlords (MCD)" '2000, Misfortune "Forsaken" '2000, Morrigan "Enter The Sea Of Flames" '2002, Morrigan "Celts" '2003, Morrigan "Headcult" '2005, Myrkgrav "Fra Fjellheimen Kaller..." '2004, Nachtkult "Der Sieg Des Stolzen Blutes" '2005, Nachtmystium "Eulogy IV (EP)" '2004, Nattefrost "Terrorist - Nekronaut Part II" '2005, Naumachia "Wrathorn" '2004, Necroart "The Opium Visions" '2005, Negura Bunget "Inarborat Kosmos (EP)" '2005, Nidingr "Sorrow Infinite And Darkness" '2005, Nightkarnation "A Stranger In A Strange Land (Demo)" '2002, Nightkarnation "New Flesh (Demo)" '2004, Nightwish "The Siren (CDS)" '2005, Ninnuam "Process Of Life Separation" '2004, Nocte Obducta "Doch Lacheln Die Blutleeren Lippen - Begrabnisvermahlung (Demo)" '1998, Noumena "Absence" '2005, Nyktalgia "Nyktalgia" '2004, Obtained Enslavement "The Shepherd And The Hounds Of" '2000, Obtest "Is Kartos I Karta" '2005, Octinomos "As Long As Evil Stars... (Demo)" '1994, Odroerir "Gotterlieder" '2005, Old Man's Child "Vermin" '2005, Old Wainds "Scalding Coldness" '2005, Old Wainds "Здесь Никогда Не Сходят Снега" '1998, Old Wainds "Через Хаос К Вечной Зиме (Promo)" '1999, Ordo Draconis "When The Cycle Ends (Demo)" '1997, Paimon "Metamorphine" '2005, Peccatum "Amor Fati" '2000, Perunwit "Wszystkie Odcienie Szarosci" '2000, Pesttanz "Verweilt In Eurem Blut (Demo)" '1998, Priestermord "Vernichtungsfeldzug" '1997, Radigost "Nocturne (Rerelease)" '2002, Rain Fell Within "Believe" '1999, Raison D'etre "Lost Fragments" '1998, Raison D'etre "Collective Archives" '1999, Realm Of Carnivora "III - Noblefilth Enigma" '2005, Revenge "Triumph.Genocide.Antichrist" '2003, Reverend Kriss Hades "The Wind Of Orion" '2002, Root "Dema (Compilation)" '2003, Rotting Christ "Satanas Tedeum (Rerelease)" '1989, Sad Legend "Sad Legend" '1998, Sarcoma Inc "The Dark Prophecy" '2005, Sargeist "Tyranny Returns (Rerelease)" '2005, Satanic Blood "Stan Boven Alles (Demo)" '2005, Satanic Warmaster "Carelian Satanist Madness" '2005, Satarial "The Queen Of The Elves' Land" '1999, Satariel "Hydra" '2005, Seigneur Voland "Final Stand (Compilation)" '2003, Siebenburgen "Darker Designs And Images" '2005, Siebenburgen "Loreia" '1997, Sigh "Gallows Gallery" '2005, Skythrone "Saga Of Immortal Heroes" '1997, Slagmark "Eradication" '2005, Slavland "Oddech Swietego Gaju" '2001, Slavland "Zapomniane Kurhany" '2003, Slavland "Szepty Starych Debow" '2004, Sort Vokter "Folkloric Necro Metal" '1996, Sothis "Sothis (MCD)" '2005, Soulgrind "The Origins Of The Paganblood" '2005, Source Of Tide "Blueprints" '2002, Spite Extreme Wing "Magnificat" '2003, Sportlov "Snobollskrieg (EP)" '2002, Sportlov "Offerblod I Vallabod" '2003, Staub "Paranoidies" '2002, Strandhogg "Art Of Satanic And Antichristian Blood (Demo)" '2004, Sunterra "Graceful Tunes" '2005, Svantevith "The Return Of The Ancient Slav (Demo)" '1996, Темнозорь "Folkstorm Of The Azure Nights" '2005, Tenebrae In Perpetuum "Onori Funebri Rituali" '2003, Terror "The Agony Of Wandering Souls (Demo)" '2003, The Arrival Of Satan "Darkness Dealer" '2003, The Black Dahlia Murder "Miasma" '2005, The Call "The Call... (EP)" '2003, The Duskfall "Lifetime Supply Of Guilt" '2005, The Eternal Blade "The Eternal Blade" '2005, The Firstborn "The Unclenching Of Fists" '2005, Thou Art Lord "Orgia Daemonicum" '2005, Thronar "For Death And Glory" '2005, Thy Nemesis "Christcrushing Anthems" '2005, Thy Primordial "The Crowning Carnage" '2002, Thyruz "Develish Devine (Demo)" '2003, Thyruz "Crucifixion Failure (Demo)" '2004, Triumphator "The Ultimate Sacrifice (EP)" '1999, Trollech "Skryti V Mlze Pracovni Verze (EP)" '2005, Twilight "Twilight" '2005, Ulvhedin "Pagan Manifest" '2004, Unlord "Gladiator" '2000, Unlord "Schwarzwald" '1997, Urgehal "Through Thick Fog Till Death" '2003, Urt "Varjuring" '2005, Vanaheim "Helter Og Kongers Fall" '1998, Varathron "Crowsreign" '2005, Velvet Cacoon "Music For Falling Buildings (Demo)" '2001, Verdunkeln "Verdunkeln" '2005, Viking Crown "Unorthodox Steps Of Ritual" '1999, Viking Crown "Inocence From Hell" '2000, Viking Crown "Banished Rhythmic Hate" '2001, Wapenspraak En Drinkgelag "Onder De Banier Van Het Gewei" '2003, Warloghe "The First Procession" '1999, Warloghe "Womb Of Pestilence" '2003, Wigrid "Die Asche Eines Lebens Digipak" '2005, Wigrid "Hoffnungstod" '2002, Winterhorde "In Traditions Of Winter (Demo)" '2004, Wolfsmond "Tollwut" '2005, Wolok "Universal Void (Demo)" '2003, Wykked Wytch "Nefrat" '2004, XIV Dark Centuries "Jul (EP)" '2005, Xasthur "Telepathic With The Deceased" '2004, Xasthur "A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors" '2001, Xasthur "Nocturnal Poisoning" '2002, Xasthur "Suicide In Dark Serenity" '2003, Zalvarinis "Zalio Vario" '2005, Zarathustra "Contempt (EP)" '2005, Zmrok "Blukanni U Ciemry (Demo)" '2003, Abyssic Hate "Bloodless Creations" '1994, Abyssic Hate "Depression" '1995, Abyssic Hate "Life Is A Pain In The Neck" '1996, Abyssic Hate "Betrayed" '1999, Aeba "Im Schattenreich..." '1998, Aeba "The Rising" '1995, Aeba "Flammenmanifest" '1999, Azeroth "Doctrine Of Dark Forest" '1998, Azeroth "Gallery Of Dreams" '1999, Soulreaper "Life Erazer" '2003, Amazarak "Where Hate Begins (MCD)" '2002 (thanks to Ssphinx), Frozen Tears "Kogato Zemiata Plache" '2000 (thanks to northernwind), Gomorrah "Reflections Of Inanimate Matter" '1995, Gomorrah "Caress The Grotesque" '1996, Melechesh "Djinn" '2001, Satariel "Lady Lust Lilith" '1998, Wykked Wytch "Angelic Vengeance" '2001, Abominattion "Doutrine Of False Martyr" '2004, Absorbed "Sunset Bleeding" '1999, Abyssic Hate "Eternal Damnation" '1997, Act Of Grotesque "Inner Mental Disorder" '2005, Aeba "Rebellion - Edens Asche" '2001, Afflicted "Prodigal Sun" '1992, Afflicted "Dawn Of Glory" '1995, Aggression "The Full Treatment" '1987, Amorphis "Disment Of Soul" '1991, Amorphis "Evil Inside" '2003, Andras "Das Schwert Unserer Ahnen" '1999, Angel's Decay "Odiumspace" '2003, Aposthate "First Born Evil" '2004, Arch Enemy "The Doomsday Machine" '2005, Ars Macabra "Daemonolatria Hypnotica" '2003, Aska "Forintelsehymner" '2003, Asschapel "Fire And Destruction" '2003, Azeroth "Live In Polygon" '2001, Black Empire "Into The Jails Of Past" '2005, Black Shadow "Зов Смерти" '2005, Bludgeon "Crucify The Priest" '2002, Born Headless "Headless Henchmen" '2004, Brumalis "Furore Normannorum" '2004, Carnivore Disprosopus "Filled My Stomach With A Pregnant's Corpse" '2004, Catharsis "Proles Florum" '1999, The Chosen "For The Glory Of The Empire" '2004, Chton "Chtonian Lifecode" '2004, Coercion "Lifework" '2003, Corpse "Mortal Terror" '1990, Crucifixia "Opera Pour Un Psychotique" '2004, Cryptic "Once Holy Realm" '2004, Dahmer "Discography" '2003, Darkrise "Massive Retaliation" '2004, Death Du Jour "Fragments Of Perdition" '2004, Debauchery "Rage Of The Bloodbeast" '2004, Deceased "Return To The Evil Side" '2004, Deflorace "Massacre" '2004, Deivos "Hostile Blood" '2003, Demon Child "Shadow Cult" '2002, Demon Realm "A Legend Of Power" '2004, Deny The Urge "Subsequent Confrontation" '2004, Dew Of Nothing "Doubleveird" '1998, Difer Nom Basta "Bloangen" '2003, Downscape "Under The Surface" '2005, Erasmus "Forged For Proof Eterne" '1998, Ewiges Reich "Thron Aus Eis" '2003, Final Breath "Let Me Be Your Tank" '2004, Fistfuck "23 Songs In The Same Hole" '2004, Fuck The Facts "Backstabber Etiquette" '2003, Funereal Moon "Taumogenesis" '2003, Godless "Adricanorom Dumaso" '2004, Godless North "Summon The Age Of Supremacy" '2001, Grenouer "Border Of Misty Times" '1996, Heretical "De Praestigiis Daemonum" '2004, Hordes Of The Lunar Eclipse "Dancing Demons In The Grey-Lit Glade" '2004, Houwitser "Damage Assessment" '2003, Imperious "In Splendor" '2003, Impetigo "All We Need Is Cheez" '1987, Impetigo "Ultimo Mondo Cannibal" '1990, Incantation "Onward To Golgotha" '1992, Infestum "Last Day Before The Endless Night" '2002, Lead Weight "Penetrator" '2002, Lex Talionis "The Supreme Aggression" '2003, Liturgy "Dawn Of Ash" '2004, Lucifugum (ES) "Invade" '2000, Malignum "Mundo De Infierno" '2004, Masokismi "Hapeallinen Siveysoppi" '2004, Master "Faith Is In Season" '1998, Master "Let's Start A War" '2002, Mathyr "Mandraenken" '2004, Melancholy Pessimism "DreamKillers" '2004, Merlin "Deathkoteque" '1997, Merlin "They Must Die" '2000, Merlin "Brutal Constructor" '2004, Molestor "Caged Hate" '2001, Mord "Morde" '2004, Mourning Beloveth "A Murderous Circle" '2005, Natron "Livid Corruption" '2004, Necrost "Conception Of Noise" '2004, Neverlight Horizon "God Of Suffering" '2003, Nightrage "Descent Into Chaos" '2005, Nordvykk "Nordland" '2004, Nosferatos "Ventum Inferum De Tenebrae" '1998, Paroxysm "Revelation Is Denied" '2004, Purgatory "Bestial" '1998, Purgatory "Blessed With Flames Of Hate" '2000, Purgatory "Luciferianism" '2004, Putrid Scum "Putrid Scum" '1999, Resurrected "Faireless To The Flesh" '1999, Resurrected "Butchered In Excrement" '2001, Resurrected "Blood Spilled" '2003, Runemagick "Envenom" '2005, Runemagick "The Supreme Force Ofeternity" '1998, Runemagick "Requiem Of The Apocalypse" '2000, Sanatorium "Internal Womb Cannibalism" '2001, Sanatorium "Fetus Rape" '2003, Sanatorium "Celebration Of Exhumation" '2004, Sinoath "Forged In Blood" '2003, Soils Of Fate "Sandstorm" '2001, Soulreaper "Written In Blood" '2000, Strangulation "Atrocious Retribution" '2004, Thornesbreed "The Splendour Of The Repellent" '2003, Throneaeon "With Sardonic Wrath" '1999, Throneaeon "Godhate" '2003, Tomb "Black Crypt Worship" '2004, Tunrida "Imperial" '2005, Unearthly "Hells' Grief" '2004, Usurper "Diabolosis" '1995, Usurper "Cryptobeast" '2005, Usurper "Necronemesis" '2002, Vultyr "Philosophy Of The Beast" '2004, Yyrkoon "Occult Medicine" '2004 (thanks to Metalian), Hate Forest "The Gates" '2003, Lutomysl "The Challenge (MC)" '2003, Nachtmystium "Holocaust Of Eternity (Demo)" '2000, Satanic Warmaster "...Of The Night" '2004, Velvet Cacoon "Genevieve" '2004, Abyssic Hate "Suicidal Emotions" '2000 (thanks to Neiromonach), Nightwish "Highest Hopes - The Best Of Nightwish" '2005, Obtest "Auka Seniems Dievans" '2002 (thanks to Holod), Root "Zjeveni" '1992, Root "Kargeras" '1995, Root "Black Seal" '2001 (thanks to Meandor), Rotting Christ "Passage To Arcturo" '1991, Rotting Christ "Ade's Winds (Demo)" '1992, Rotting Christ "Dawn Of Iconoclast (EP)" '1991, Rotting Christ "Apokathelosis (EP)" '1993, Rotting Christ "Satanas Tedeum" '1994, Rotting Christ "Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers" '1996, Rotting Christ "A Dead Poem" '1997, Rotting Christ "Mystical Meeting" '1997, Rotting Christ "Der Perfekte Traum (EP)" '1998, Rotting Christ "Sleep Of The Angels" '1999, Rotting Christ "Genesis" '2002 (thanks to Pollux), Amorphis "The Karelian Isthmus" '1992, Amorphis "Privilege Of Evil (EP)" '1993, Amorphis "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" '1994, Amorphis "Black Winter Day (EP)" '1995, Amorphis "Elegy" '1996, Amorphis "My Kantele (EP)" '1997, Amorphis "Isle Of Joy (Bootleg)" '1998, Amorphis "Tuonela" '1999, Amorphis "Story - 10th Anniversary" '2000, Amorphis "Alone (Single)" '2001, Amorphis "Am Universum" '2001, Amorphis "Far From The Sun" '2003 (thanks to Satanist).
19.12.2005 17:32Обсудить Выложены Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy "Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy" '2005, Darkthrone "Under Beskyttelse Av Morke (Rehearsal 1992) (EP)" '2005, Dawn Of Azazel "Sedition" '2005, Dawn Of Relic "Night On Earth" '2005, Destinity "Synthetic Existence" '2005, Devilish Distance "The Black Mountain Call" '2005, Dismal Euphony "Lady Ablaze (EP)" '2000, Dismal Euphony "Spellbound" '1995, Dismal Euphony "Soria Moria Slott" '1996, Dismal Euphony "Autumn Leaves" '1997, Dissection "The Grief Prophecy (Demo)" '1990, Domain "Gat Etemmi" '2002, Dornenreich "Hexenwind" '2005, Dragonlord "Black Wings Of Destiny" '2005, Eisregen "Hexenhaus (MCD)" '2005, Eisregen "Fleischfestival" '1999, Elite "Kampen" '2004, Evil Twin "To Your God" '1999, Evilheart "Dark In Glory" '2004, Evohe "Tellus Mater" '2005, Falchion "Legacy Of Heathens" '2005, Falkenbach "Heralding - The Fireblade" '2005, Falkenbach "Laeknishendr (Demo)" '1995, Fejd "I En Tid Som Var... (Demo)" '2002, Firstborn Evil "Rebirth Of Evil" '1998, Forest "In The Flame Of Glory" '2005, Fortid "Voluspa Part I - Thor's Anger" '2003, Graveland "Fire Chariot Of Destruction" '2005, Graveland "Thousand Swords" '1995, Grim Forest "Sombre Decrepitude (Demo)" '2005, Hell Militia "Canonisation Of The Foul Spirit" '2005, Helrunar "Frostnacht" '2005, Hemnur "Satanic Hellride" '2005, Heresi "Psalm I (MCD)" '2005, Hidden In The Fog "Into The Moonlight's Cold... (Demo)" '1998, Hidden In The Fog "Damokles" '2005, Hidden In The Fog "Abstract Maelstrom Paragon" '2003, Horna "Varjoissa (Demo)" '1995, Horna "Hiidentorni" '1997, Horna "Unmixed Advance Tracks (Promo)" '1998, Horna "Sota (EP)" '1999, Horna "Haudankylmyyden Mailla" '2000, Horna "Sudentaival" '2001, Horna "Risti Ja Ruoska (EP)" '2002, Horna "Viha Ja Viikate (EP)" '2003, Horna "Talismaani (EP)" '2004, Horna "Vuohipaimen (EP)" '2004, Inchiuvatu "Venniri Santu (Live)" '1994, Inchiuvatu "Addisiu" '1997, Inchiuvatu "Piccatu" '2004, Inchiuvatu "Viogna" '2000, Infernum "Farewell" '2005, Isacaarum "Die Verwandlung" '1997, Kadenzza "The Second Renaissance" '2005, Kandor "Sigillum Sanctum Fraternitatis - After Antichrist (Rerelease)" '1999, Kandor "The Nameless Cult" '2001, Karelian Warcry "Kylma Rautainen (Demo)" '2005, Locus Mortis "Inter Uterum Et Loculum" '2005, Lord Belial "Nocturnal Beast" '2005, Lunar Aurora "Elixir Of Sorrow" '2004, Lunar Aurora "Mond" '2005, Manatark "Viimanegi Veri" '2000, Mater Monstifera "Zrozen Z Hoichu" '2005, Mithotyn "Behold The Shields Of Gold (Demo)" '1993, Morbid Execution "Total Devotion (EP)" '2005, Morgart "Die Schlacht (In Acht Sinfonien)" '2005, Mork Gryning "Mork Gryning" '2005, Mork Gryning "Tusen Ar Har Gatt" '1995, Mork Gryning "Return Fire" '1997, Mutiilation "Black Millennium" '2001, Nebelhorn "Utgard (EP)" '2004, Nebelhorn "Gen Helwegs Grund" '2005, Negator "Die Eisernen Verse" '2005, Nehemah "Requiem Tenebrae" '2004, Nehemah "Light Of A Dead Star" '2002, Nokturnal Mortum "To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire" '1999, Norden "Blood On The Sky - Blue Of My Sword (Demo)" '1996, Norden "Glory In Flames" '2000, Nordreich "Skatvals (Demo) (ReRelease)" '2001, Nordreich "Heil'ger Brand" '2004, Northwail "Genesis (Demo)" '2004, Nox Intempesta "Damnanus Dominum" '1999, Pest (DE) "Aera" '2000, Pest (FI) "Hail The Black Metal Wolves Of Belial" '2002, Pest (SE) "In Total Contempt" '2005, Pogrom 1147 "Blind Fury (EP)" '2003, Razor Of Occam "Pillars Of Creation (EP)" '2003, Reign Of Erebus "Humanracist" '2002, Ruins "Spun Forth As Dark Nets" '2005, Salacious Gods "Sunnevot" '2002, Salacious Gods "Askengris" '1999, Salacious Gods "Mutilation (Demo)" '2003, Saltus "Inexploratus Saltus (Rehearsal 1997) (Demo)" '1997, Scars Of Chaos "Daemonic Alchemy" '2005, Secrets Of The Moon "The Exhibitions (EP)" '2005, Skyforger "Semigall's Warchant (Rerelease)" '2005, Solefald "Red For Fire - An Icelandic Od" '2005, Solstafir "I Blodi Og Anda" '2002, Stillhet "Gjemt I Skyggene" '2005, Stiny Plamenu "Rany Cernym Kovem" '2002, Stiny Plamenu "Dive Into The Wastewater... (Compilation)" '2004, Stiny Plamenu "Zelezo Krv_ci" '2005, Tenebrosus "Tenebrosus (Demo)" '2001, Tharaphita "Kui Varjud Polevad (Demo)" '1996, Tharaphita "Raev" '1998, Tharaphita "Primeval Force" '2005, The Meads Of Asphodel "Damascus Steel" '2005, Thyrane "Travesty Of Heavenly Essence" '2005, Thyrane "Symphonies Of Infernality" '1999, Thyrfing "Farsotstider" '2005, Tiwaz "T-Stamped Spear" '2005, Trollfest "Willkommen Folk Tell Drekka Fest!" '2005, Unlight "Inferno" '2005, Valhalla (RU,Ekb) "The Wolfish Nocturne (Demo)" '1999, Vargsang "Throne Of The Forgotten" '2005, Veldraveth "Our Speech Of War" '2005, Vesen "Ugly" '2005, Vinterriket "Der Letzte Winter - Der Ewigkeit Entgegen" '2005, Vordr "II (Demo)" '2005, Within Temptation "Restless (CDS)" '1997, Within Temptation "Mother Earth" '2000, Within Temptation "Ice Queen (MCD)" '2001, Within Temptation "Our Farewell (CDS)" '2001, Within Temptation "Mother Earth (CDS)" '2002, Within Temptation "Ice Queen (MCD) (Rerelease)" '2003, Within Temptation "Running Up That Hill (CDS)" '2004, Within Temptation "Stand My Ground (CDS)" '2004, Within Temptation "Angels (CDS)" '2005, Within Temptation "Memories (EP)" '2005 (thanks to Ssphinx), Dornenreich "Her Von Welken Nachten" '2001 (thanks to PeterPRIEST), Lunar Aurora "Ars Moriendi" '2001 (thanks to Metalian), Lunar Aurora "Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres" '1999, Stiny Plamenu "Blackmetalove Peklo Ve Spine Kanalizacni Vody" '1999 (thanks to Neiromonach), Solstafir "Til Valhallar" '1998 (thanks to Meandor).
15.12.2005 20:33Обсудить Выложены 731 Urkved "731 Urkved (Demo)", Abigail "Ultimate Unholy Death", Abigail "Descending From A Blackened Sky", Agon Origin "Vermination (Demo)", Akercocke "Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone", Anorexia Nervosa "Redemption Process", Anorexia Nervosa "The September (EP)", Archgoat "Angelcunt (Tales Of Desecration) (EP)", Arsis "A Diamond For Disease (EP)", Baltak "Kral Na Dva Svetoj (King Of Two Words)", Baltak "Macedonian Darkness & Evil", Bergthron "Uralte Gedanken (EP)", Bergthron "Jagdheim", Bethlehem "Sardonischer Untergang Im Zeichen Irreligioser Darbietung", Betrayer "Calamity", Beyond Dawn "Pity Love", Bleeding Art "In The Eternal Garden Of Death (Demo)", Blood Haven "Religious Suffocation", Blood Of Christ "...A Dream To Remember", Blood Stained Dusk "Thy Legions Reign Over Christendom", Bloodshed "Blade Eleventh (EP)", Blot Mine "Ashcloud", Borgmester Dahl "Demo'98-99 (Demo)", Borgmester Dahl "Meditatio Mortis (Split)", Brume D'automne "Fiers Et Victorieux", Callenish Circle "Drift Of Empathy", Callenish Circle "Escape (MCD)", Callenish Circle "My Passion Your Pain", Callenish Circle "Pitch Black Effect", Callenish Circle "Flesh Power Dominion", Canopy "Will And Perception (EP)", Cardiac "Autumn Storms", Centinex "Transcend The Dark Chaos (EP)", Centinex "Reflections", Christ Agony "Sacronocturn (Demo)", Christ Agony "Darkside", Christ Agony "Elysium", Christ Agony "Unholyunion", Christ Agony "Epitaph Of Christ", Christ Agony "Daemoonseth Act II", Christ Agony "Moonlight - Act III", Christ Agony "Trilogy", Cold Passion "New Age Architects", Corpus Christii "Master Of (EP)", Corpus Christii "Tormented Belief", Corpus Christii "The Torment Continues" (thanks to Ssphinx), Baltak "Zaginatiot Grad" (thanks to Satanist), Bethlehem "Dictius Te Necare" (thanks to Metalian).
25.11.2005 20:58Обсудить Выложены Cemetary "Phantasma", Centinex "Under The Blackened Sky (EP)", Centinex "Shadowland (EP)", Centinex "Apocalyptic Armageddon (CDS)", Centinex "World Declension", Children Of Bodom "Trashed, Lost & Strungout (EP)", Children Of Bodom "In Your Face (CDS)", Christian Epidemic "Konnyek Konyve / Tome Of Tears", Construcdead "The Grand Machinery", Craft "Fuck The Universe", Crux Dissimulata "Expedition Punitive", Daemonicium "Through Time And Death", Dark Funeral "Attera Totus Sanctus", Dark Opera "Calling The Legend", Dark Storm "Infernal Tyrant", Darkaltar "Christrotten (Demo)", Darkest Hate Warfront "Total Destruction (Demo)", Darkest Hate Warfront "Satanik Annihilation Kommando", Darkestrah "The Way To Paganism (EP)", Deathspell Omega "Kenose", Demiurg (PL) "From The Throne Of Darkness", Deneb "A Path Without Destination", Devilish Era "Under The Aegis Of The Megathropist (Demo)", Dies Ater "Reign Of Tempests", Dimmu Borgir "Stormblast (Rerelease)", Draconian "Arcane Rain Fell", Drama "Silver Brilliance Of Nocticula", Dusk "The Darksoul's Scream", Eblis "And Our Time Announces Black", Eclipse Eternal "Reign Of The Unholy Blackened Empire", End "End II", Endstille "Navigator", Enid "Nachtgedanken", Enid "Abschiedsreigen", Enid "Gradwanderer", Enid "Der Tag Zur Nacht Sich Senkt... (EP)", Enslavement Of Beauty "Megalomani", Farsot "042103Freitod (Demo)", Fearbringer "Le Notti Del Peccato", Feindbild Mensch "Demo", Fenris "Ordeal", Flamma Aeterna "Forever Inferno (Demo)", Forest Of Fog "Rabenflug (Demo)", Forest Of Fog "Untergang", Forest Of Fog "Nebelhymnen", Forgotten Darkness "Krieg Des Winterleids (Demo)", Forgotten Darkness "Nacht Aus Blut", Forgotten Silence "Thots", Forgotten Tomb "Love's Burial Ground", Forgotten Woods "Sjel Av Natten (EP)", Front Beast "Walpurgisnacht (Demo)" (thanks to Ssphinx), Cemetary "Black Vanity", Cemetary "Sundown", Cemetary "Last Confessions" (thanks to Neiromonach), Drama "Winds Choir Opera" (thanks to Metalian).
23.11.2005 17:49Обсудить Выложены Bak De Syv Fjell "Rehearsal (Demo)", Barad Dur "Land Ohne Gotter (Demo)", Barad Dur "Dunkelheit", Barad Dur "Gold Oder Blut", Beleth "Bleeding In Suizide (Demo)", Belinus "Battlechants (Demo)", Bergthron "Verborgen In Den Tiefen Der Walder", Bergthron "Wotanskult", Bergthron "Faust Fur Faust", Between The Frost "Between The Frost (Demo)", Bilskirnir "For Victory We Ride (Demo)", Bilskirnir "...Bis Germanien Erwacht (Demo)", Bilskirnir "Feuerzauber (Demo)", Bilskirnir "In Flames Of Purification", Bilskirnir "Vorvater (Demo)", Bilskirnir "Avatismus Des Glaubens", Bilskirnir "Ahnenerbe (EP)", Black Circle "The Distant Winds...", Black Death Ritual "Profound Echoes Of The End", Blackcrowned "Immortality", Blackdeath "Satan Macht Frei", Blazemth "For Centuries Left Behind (EP)", Blazemth "Fatherland (EP)", Blind Stare "Symphony Of Delusions", Blood Storm "Sirian Storm", Blutaar "Sklaventod Fur Verrat", Bombensturm "Machtwerk", Bornholm "Awakening Of The Ancient Ones (Demo)", Bornholm "...On The Way Of The Hunting Moon", Branikald "Winterkald", Burzum "Draugen (Compilation)", By Brute Force "Rituals Of Death", Catamenia "Morning Crimson" (обновлён) (thanks to Ssphinx).
14.10.2005 20:48Обсудить Выложены 1349 "Hellfire", Aaaarrghh "Ruhlar Fsldyor", Aaskereia "Aus Dem Vereisten Unterholz... (Demo)", Aaskereia "...Mit Dem Eid Unserer Ahnen Begann Der Sturm... (EP)", Abhorer "Rumpus Of The Undead (Demo)", Absurd "Facta Loquuntur", Absurd "Blutgericht", Abusiveness "Krzyk Witu", Ad Hominem "Omnes Ad Unum (Demo)", Aes Dana "Formors", Agatus "Dawn Of Martyrdom", Agmen "Damnation", Ahriman "The Return Of The Black Feelings (Demo)", Ahriman "...From The Dark Nature", Ahriman "Promo", Ahriman "Naturegate", Alatyr "Agoj (Demo)", Algol "Gorgunus Aura", Alkonost "Between The Worlds", Amarok "Unholy Uprising (Demo)", Amon Hen "Mephistopheles", Anaboth "Nie Czas Pomiotow (Demo)", Ancalagon "First Age: Entering Legenda" (обновлён), Ancient Wisdom "For Snow Covered The Northland", Ancient Wisdom "...And The Physical Shape Of Light Bled", Andras "...Of Old Wisdom", Angantyr "Nordens Stolte Krigere (Demo)", Animal Hate "Bells Of Acheron", Antiphrasis "Gutsfuck", Apostasy "Devilution", Arcturus "Aspera Hiems Symfonia (EP)", Arcturus "Constellation (EP)", Arcturus "Disguised Masters (Compilation)", Arcturus "Sideshow Symphonies", Argentum "Un Interitum Funebrarum", Arkona (PL) "Bogowie Zapomnienia (Demo)", Arkona (PL) "Imperium", Arkona (RU) "Лепта", Arkona (RU) "Возрождение", Arkona (RU) "Во Славу Великим!", Ashes You Leave "Desperate Existance", Ashes You Leave "The Passage Back To Life", Ashes You Leave "The Inheritance Of Sin And Shame", Astrofaes "Those Whose Past Is Immortal", Atomizer "The Only Weapon Of Choice - 13 Odes To Power, Decimation And Conquest", Aura Noir "The Merciless", Aurora "Eos", Averse Sefira "Tetragrammatical Astygmata", Azaghal "Helwettilainen (EP)", Azaghal "Codex Antitheus", Azazel "Ride Through The Horizon", Azhubham Haani "Total Evil (Demo)" (thanks to Ssphinx), Arkona (PL) "Zeta Reticuli (A Tale About Hatred And Enslavement)", Aurora "Sadiam" (thanks to Metalian), Astrofaes "The Eyes Of The Beast", Astrofaes "Ancestors' Shadows" (thanks to Holod).
29.08.2005 12:31Обсудить Выложены Siebenburgen "Darker Designs And Images (Digipak)" (thanks to Ssphinx), BlutEngel "Child Of Glass", BlutEngel "Angel Dust", BlutEngel "Seelenschmerz" (thanks to Neiromonach).
26.07.2005 21:28Обсудить Выложены Magog "Magog", Magog "Weisheit Und Ahnenkult", Magog "Artglauben", Magog (SE) "Kingdom Of Odin (Demo)", Manatark "Chaos Engine", Meshuggah "Catch 33", Minas Tirith "Dissertatio Prophetae", Morrigan "Plague, Waste And Death", Nae'blis "Beyond The Light", Nae'blis "Dark Tunes Of Depression (Demo)", Naglfar "Pariah", Naglfar "We Are Naglfar - Fuck You! (Promo)", Naglfar "Stellae Trajectio (Demo)", Nebiros "Jan Skalla (Demo)", Necrophagia "Harvest Ritual Vol. I", Nocte Obducta "Nektar Teil 2: Seen, Flusse, Tagebucher", Nokturnal Mortum "Мировоззрение", Nomans Land "Hammerfrost", Nordafrost "Dominus Frigoris", Novembers Fall "Broken Memories", Oathean "Fading Away Into The Grave Of Nothingness", Octimonos "Welcome To My Planet", Ondskapt "Dodens Evangelium", Pagan Reign "Отблески Славы И Возрождение Былого Величия", Pagan Reign "Уделы Былой Веры", Pagan Reign "Древние Воины", Perditor "In Signo Suo (EP)", Primordial "The Gathering Wilderness", Rain "Starlight Extinction", Realm Of Carnivora "Verised Relvad - Bloody Weapons", Realm Of Carnivora "Katk (Demo)", Rutthna "Doomsdaylight", Sacramentum "Thy Black Destiny", Sacrist "Symphonies Of Ancient Empires", Salacious Gods "Piene", Sanguis "Infernum Infinitum", Sanguis "Chaosgate Guardians", Shall Suffer The Eclipse "A Walk In The Path Of Morbid Existence (Demo)", Sigh "Scorn Defeat", Sigh "Ghastly Funeral Theatre (EP)", Solefald "Jernlov (Demo)", Sturmgeist "Meister Mephisto", Sturmprophet "Sturm Der Propheten (Demo)", Suidakra "Lupine Essence", Summon "Fallen", Svarrogh "Lady Vitosha", Svartkraft "Den Onda Pesten", Sykdom "Intet Liv", Systral "Black Smoker", Taake "...Doedeskvad", Tangorodrim "Unholy Metal Way", Tangorodrim "Those Who Unleashed", Taunusheim "Nebelkampfe", The Elysian Fields "Suffering G.O.D. Almighty", Thirdmoon "Grotesque Autumnal Weepings", Thirdmoon "Aquis Submersus", Thirdmoon "Sworn Enemy Heaven", Trail Of Tears "Freefall Into Fear", Trail Of Tears "Disclosure In Red", Trollech "Ve Hvozdech", Trollech "Syvone Lesu", Trollech "V Rachotu Hromu", Unholy Matrimony "Love & Death", Unholy Matrimony "Misologie", Unnamed "Black Monk (Demo)", Urgehal "Atomkinder", Urgehal "Arma Christi", Vesania "God The Lux", Vinterriket "Winterschatten", Vintersemestre "Jaaverisaatana (MCD)", Vintersemestre "Kirkkokyrpa", Windir "Arntor" (обновлён), Within Temptation "The Silent Force", Wyrd "Heathen", Wyrd "Huldrafolk", Wyrd "Vargtimmen Pt.I", Wyrd "Wrath And Revenge (Compilation)", Wyrd "Vargtimmen Pt.II", Wyrd "Rota", Xibalba "Ah Dzam Poop Ek" (thanks to Ssphinx), Primordial "The Burning Season", Primordial "A Journey's End" (thanks to Metalian), Sigh "Hail Horror Hail", Suidakra "Lays From Afar", Vinterriket "Finsternis", Vinterriket "Gjennom Takete Skogen (Demo)", Vinterriket "Det Svake Lys (EP)", Vinterriket "Storme Der Letzten Stille (Demo)", Windir "Det Gamle Riket (Demo)" (thanks to Neiromonach), Trail Of Tears "A New Dimension Of Might" (thanks to Pollux).
25.07.2005 22:17Обсудить Выложены Elvira Madigan "Wiccan Aftermath", Elvira Madigan "Witches - Salem (1692vs2001)", Enthroned "Apocalypse Manifesto", Far Beyond "Bleeding Rose (Demo)", Far Beyond "An Angel's Requiem", Fiendish Nymph "The Sibyl Of Elikona (Single)", Finnugor "Death Before Dawn", Fjoergyn "Ernte Im Herbst", Folkearth "A Nordic Poem", Fullmoon "United Aryan Evil (1995 Rerelease) (Demo)", Gallhammer "Gloomy Lights", Gassturm "Messerkampf", Gehenna "WW", Godless Cruelty "Ungod Of Cruelty (Demo)", Gorbalrog "Untergang", Havohej "Black Perversion (EP)", Heidentum "Lughnasa (Demo)", Helheim "Nidr Ok Nordr Riggr Helvegr (Demo)", Himinbjorg "Europa", Horna "Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaa", Ibex Throne "Ibex Throne", Ibex Throne "D.E.A.D. / Transcend The Darkness", Immortal "Suffocate (Demo)", Inquisition "Invoking The Majestic Throne Of Satan", Insignium "In Die Abgrunde", Kaltetod "Von Kerkern Und Ruinen", Kamaedzitca "Дзецi Леса", Leviathan "Tentacles Of Whorror", Lik "Ma Ljuset Aldrig Na Oss Mer", Loits "Meeste Muusika EP", Lumsk "Troll" (thanks to Ssphinx), Nile "Annihilation Of The Wicked", Avulsed "Eminence In Putrescence" (thanks to George), Branikald "Stormheit", Branikald "To Kampf". Leviathan "Shrouded By Fog" (thanks to Neiromonach), Lumsk "Aasmund Froegdegjevar" (thanks to Ratatosk).
21.07.2005 21:38Обсудить Выложены Amortis "Gift Of Tongues", Ancient Rites "Evil Prevails (EP)", Angantyr "Endelos (Demo)", Angantyr "Kampen Fortsaetter (Reissue)", Angantyr "Sejr", Arch Enemy "Black Earth", Ashen Light "Причащение Огнём", Audiopain "The Traumatizer", Azaghal "Kyy (EP)", Battlelore "Third Age Of The Sun", Beatrik "Requiem Of December", Belinus "Battlechants", Capricornus "Alone Against All", Carpathian Forest "Skjend Hans Lik (Compilation)", Catamenia "Demo (Demo)", Catamenia "Winds (Demo)", Catamenia "Winternight Tragedies", Centinex "Malleus Maleficarum", Centinex "Bloodhunt (EP)", Centinex "Prophecies Of Cosmic Chaos", Cobolt 60 "Meat Hook Ballet", Code "Nouveau Gloaming", Crimson Moonlight "Veil Of Remembrance", Cryptic Wintermoon "Of Shadows... And The Dark...", Darzamat "Semi Devilish", Demonic "Lead Us Into Darkness (EP)", Demons Of Guillotine "Beastiary", Diabolicum "The Killing Spree", Disiplin "Anti-Life", Drudkh "Forgotten Legends", Drudkh "The Swan Road Vinyl, (thanks to Ssphinx), Carpathian Forest "Through Chasm, Caves And Titan Woods", Cryptic Wintermoon "The Age Of Cataclysm" (thanks to Satanist), Carpathian Forest "We're Going To Hell For This" (thanks to Pollux), Centinex "Reborn Throgh Flames", Centinex "Diabolical Desolation" (thanks to Meandor), Drudkh "Autumn Aurora (Promo)" (thanks to Neiromonach).
20.07.2005 20:55Обсудить Выложены Aaskereia "Zwischen Den Welten (EP)", Acheron "Xomaly (EP)", Ad Hominem "A New Race For A New World", Ad Hominem "Climax Of Hatred", Aes Dana "La Chasse Sauvage", Akitsa "Goetie", Akitsa "Sang Nordique", Akitsa "Totale Servitude (Demo Re-Release)" (thanks to Ssphinx), Akitsa "Soliel Noir (Demo)" (thanks to Neiromonach).
07.06.2005 21:24Обсудить Работы по переносу данных завершены. Сервер работает в нормальном режиме. Отныне под хранилище MP3 файлов отведён жёсткий диск объёмом 300Gb.
03.06.2005 21:07Обсудить В связи с проведением работ по перенесению mp3 файлов на новый диск, возможна временная недоступность mp3 файлов для скачивания.
24.05.2005 16:48Обсудить Выложены Kult Ov Azazel "Oculus Infernum", Suidakra "Command To Charge", Subliritum "Dark Prophecies" (thanks to Ssphinx).
23.05.2005 11:50Обсудить Выложены Adorned Brood "Wigand", Anima Damnata "Agonizing Journey Through The Burning Universe And Transcendental Ritual Of Transfiguration", Baskiria "Revisar (Demo)", Cynicon "Cybernetic", Eternal Sin "Christ's False Torments", Weltbrand "Radience Of A Thousand Suns" (thanks to Ssphinx).
14.05.2005 14:21Обсудить В понедельник, 16 мая, в связи с аппаратным и программным апгрейдом, возможны продолжительные отключения сервера и недоступность некоторых сервисов.
11.05.2005 13:20Обсудить Выложены Setherial "Nord", Setherial "Lords Of The Nightrealm", Setherial "Hell Eternal" (thanks to Ssphinx).
22.04.2005 21:08Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены: Ambrazura "Storm In Your Brains", Apocryphal "In Labyrinth Of Time", Apokefale "Interior Chaos", Artemesia "Apocryphal", Ashen Light "Песнь Велеса (Re-Release)", Atra Mustum "Black Autumn", Barbarity "The Wish To Bleed", Capitollium "Symphony Of Possession", Demiurg "Bastinado", Dialectic Soul "Dialectic Soul", Dommedagssalme "Dommedagssalme", Gods Tower "Abandon All Hope", Goliard "Artissimae Tenebrae", Grenouer "The Odour O'Folly", Holy Blood "Волны Танцуют", Miscreant "Inside The Beyond", Miscreant "Occult Philosophy", Miscreant "Oppressive", Molot Vedim "Asylum", Reunion "Stream Of Hate", Sinful "Омут", Хвангур "Кровь И Пепел" (thanks to Metalian). Выложены Absemia "Morbopraxis", Bethlehem "Dark Metal", Bethlehem "Mein Weg", Dark Legion "Eternity Of Nothing", Disgorge "Chronic Corpora Infest", Goreopsy "Co. -Ed Killer", Mixomatosis "Recuento De Cadaveres", Oxidised Razor "La Realidad Es Sangrienta", Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis "Satyrlasis And Nymphomania", Roots Of Rot "Hated Flesh" (thanks to Metalian), Norther "Solution 7" (thanks to FightWindeR), Within Temptation "The Dance" (thanks to George).
29.03.2005 11:50Обсудить Выложены Within Temptation "Enter", Within Temptation "Mother Earth" (thanks to AesirLoki), Темнозорь "Ведовством Крепка Чёрная Слава Руси", Темнозорь "Sorcery Of Fragments" (thanks to Ssphinx).
15.03.2005 15:35Обсудить Выложены Winter "Hour Of Doom (Demo)", Disembowelment "Dusk" (thanks to Metalian), Nokturnal Mortum "Weltanschauung", To Separate The Flesh From The Bones "Utopia Sadistica", To Separate The Flesh From The Bones "For Those About To Rot", Vader "The Beast (Promo)".
14.03.2005 19:00Обсудить Выложены Alastor Sanguinary Embryo "D.E.M.O.N.", Anael "Page (Promo)", Anata "Bury Forever The Garden Of Lie (Demo)", Another Kind Of Death "Unfinished (Promo)", Aryadeva "Invoking The Ancient Forces (Promo)", Bloodaxe "Bloodthrone", Bloodline "Werewolf Training", Calvarium "The Skull Of Golgotha", Clandestine Blaze "Night Of The Unholy Flames", Clandestine Blaze "Fist Of The Northern Destroyer", Count De Nocte "Carpe Noctum", Destinity "In Excelsis Dementia", Dies Ater "Rabenflug (Demo)", Drawn "Plan Be (MCD)", Equilibrium "Turis Fratyr", Frost "Cursed Again", Frost "Talking To God", Funeris Nocturnum "Pure Satanic Blasphemy", Funeris Nocturnum "From The Aspect Of Darkly Illuminated", Funeris Nocturnum "Code 666 : Religion Syndrome Deceased", Glittertind "Mellom Bakkar Og Berg", Glittertind "Evige Asatro", Goat Of Mendes "Hymn To One Ablaze", Goat Of Mendes "A Book Of Shadows", Heulend Horn "The Saga Of The Draugr", Hordes Of Loki "Resurrected Pride Once Lost (Demo)", Hrossharsgrani "In The Mystic Forest (Demo)", Hyrmundsgard "Heil Dem Herren Neuer Landen", Kayzen "Irremediable (Promo)", Korpiklaani "Voice Of Wilderness", Lucifugum "Нахристихрящях" (обновлён), Metsatoll "Hiiekoda", Mz 412 "In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Lucifieri Excelsi", Mz 412 "Burning The Temple Of God", Nerthus "Black Medieval Art", Reign Of Erebus "Inversion Principle", Rivendell "Poems Of Mountains And Forests (Demo)", Secrets Of The Moon "Stronghold Of The Inviolables", Shining "Angst", The Ancient's Rebirth "Damnated Hell's Arrival", The Equinox Ov The Gods "Where Angels Dare Not Tread", Thronar "Promo", Thrudvangar "Ahnenthron", Thus Defiled "Through The Impure Veil Of Dawn", Thus Defiled "Wings Of The Nightstorm", Thy Worshiper "Popiot", Weeping Birth "A Painting Of Raven And Rape", Winter Solstice "The Fall Of Rome", Векша "На Пороге Ночи", Нахема "Если Горит Полночная Звезда" (thanks to Ssphinx), Anata "The Infernal Depths Of Hatred", Anata "Dreams Of Death And Dismay", Anata "Under A Stone With No Inscription" (thanks to Pollux).
05.03.2005 17:16Обсудить Выложены The Ancient's Rebirth "Drain The Portal In Blood", Apocalyptica "Apocalyptica", Behemoth "Demigod", Rossomahaar "Grotesque", Shining "Within Deep Dark Chambers", Vader "Blood (EP)".
04.03.2005 12:54Обсудить Выложены Lucifugum "Gates Of Nocticula (Demo)", Lucifugum "Path Of Wolf", Lucifugum "...А Колесо Все Скрипит...", Lucifugum "Instinct Prevelance (2 Demos Re-release)", Lucifugum "...Back To Chopped Down Roots", Lucifugum "On Hooks To Pieces!" (thanks to Ssphinx), Lucifugum "Нахристихрящях".
26.01.2005 11:37Обсудить Выложены Penumbra "Seclusion" (thanks to AesirLoki), Nachtmystium "Reign Of The Malicious", Nachtmystium "Demise", Nargaroth "Geliebte Des Regens", Nargaroth "Herbstleyd", Nargaroth "Rasluka Part II", Nastrond "Age Of Fire", Necromicon "Realm Of Silence", Nephenzy "Where Death Becomes Art", Nerthus "Escape From Suction", Nocte Obducta "Nektar Teil 1: Zwulf Monde, Eine Hand Voll Traume", Noctiferia "Per Aspera", Nokturnal Mortum "Eleven Years Among The Sheep", Nordor "Nordorian Manifestations", Odinn "Allfader", Opera IX "Anphisbena", Operation Winter Mist "Winter Warfare II", Ordo Draconis "The Wing And The Burden", Otargos "Codex 666", Parnassus "In Doloriam Gloria", Pervertum "Creature Of Ungod", Pessimist "Cult Of The Initiated", Pest "Blasphemy Is My Throne (MCD)", Profanatica "As Tears Of Blood Stain The Altar Of Christ (EP)", Riger "Gjallar", Sacramentum "The Coming Of Chaos", Sacramentum "Far Away From The Sun", Samael "Reign Of Light (Promo)", Sanctifica "Spirit Of Purity", Sanctimonious Order "Thy Kingdom", Sear Bliss "Glory And Perdition", Sear Bliss "Forsaken Symphony", Serpentia "Nails Enigma", Shining "IV - The Eerie Cold", Shining Of Kliffoth "Suicide Kings (EP)", Sigrblot "Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest)", Siniac "Timeless Gatherings", Sonata Arctica "Reckoning Night", Sorhin "At Fanders Med Ljusets Skapels (EP)", Subterranean Masquerade "Temporary Psychotic State (EP)", Supreme Khaos Rising "Dawn Of A Black Sun", Sycronomica "Paths", Tartaros "The Grand Psychotic Castle", Tartaros "Red Jewel", The Legion "Awakened Fury (EP)", The Legion "Unseen To Creation", Thirst "Per Aspera Ad Astra", Thorns "Thorns (Rerelease)", Thou Art Lord "Eosforos", Thou Art Lord "Apollyon (The Church Of War)", Throne Of Ahaz "Nifelheim", Thunderbolt "Inhuman Ritual Massmurder", Thy Disease "Cold Skin Obsession", Thy Disease "Neurotic World Of Guilt", Tormentor "Recipe Ferrum", Trifixion "The First And The Last Commandment", Tsjuder "Desert Northern Hell", Tsjuder "Kill For Satan", Tsjuder "Demonic Possession", Tsjuder "Possessed (Demo)", Tsjuder "Throne Of The Goat (EP)", Tsjuder "Atum Nocturnem (Promo)", Turisas "The Heart Of Turisas (EP)", Turisas "Battle Metal", Tyr "Eric The Red", Ulcus "Cherish The Obscure", Uranus "Heathendome", Valhalla "Hail To The Fallen Majesty", Valhalla "Winterbastard", Varathron "Genesis Of Apocryphal Desire (Demo)", Varathron "Walpurgisnacht", Varathron "The Lament Of Gods (EP)", Vargulf "Invading The Throne", Venedae "Siedem Kamiennych Oblicz", Vergelmer "Light The Black Flame", Vidsyn "On Frostbitten Path Beneath (Demo)", Viggen "Demo 1666", Viking Crown "Unorthodox Steps Of Ritual", Viking Crown "Innocence From Hell", Viking Crown "Banished Rhythmic Hate", Vindsval "Imperium Grotesque", Vintersorg "The Focusing Blur", Vreid "Kraft", Woods Of Ypres "Pursuit Of The Sun And Allure Of The Earth", Zephyrous "Entrance And Wandering On The Seven Zones" (thanks to Ssphinx), Samael "Into The Infernal Storm Of Evil (Demo)", Samael "Medieval Prophecy (EP Demo)", Samael "Macabre Operetta", Samael "Blood Ritual", Samael "Ceremony Of Opposites", Samael "Rebellion", Samael "Passage", Samael "Exodus", Samael "Eternal" (thanks to Pollux), Samael "Worship Him" (обновлён) (thanks to Satanist), Sear Bliss "Phantoms", Sear Bliss "The Pagan Winter", Sear Bliss "The Haunting", Sear Bliss "Grand Destiny", Sorhin "Apokalypsens Angel", Varathron "His Majesty At The Swamp" (thanks to Metalian), After Forever "Decipher" (обновлён), After Forever "Prision Of Desire", Tristania "Ashes (Promo)", Windir "Valfar, Ein Windir".
24.01.2005 19:59Обсудить Выложены Joyless "Unlimited Hate", Krohm "A World Through Dead Eyes", Darkestrah "Sary Oy", Legion Of Sadism "The Strongest Force Of Hell", Legion Of Sadism "Auf Gedeih And Verderb", Lifthrasil "Vor Dem Sturm", Luciferi Excelsi "Heiliger Krieg", Mago De Oz "La Danza Del Fuego (Single)", Mago De Oz "Belfast", Malignant Eternal "Tarnet", Malleus Maleficarum "Taedium Vitae", Maniac Butcher "Immortal Death (Demo)", Maniac Butcher "Krvestreb", Maniac Butcher "Cerna Krev", Marduk "Plague Angel", Merciless "The Awakening (EP)", Meshuggah "I (EP)", Meshuggah "Chaosphere", Messe Noire "Exil Interieur", Mindgrinder "Mindtech", Mithotyn "Gathered Around The Oaken Table" (обновлён), Mjolnir "Hinweg Uber Die Tore Der Zeit", Mock "Vinterlandet (EP)", Moonsorrow "Verisaekeet (Promo)", My Infinite Kingdom "Ecstasies Over Dreaming Lady", Mysticum "Wintermass (Demo)", Mysticum "In The Streams Of Inferno", Mysticum "Demons Never Sleep" (thanks to Ssphinx), Der Gerwelt "Human Breed", Mind Eclipse "Chaos Chronicles" (thanks to Metalian).
20.01.2005 17:53Обсудить Выложены Absurd "Death From The Forest (Demo)", Absurd "Thuringian Pagan Madness (EP)", Absurd "Totenlieder", Akercocke "Rape Of The Bastard Nazarene", Akercocke "Choronzon", Alghazanth "The Polarity Axiom", Andhrimnir "Winter Blasphemies (EP)", Arathorn "...Niemals Kroenender Als Was Einst War", Arckanum "Trulen (Demo)", Arckanum "Fran Marder", Arckanum "Kostogher", Arckanum "Boka Vm Kaos (Ep)", Ases "Relics Of The Past", Azaghal "Perkeleen Luoma", Bathory "Hellas Salutes The Vikings, A Tribute To", Blind Stare "Once A True Story (Demo)", Blodsrit "Helveteshymner", Blodsrit "Secrets Unveiled (MCD)", Crom "The Fallen Beauty (EP)", Cultus Sanguine "Shadows Blood", Dark Tranquillity "Character (Promo)", Dissection "Maha Kali (EP)", Dissection "Into Infinite Obscurity", Drawn "A New World?", Elysium "Deadline", Enslaved "Isa", Enthroned "XES Haereticum", Enthroned "Towards The Skullthrone Of Satan", Enthroned "Armoured Bestial Hell", Evemaster "Lacrimae Mundi", Evemaster "Wither", Fluisterwoud "Langs Galg En Rad", Frozen Shadows "Hantises", Garwall "Abyssus Abyssum Invocat (EP)", Garwall "Black Beast", Gorgoroth "Last Tormentor (EP)", Graveworm "(N)Utopia (Promo)", Grimoire "A Requiem For The Light", Ha Lela "Pabudimas", Heroic Flame "Duke Of Koln (Single)", Hetroertzen "Across The Misty Gardens", Hin Onde "Ahti's Depth (Demo)", Hin Onde "Fiery September Fire (EP)", In Battle "Welcome To The Battlefield", Isenburg "Erzgebirge" (thanks to Ssphinx), Absurd "Beyond The Dawn (Promo)" (thanks to Metalian), Bathory "Hammerheart", Bathory "Twilight Of The Gods", Bathory "Blood On Ice" (thanks to Pollux), Blodsrit "Supreme Misanthropy", Blodsrit "Ocularis Infernum".
19.01.2005 21:45Обсудить Осуществлён апгрейд жёсткого диска с 120Gb на 200Gb. По всей видимости, в ближайшее время будет произведено выкладывание довольно большого количества материала.
14.01.2005 15:58Обсудить Выложены Dorn "Suriel", Mystic Circle "Damien", Rivendell "The Ancient Glory" (thanks to Ssphinx).
03.12.2004 19:32Обсудить Выложены Phlebotomized "Skycontact" (thanks to Metalian), Alastis "Revenge" (thanks to AesirLoki), Alastis "Unity", Throne Of Chaos "Loss Angeles", Tiamat "The Sleeping Beauty", Tiamat "Gaia" (thanks to Pollux).
12.11.2004 18:14Обсудить Выложены Kovenant "Animatronic", Kovenant "In Times Before The Light (Re-Release)" (thanks to Pollux), Midwinter "Astral Mirrors", Ophthalamia "Dominion", Pagan Winter "In The Shadowlands", Panzerchrist "Roomservice" (thanks to Ssphinx).
20.10.2004 15:54Обсудить Выложены Ajattara "Tyhjyys", Anaal Nathrakh "Domine Non Es Dignus (Promo)", Anorexia Nervosa "Redemption Process", Countess "Heilig Vuur", Darkest Oath "Paradise Of The Infernal Torment (EP)", Darkthrone "Sardonic Wrath" (обновлён), Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Samurai (Promo)", Satyricon "Intermezzo II", (thanks to Ssphinx), Evol "The Saga Of The Horned King", Evol "Dreamquest", Evol "Ancient Abbey", Evol "Portraits" (thanks to Pollux).
29.09.2004 18:42Обсудить Выложены Ad Inferna "L`empire Des Sens", Cannibal Corpse "Live Cannibalism", Cannibal Corpse "Worm Infested", Cannibal Corpse "The Wretched Spawn" (thanks to Pollux), Gates Of Ishtar "The Dawn Of Flames", Gates Of Ishtar "At Dusk And Forever" (thanks to Ssphinx), Bal-Sagoth "A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria" (thanks to Metalian).
21.09.2004 16:18Обсудить Выложены Alghazanth "Subliminal Antenora", Ancient "Eerily Howling Winds (Demo)", Ancient "Det Glemte Riket EP", Ancient "Svartalvheim", Ancient "Trolltaar (MCD)", Ancient "The Cainian Chronicle", Ancient "Det Glemte Riket", Ancient "The Halls Of Eternity", Ancient Ceremony "Cemetary Visions (MCD)", Ancient Ceremony "Under Moonlight We Kiss", Ancient Ceremony "Fallen Angel's Symphony", Heidenreich "A Death Gate Cycle", Manegarm "Vargaresa (Demo)", Manegarm "Ur Nattvindar (Demo)", Manegarm "Havets Vargar", (thanks to Ssphinx), Alghazanth "Thy Aeons Envenomed Sanity", Brutal Truth "Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses", Brutal Truth "Perpetual Conversion", Brutal Truth "Need To Control", Brutal Truth "Kill Trend Suicide", Brutal Truth "Live In Auckland (Bootleg)", Brutal Truth "Goodbye Cruel World!", Heidenreich "Trance Of An Unholy Union" (thanks to Satanist), Alghazanth "Osiris-Typhon Unmasked" (thanks to Pollux), Dark Tranquillity "Exposures - In Retrospect And Denial".
17.09.2004 15:42Обсудить Выложены Aaskereia "Mit Raben Und Wolfen", Akhenaton "Divine Symphonies", Arkhon Infaustus "Hell Injection", Bethzaida "LXXVIII", Handful Of Hate "Vicecrown" Infernal Gates "From The Mist Of Darkwaters", Ved Buens Ende "Written In Waters", Ved Buens Ende "Those Who Caress The Pale" (thanks to Ssphinx).
16.09.2004 15:09Обсудить Выложены Abused Majesty "Serpenthrone", Blood Stain Child "Mystic Your Heart", Negator "Old Black", Nyseius "Lueur D'une Lune Morte (Demo)", Obscene Eulogy "Defining Hate - The Truth Undead", Sentenced "The Cold White Light", Solefald "The Linear Scaffold", Solefald "Pills Against The Ageless Ills", Solefald "In Harmonia Universali" (thanks to Ssphinx), Sentenced "North From Here", Sentenced "Amok", Sentenced "Love And Death (EP)", Sentenced "Down", Sentenced "Frozen", Sentenced "Crimson", Solefald "Neonism" (thanks to Satanist), Sentenced "Shadows Of The Past", Sentenced "Story: A Recollection" (thanks to Metalian).
15.09.2004 18:26Обсудить Выложены Apokrypha "To The Seven", Gloomy Grim "Blood, Monsters, Darkness", Gloomy Grim "Life", Gloomy Grim "Written In Blood", Wintersun "Wintersun" (thanks to Ssphinx),
14.09.2004 18:34Обсудить Выложен Skymning "Stormchoirs" (thanks to Ssphinx).
10.09.2004 13:08Обсудить Выложены Acheron "Tribute To The Devil's Music", Ad Hominem "Planet Zog - The End", Allegiance "Hymns Of Blod", Astarte "Doomed Dark Years", Astarte "Rise From Within", Astarte "Quod Superius Sicut Inferius", Astarte "Dancing In The Dark Lakes Of Evil (EP)", Astarte "Sirens", Behexen "Rituale Satanum", Behexen "By The Blessing Of Satan", Bestial Mockery "Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw", Bestial Mockery "Evoke The Desecrator", Dark Age "Dark Age", Darkwoods My Betrothed "Heirs Of The Northstar", Darkwoods My Betrothed "Autumn Roars Thunder", Darkwoods My Betrothed "Witch-Hunts", Darkwoods My Betrothed "Dark Aureoles Gathering (Re-Release)", Dimmu Borgir "Inn I Evighetens Morke", Gehenna "Ancestor Of The Darkly Sky", Gorgoroth "A Sorcery Written In Blood (Demo)", Gorgoroth "Promo '1994", Hate Forest "Scythia", Hate Forest "Blood And Fire Ritual", Hate Forest "The Most Ancient Ones (Compilation)", Hate Forest "Purity", Hate Forest "To Twilight Thickets (Compilation)", Hate Forest "Battlefields", Horde "Helig Usvart", Lugubrum "Winterstones", Mezzerschmitt "Weltherrschaft (EP)", Mithotyn "Meadow In Silence (Demo)", Mithotyn "Nidhogg (Demo)", Mor Dagor "Human Execution", Mustan Kuun Lapset "Prologi", Noctifer "Odiosa Vis Astrorum (EP)", Noctuary "When Fires Breed Blood", Nortt "Gudsforladt", Oathean "The Eyes Of Tremendous Sorrow", Obtained Enslavement "Witchcraft", Obtained Enslavement "Soulblight", October Tide "Grey Dawn", Perished "Grim", Red Harvest "Sick Transit Gloria Mundi", Sargeist "Tyranny Returns (EP)", Secrets Of The Moon "Carved In Stigmata Wounds", Sigh "Imaginary Sonicscape", Sternenstaub "Destination Infinity", Taake "Omfavnet Av Svarte Ving (Demo)", Taake "Taake (EP)", Taake "Manndaudsvinter", Taake "Nattestid Ser Porten Vid", Taake "Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmelrik", The Everdawn "Opera Of The Damned (MCD)", The Everdawn "Poems - Burn The Past", Thy Infernal "Warlords Of Hell", Tyrant "Under The Dark Mystic Sky", Ulfsdalir "Grimnir", Ulver "Vargnatt", Ulver "Nattens Madrigal", Zyklon-B "Blood Must Be Shed (MCD)" (thanks to Ssphinx), Acheron "Compendium Diablerie", Children Of Bodom "Shining (Demo)", Dimmu Borgir "Rehearsal (08-1994)", Dimmu Borgir "Live In Brohm (Bootleg)" (thanks to Metalian), Empyrium "A Wintersunset...", Empyrium "Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays", Empyrium "Weiland" Hypocrisy "The Fourth Dimension", Hypocrisy "Inferior Devoties (Mini)", Hypocrisy "Maximum Abduction (Mini)", Hypocrisy "The Final Chapter", Hypocrisy "Catch 22", October Tide "Rain Without End", Ulver "Bergtatt", Ulver "Kveldssanger", Ulver "Themes From William Blake's The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell" (thanks to Pollux), Dorn "Schatten Der Vergangenheit" (thanks to Peter PRIEST), Allegiance "Vrede", Empyrium "Songs Of Moors And Misty Fields" (обновлён), Hypocrisy "Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken" (thanks to Satanist), Death Angel "The Art Of Dying" (thanks to Flash), Acheron "Rites Of The Black Mass", Acheron "Satanic Victory", Acheron "Lex Talionis", Acheron "Anti-God, Anti-Christ", Acheron "Those Who Have Risen" (thanks to Alive).
09.09.2004 19:49Обсудить Выложены Cradle Of Filth "Nymphetamine", Anorexia Nervosa "Suicide Is Sexy", Amon Amarth "Thor Arise (Demo)", Amon Amarth "Fate Of Norns (Promo)", Forefather "Ours Is The Kingdom", Dark Fortress "Tales From Eternal Dusk", Dark Fortress "Stab Wounds", Hecate Enthroned "Redimus", Lake Of Tears "Blackbrickroad", Lord Belial "Scythe Of Death (MCD)", Lord Belial "The Seal Of Belial", Rotting Christ "Sanctus Diavolos (Promo)", Seth "By Fire, Power Shall Be...", Seth "L'Excellence", Seth "Era Decay (Promo)", Morgul "The Horror Grandeur" (thanks to Ssphinx), Lake Of Tears "Lady Rosenred" (thanks to Metalian).
03.09.2004 19:53Обсудить Во всех файлах прописаны ID3V1.0 и ID3V2.3 тэги, в которых гарантировано указаны группа, название и год альбома, номер и название трэка. Изменён формат хранения размера файла - теперь он хранится в байтах и при выводе корректно округляется до килобайтов. Как следствие - более точно подсчитывается суммарный объём альбома.
30.07.2004 18:07Обсудить Обновлены Therion "Of Darkness", Therion "Beyond Sanctorum", Therion "Symphony Masses - Ho Drakon Ho Megas", Therion "Lepaca Kliffoth", Therion "Theli", Therion "A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming", Therion "Vovin", Therion "Crowning Of Atlantis", Therion "Deggial" (thanks to Satanist). Выложены Therion "Time Shall Tell (Demo)", Therion "The Beauty In Black", Therion "Siren Of The Woods", Therion "Eye Of Shiva" (thanks to Satanist), Diabolical "A Thousand Deaths", Divine Souls "Embodiment", Divine Souls "The Bitter Selfcaged Man" (thanks to Pollux), Misteltein "Divine. Desecrate. Complete" (thanks to Ssphinx), Therion "Lemuria", Therion "Sirius B".
29.07.2004 13:54Обсудить Выложены Thyrfing "Hednaland", Theory In Practice "Third Eye Function", Theory In Practice "The Armageddon Theories" (thanks to Pollux), Khold "Phantom" (thanks to Ssphinx), Fenris "Offerings To The Hunger" (thanks to Satanist).
28.07.2004 19:37Обсудить Выложены Dorn "Falschheit", Dorn "Brennende Kalte" (thanks to Satanist), The Crown "Crowned in Terror" (thanks to Pollux).
26.07.2004 13:42Обсудить Обновлён Apocalyptica "Plays Metallica By Four Cellos". Заенкоден и выложен Opera IX "Sacro Culto". Выложены Opera IX "The Call Of The Wood" (thanks to Metalian), Darzamat "In The Flames Of Black Heart", XIV Dark Centuries "Dunkle Jahrhunderte", Graveworm "Demo" (thanks to Ssphinx).
23.07.2004 13:46Обсудить Выложены Lymphatic Phlegm "Malignant Cancerous", Lymphatic Phlegm "Pathogenesis Infest Phlegmsepsia", Nile "In The Beginning", Immortal "Immortal 7"", Immortal "Live At Rockwave Festival", Immortal "Live At Waldrock", Nightwish "Once" (thanks to Pollux), Nightwish "Deep Silent Complete", Nightwish "Ever Dream" (thanks to Metalian), Nightwish "From Wishes To Eternity (Live)", Nightwish "Live At Gorbunov's Palace Of Culture" (thanks to TEMHOTA), Catamenia "Morning Crimson" (thanks to Ssphinx).
24.06.2004 19:34Обсудить Выложены Cannibal Corpse "Eaten Back To Life", Cannibal Corpse "Butchered At Birth", Cannibal Corpse "Tomb Of The Mutilated", Cannibal Corpse "Hammer Smashed Face (EP)", Cannibal Corpse "The Bleeding", Cannibal Corpse "Vile", Cannibal Corpse "Gallery Of Suicide", Cannibal Corpse "Bloodthrist", Cannibal Corpse "Gore Obsessed", Carpe Tenebrum "Majestic Nothingness", Carpe Tenebrum "Mirrored Hate Painting", Covenant "From The Storm Of Shadows (Demo)", Deicide "Deicide", Deicide "Amon Feasting The Beast", Deicide "Once Upon The Cross", Deicide "When Satan Lives", Deicide "Insineratehymn", Deicide "In Torment In Hell", Delight "The Fading Tale", Nokturnal Mortum "Twilightfall (Remastered Demo '1995)", Obituary "World Demise" (thanks to Изгой).
15.06.2004 21:55Обсудить Выложены Sirius "Aeons Of Magick", Ceremonial Castings "Midnight Deathcult Phenomena", Winter Beauty "Demo", Anorexia Nervosa "Drudenhaus" (thanks to Ssphinx), Devotus Regnum "My Freedom" (thanks to Ratatosk), Asgaard "Ex Oriente Lux" (thanks to Satanist), Asgaard "XIII Voltum Lunae" (thanks to Meandor), Asgaard "Ad Sidera, Ad Infinitum" (thanks to Metalian), Anaal Nathrakh "When Fire Rains Down From The Sky", Ancalagon "First Age - Entering Legenda", Anorexia Nervosa "Sodomizing The Archedangel (MCD)", Apostasy "Cell 666", Dunkelgrafen "Demo", Dunkelgrafen "Baphomet's Aeon", Obscurity "Thurisaz" (thanks to Margadon).
31.05.2004 17:25Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены: Asguard "Black Fire Land", Ashen Light "Pesni Mertvyh", Ashen Light "Zov T'my (Live)", Morrah "Promo", Perunъ "The White Sea", Psilocybe Larvae "Agony", Sopor "Sorry...", Stagnatus "Ultima Thule".
28.05.2004 11:22Обсудить Выложены Infernal Poetry "Not Light But Rather Visible Darkness", Moonsorrow "Suden Uni (Rerelease)" (thanks to Ssphinx).
26.05.2004 13:02Обсудить Выложены Darkthrone "Sardonic Wrath", Dunkelgrafen "Im Schatten Der Ewigkeit", Dunkelgrafen "Oris Diabolis", Massemord "Skogen Kaller", Massemord "Obscura Symphonia" (thanks to Margadon), Rotting Christ "Thy Mighty Contract", Rotting Christ "Non Serviam" (thanks to Ssphinx).
25.05.2004 14:03Обсудить Обновлены Vintersorg "Hedniskhjartad", Vintersorg "Till Fjalls", Vintersorg "Odemarkens Son", Vintersorg "Cosmic Genesis", Vintersorg "Visions From The Spiral Generator" (thanks to AesirLoki). Выложены Khold "Morke Gravers Kammer" (thanks to Ssphinx), Eternal Tears Of Sorrow "Sinner's Serenade" (thanks to Metalian).
24.05.2004 21:16Обсудить Выложены In Flames "The Quiet Place (MCD)", Pogrom 1147 "Black Metal Complete", Ensiferum "Iron" (thanks to Ssphinx), Vintersorg "The Focusing Blur (Promo)" (thanks to Metalian).
20.05.2004 16:35Обсудить Выложены 1349 "Chaos Preferred (Demo)", 1349 "1349 (MCD)", 1349 "Beyond The Apocalypse", Susperia "Unlimited", Fleshcrawl "Made Of Flesh" (thanks to Ssphinx), Cruachan "The Middle Kingdom", Cruachan "Folk Lore" (thanks to AesirLoki), Cruachan "Pagan".
13.05.2004 15:19Обсудить Выложены Keep Of Kalessin "Through Times Of War", Keep Of Kalessin "Agnen - A Journey Through The Dark", Keep Of Kalessin "Reclaim (MCD)", Borknagar "Borknagar", Borknagar "The Olden Domain" (thanks to Ssphinx), Borknagar "The Archaic Curse" (thanks to sNOa).
11.05.2004 20:36Обсудить Существенно поправлены правила архива и добавлен раздел ЧаВО. Поправки/уточнения/etc принимаются.
06.05.2004 13:50Обсудить Выложены Siebenburgen "Grimjaur", Siebenburgen "Delictum" (thanks to Satanist).
21.04.2004 12:18Обсудить Выложен After Forever "Decipher" (thanks to AesirLoki).
20.04.2004 15:21Обсудить Выложены Bishop Of Hexen "Hymns Of Legends And Lore (Demo)", Bishop Of Hexen "Archives Of An Enchanted Philosophy" (thanks to Ssphinx), Nerthus "Scattered To The Four Wainds", Crematory "Believe" (thanks to Satanist).
10.04.2004 18:48Обсудить Выложены Norther "Death Unlimited (Promo)" (thanks to FightWindeR), Ensiferum "Tale Of Revenge (Single)", (thanks to Meandor), Finntroll "Rivfader (Demo)", Rossomahaar "Live And Die In Moscow" (thanks to Metalian)
08.04.2004 14:47Обсудить Выложены Between The Frost "Instinct Of Sureliness", Ancient Wargod "When Darkness Rises", Belmez "Berserker", Mystic Forest "Green Hell", Orphaned Land "Sahara" (thanks to Ssphinx), Enid "Seelenspiegel", Impending Doom "Caedes Sacrilegae", Impending Doom "Signum Of Hate", Impending Doom "Apocalypse III - The Manifested Purgatorium" (thanks to Metalian).
05.04.2004 12:14Обсудить Выложены Finntroll "Trollhammaren (MCD)", Bloodbath "Breeding Death (MCD)", Bloodbath "Resurrection Through Carnage" (thanks to Meandor).
17.03.2004 21:40Обсудить Выложены Finntroll "Nattfodd", Stormlord "The Gorgon Cult" (thanks to Ssphinx), Brutality "Screams Of Anguish", Brutality "When The Sky Turns Black", Brutality "In Mourning", In Flames "Soundtrack To Your Escape" (thanks to Meandor).
09.03.2004 17:37Обсудить Выложены Ares Wrath "War Bombastic Black Metal (MCD)", Dismember "Where Ironcrosses Grow", Mayhem "Pure Fucking Armageddon (Demo)", Mayhem "Deathcrush", Mayhem "The Dawn Of The Black Hearts (Live)", Mayhem "From The Darkest Past", Mayhem "Live In Leipzig", Mayhem "Freezing Moon - In Memorium", Mayhem "Wolf's Lair Abyss", Mayhem "The Grand Declaration Of War", Mayhem "Chimera", Ragnarok "Arising Realm", Ragnarok "Diabolical Age", Ragnarok "In Nomine Satanas", Ragnarok "Blackdoor Miracle" (thanks to Ssphinx), Mayhem "Mediolanum Capta Est (Live)", Mayhem "European Legions" (thanks to Satanist), Auberon "The Tale Of Black" (thanks to Metalian).
03.03.2004 15:10Обсудить Выложены Rivendell "Elven Tears", Watain "Rabid Death's Curse" (thanks to Ssphinx).
02.03.2004 13:19Обсудить Выложены Nattefrost "Blood And Vomit", Helheim "Blod Og Ild" (thanks to Ssphinx).
27.02.2004 19:04Обсудить Выложены Ashen Light "V Sostradanii K Otverzhennym Osuzhdennym - Conviction Is Hell", Belphegor "Necrodaemon Terrorsathan", Belphegor "Lucifer Incestus", Blackseed Boys "(The Principle Of Evil Made Cash)", Bolthorn "A Forgotten Chronicle", Camulos "Der Untermensch (Mit Namen Christ)", Disbelief "Spreading The Rage", Dissection "Gods Of Darkness", Forgotten Tomb "Springtime Depression", Ildjarn "Ildjarn", Ildjarn "Son Of The Northstar", Ildjarn "Ildjarn-Nidhogg", Ildjarn "Nocturnal Visions (MCD)", Korpiklaani "Spirit Of The Forest", Leviathan "The Tenth Sublevel Of Suicide", Manes "Vilosophe", Mysterium "Soulwards", Mystic Circle "Open The Gates Of Hell", Nydvind "Eternal Winter Domain", Perished "Seid", Sargeist "Satanic Black Devotion", Seth "Nastivity (Re-Release)", Skyfire "Haunted By Shadows", Xasthur "The Funeral Of Being", Temple Of Baal "Servants Of The Beast", The Duskfall "The Frailty", The Duskfall "Source", Vokodlok "Mass Murder Genesis", XIV Dark Centuries "For Your God", XIV Dark Centuries "Den Ahnen Zum Grusse" (thanks to Ssphinx), Vokodlok "Unchain The Wolf (Demo)" (thanks to Meandor), Seth "Les Blessures De l'Ame" (thanks to Satanist), Thyrane "Hypnotic" (исправлены проблемы) Burden Of Grief "Fields Of Salvation", Hypocrisy "The Arrival", Sirenia "An Elexier For Existence", Beseech "Drama (Promo)" (thanks to Northernwind).
23.01.2004 15:02Обсудить Выложены Finnugor "Black Flames", Graveland "Carpathian Wolves", Graveland "Memory An Destiny", Wurdalak "Ceremony In Flames", Agatus "The Weaving Fates", Trimonium "Of Warriors And Heroism", Trimonium "Blow The Horns", Shining Of Kliffoth "Twilight Of Sehemeah", Taliandorogd "Neverplace", Asmegin "Hin Vordende Sod And So", Doomsword "Let Battle Commence (Promo)", Einherjer "Aurora Borealis", Einherjer "Dragons Of The North", Einherjer "Far, Far North", Einherjer "Odin Owns Ye All", Einherjer "Norwegian Native Art", Grimfist "Ghouls Of Grandeur", Himinbjorg "Golden Age", Himinbjorg "In The Raven's Shadow", Nocte Obducta "Taverne", Nocte Obducta "Stille - Das Nagende Schweigen", Satanic Warmaster "Opferblut", Necrophagia "The Divine Art Of Torture", Minas Morgul "Schwertzeit", Negura Bunget "'N Crugu Bradului", Love Lies Bleeding "Ex Nihilo", Nebel "Hymns Of Destruction" (thanks to Ssphinx), Vader "The Ultimate Incantation", Vader "The Darkest Age (Live)", Vader "Sothis", Vader "De Profundis", Vader "Future Of The Past", Vader "Reborn In Chaos", Vader "Live In Japan", Vader "Angel Of Death" (thanks to Dry Bones), Cryptal Darkness "Chapter II The Fallen", Severnye Vrata "Prav'", Severnye Vrata "Otchizna", (thanks to Northernwind), Himinbjorg "Haunted Shores", Himinbjorg "Third" (thanks to Metalian), Graveland "Thousand Swords", Graveland "The Fire Awakening" (thanks to Satanist).
14.01.2004 13:35Обсудить Выложены Isegrim "Gloria Deo, Domino Inferi", Isegrim "A Tribute To Venom", Ensiferum "Demo", Helheim "Yersinia Pestis", Helheim "Jormundgand", Helheim "Av Norron Aett", Helheim "Terrorveldet (EP)", Suidakra "Signs For The Fallen", Dagorlad "The End Of The Dark Ages" (thanks to Ssphinx), Suidakra "Auld Lang Syne" (thanks to Metalian).
08.01.2004 14:38Обсудить Выложены Dark Tranquillity "Live In Gothenburg", Dark Tranquillity "Trail Of Life Decayed (Demo)", Dark Tranquillity "A Moonclad Reflection (Demo)", Dark Tranquillity "Skydancer", Dark Tranquillity "Of Chaos And Eternal Night", Dark Tranquillity "Enter Suicidal Angels", Dark Tranquillity "Live In Gothenburg (Bootleg)", Immortal "Live In Zaandam (Bootleg)", Nazgul "When The Wolves Return To The Forest" (thanks to Satanist), Abigor "Verwustung / Invoke The Dark Age", Abigor "Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)", Abigor "Orkblut - The Retaliation", Abigor "Opus IV", Abigor "Apokalypse", Abigor "Origo Regium (Demo 1993-1994)", Abigor "Supreme Immortal Art", Abigor "Channeling The Quintessence Of Satan", Abigor "In Memory". Dodheimsgard "Kronet Til Konge", Dodheimsgard "Satanic Art", Mithotyn "Promo" (thanks to Ssphinx).
22.12.2003 16:10Обсудить Выложены Amon Amarth "Once Sent From the Golden Hall" (thanks to Meandor), Amon Amarth "Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds" (thanks to Satanist), Amon Amarth "The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter (Demo)", Vesania "Firefrost Arcanum" (thanks to Ssphinx).
04.12.2003 13:39Обсудить Выложены Koldbrann "Nekrotisk Inkvisition", Zorn "Menschenfeind", Zyklon "Aeon" (thanks to Ssphinx).
03.12.2003 20:23Обсудить Выложены Black Funeral "Belial Arisen (Remastered)", Darzamat "Oniriad", Dimension F3H "Reaping The World Winds", Mirrorthrone "Of Wind And Weeping", Olc Sinnsir "The Throne Of Dead Emotions", Weltmacht "Call To Battle", Weltmacht "And To Every Beast Its Prey" (thanks to Ssphinx).
02.12.2003 13:05Обсудить Выложены Setherial "From The Ancient Ruins", Tenebrosus "The Fall Of The Worthless Morals", Camulos "Spiel Des Blutes" (thanks to Ssphinx).
01.12.2003 16:08Обсудить Выложены Tidfall "Circular Supremacy", Tidfall "Nucleus", Vargsang "Call Of The Nightwolves", Windir "Soknardalr", Windir "1184", Grabak "The Serpent Within Paradise", Impaled Nazarene "All That You Fear" (thanks to Ssphinx), Winds Of Sirius "Beyond All Temples And Myths" (thanks to Metalian), Throes Of Dawn "Dreams Of The Black Earth" (thanks to AesirLoki), Macbeth "Vanitas".
28.11.2003 20:37Обсудить Выложены Edge Of Sanity "Crimson II", Hin Onde "Shades Of Solstice" (thanks to Northernwind), Dark Fortress "Profane Genocidal Creations" (thanks to Meandor), Thyrane "Hypnotic". Falkenbach "Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty", Norther "Unleash Hell (MCD)" (thanks to Ssphinx).
27.11.2003 11:18Обсудить Выложены альбомы Behemoth "Endless Damnation (Demo)", "The Return Of The Northern Moon (Demo)", "From The Pagan Vastlands", "And The Forests Dream Eternally", "Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic)", "Grom", "Bewitching The Pomerania", "Storms To Unleash", "Pandemonic Incantations", "Thunders To Erupt", "Live In Strasbourg", "Zos Kia Cultus" (thanks to Satanist) и альбомы Butterfly Temple "Golos Krovi (Voice Of Blood)", "Kniga Velesa" (thanks to Metalian) "Veles", "Tropoju Krovi Po Vole Roda" (thanks to Northernwind), "Koleso Chernoboga (Wheel Of Chernobog)" (thanks to Satanist), "Sny Severnogo Morya (Dreams Of Northern Sea)".
26.11.2003 19:07Обсудить Выложены Mystic Circle "Infernal Satanic Verses", Alkonost "Memoris", Alkonost "Alkonost", Ancient Rites "The Diabolical Serenades", Ancient Rites "Fatherland" (thanks to Metalian), Ancient Rites "Blasfemia Eternal", Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" (thanks to Meandor), Arcturus "La Masquerade Infernale", Mystic Circle "Morgenrote (Der Schrei Nach Finsternis)", Mystic Circle "Drachenblut", Mystic Circle "Kriegsgotter II" (thanks to Satanist).
24.11.2003 12:47Обсудить Выложены Skyforger "Semigall's Warchant", Skyforger "Latvian Riflemen", Skyforger "Thunderforge" (thanks to Ssphinx).
14.11.2003 19:02Обсудить Выложены Adorned Brood "Hiltia", Adorned Brood "Asgard", Adorned Brood "Erdenkraft", (thanks to Meandor), Manegarm "Dodsfard", Anaal Nathrakh "The Codex Necro", Anaal Nathrakh "Total Fucking Necro", Kayzen "Concupiscente", Kayzen "Ablaze" (thanks to Ssphinx).
12.11.2003 19:13Обсудить Выложены Throne Of Chaos "Pervertigo", Nokturnal Mortum "Lunar Poetry" (thanks to Metalian), Nokturnal Mortum "Return Of The Vampire Lord", Nokturnal Mortum "Marble Moon" (thanks to Meandor).
10.11.2003 13:33Обсудить Выложены или обновлены альбомы Paradise Lost "As I Die", "Seals The Sense", "Forever Failure", Live In Moscow (Bootleg) (thanks to AesirLoki), "Lost Paradise", "Gothic", "Shades Of God", "Icon", "Gothic (EP)", "Draconian Times", "The Last Time", "As We Die For (Tribute)" и альбомы Slayer "Show No Mercy", "Haunting The Chapel", "Hell Awaits", "Live Undead", "Reign In Blood", "South Of Heaven", "Blood Pack", "Seasons In The Abyss", "Decade Of Aggression", "Divine Intervention", "Undisputed Attitude", "Diabolus In Musica", "God Hates Us All" (thanks to Satanist). Выложены Lost In Twilight "Planeteer" (thanks to AesirLoki), Riger "Der Wanderer", Riger "Des Blutes Stimme" (thanks to Meandor).
05.11.2003 18:36Обсудить Выложены или обновлены альбомы My Dying Bride "Towards The Sinister (Demo)", "God Is Alone", "Symphonaire Infernus Et Spera Empyrium", "As The Flower Withers", "The Thrash Of Naked Limbs", "Rehearsal", "Turn Loose The Swans", "I Am The Bloody Earth", "The Angel And The Dark River", "Trinity", "For Darkest Eyes (Bootleg In Krakow)", "Like Gods Of The Sun", "Live At The Dynamo", "Split With Anathema (EP)", "The Light At The End Of The World", "Meisterwerk I", "Meisterwerk II", "The Dreadful Hours", "Monsters Of Rock", "Voice Of The Wretched (Live)". Thanks to Satanist.
02.11.2003 01:40Обсудить В разделе фотографий выложены фотографии с концерта Dimmu Borgir.
29.10.2003 18:29Обсудить Выложен Nokturnal Mortum "Вкус Победы". Thanks to Ssphinx.
23.10.2003 09:46Обсудить Выложены ...And Oceans "The Symmetry Of I, The Circle Of O", Burzum "Demo", Burzum "Det Som Engang Var", Burzum "Svarte Dauen", Burzum "Daudi Baldrs", Burzum "Hlidskjalf", Burzum "Ragnarok (A New Beginning)", In Flames "Lunar Strain", In Flames "Subterranean", In Flames "Black-Ash Inheritance", In Flames "Live In Gothenburg (Bootleg)", In Flames "The Tokyo Showdown (Live)", In Flames "Popstad Gothenburg (Bootleg)", In Flames "Trigger", Korova "Dead Like An Angel", Nile "Ramses Bringer Of War", Primordial "Imrama", Susperia "Vindication", Tristania "Tristania", Tristania "Widow's Weeds", Tristania "Angina", Zyklon "World Ov Worms", Opeth "Apostle In Triumph (Demo)", Opeth "Orchid", Opeth "Morningrise", Opeth "Still Life", Opeth "Live At The Milwaukee Metalfest (Bootleg)", Opeth "Deliverance", Opeth "Bonus Tracks From Remastered CD" (thanks to Satanist), Opeth "My Arms, Your Hearse" (thanks to Margadon), Einherjer "Blot", Left Hand Solution "Shadowdance" (thanks to Northernwind), Opeth "Damnation".
22.10.2003 22:09Обсудить Выложен Dub Buk "Idu Na Vy". Thanks to Meandor.
16.10.2003 12:04Обсудить Выложен Darkthrone "Hate Them" (thanks to Satanist).
15.10.2003 11:34Обсудить Выложены Emperor "Live In Frostland", Emperor "IX Equilibrium", Emperor "Prometheus - The Discipline Of Fire And Demise", "Thorns Vs. Emperor", Thorns "Grymyrk", Thorns "Trondertun" (thanks to Satanist), Stormlord "Where My Spirits Forever Shall Be (EP)", Stormlord "Supreme Art Of War", Stormlord "At The Gates Of Utopia", Stormlord "The Curse Of Medusa" (thanks to Ssphinx), Nocte Obducta "Galgendammerung - Von Nebel, Blut Und Totgeburten".
14.10.2003 11:26Обсудить Выложены Ashes You Leave "Fire", Suidakra "Emprise To Avalon".
07.10.2003 19:29Обсудить Выложены Thou Art Lord "DV8" (thanks to AesirLoki), Theatres Des Vampires "The Vampire Chronicles", Dimmu Borgir "World Misanthropy" (thanks to Satanist).
26.09.2003 15:24Обсудить Выложены Naglfar "Diabolical", Naglfar "Vittra" (thanks to Ssphinx), Naglfar "Ex Infernis", Nagelfar "Hunengrab Im Herbst" (thanks to Satanist).
25.09.2003 17:44Обсудить Выложены Arch Enemy "Anthems Of Rebellion". Thanks to Satanist.
23.09.2003 11:44Обсудить Выложены Dimmu Borgir "Death Cult Armageddon" и Mork Gryning "Pieces Of Primal Expressionism". Thanks to Northernwind.
15.09.2003 14:28Обсудить Выложены Asgaroth "Red Shift", Evenfall "Still In The Grey Dying", Penumbra "Emanate", (thanks to AesirLoki), Arch Enemy "Burning Bridges", Lake Of Tears "Greater Art", Mental Home "Funeral Service (Demo)", Mental Home "Mirrorland", Mental Home "Vale", Mental Home "Upon The Shores Of Inner Seas", Meridian "The Seventh Sun" (thanks to Meandor), Behemoth "Grom", Theatres Des Vampires "Bloody Lunatic Asylum" (thanks to Dyusha), Axis Of Perdition "The Ichneumon Method", Forest Stream "Tears Of Mortal Solitude", Ghospel Of The Horns "A Call To Arms", Kalmah "Swampsong", Melechesh "Sphynx", Nehemah "Shadows From The Past", Tharaphita "Hundiseadus (MCD)", Trollheims Grott "Bloodsoaked And Ill-Fated", ...And Oceans "Am God", ...And Oceans "The Dynamic Gallery Of Thoughts" (thanks to Ssphinx), Aborym "With No Human Intervention", Lost In Twilight "Descending Mist", Lost In Twilight "Forever Autumn", The Elysian Fields "Adelain", The Elysian Fields "We... The Enlightened", The Elysian Fields "12 Ablaze", Throes Of Dawn "Dreams Of The Black Earth", Throes Of Dawn "The Blackened Rainbow (MCD)" (thanks to Northernwind).
05.09.2003 14:36Обсудить Выложен Rossomahaar "Somni Regnum". Выложены потерянные по разным причинам альбомы: Evenfall "Cumbersome", Buried Dreams "Perceptions", Vital Remains "Into Cold Darkness".
03.09.2003 13:07Обсудить Проблемы с HDD разрешены. Всё работает в прежнем режиме. Несколько изменена логика работы списка на предмет образования URL. ВНИМАНИЕ! На ссылки на mp3 файлы эти изменения не влияют! При обнаружении проблем в работе списка просьба связываться со мной или писать на форум.
25.08.2003 16:46Обсудить В связи с проблемами с HDD коллекция временно не доступна. Ожидаемое время исправления проблем - не менее недели. Подробности - на форуме.
13.08.2003 02:56Обсудить В пятницу 15 августа, днём будет осуществляться обслуживание сервера, из-за чего он будет недоступен в течении нескольких часов. По возможности downtime будет минимизирован.
09.08.2003 01:26Обсудить Выложен Vanitas "Der Schatten Einer Existenz". Thanks to AesirLoki.
31.07.2003 19:12Обсудить Выложены Illnath "Angelic Voices Calling" и "Cast Into Fields Of Evil Pleasure". Thanks to Ssphinx.
28.07.2003 16:07Обсудить Заенкоден и выложен Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Have A Nice Trip".
25.07.2003 01:53Обсудить Выложены 1349 "Liberation", Catamenia "Chaos Born", Cryptic Wintermoon "The Age Of Catacalysm", Cryptic Wintermoon "A Coming Storm", Gorgoroth "Twilight Of The Idols (In Conspiracy With Satan)", Setherial "Fur Dem Mitt Blod", Setherial "Endtime Divine", Windir "Arntor", Windir "Likferd". Thanks to Ssphinx.
16.07.2003 18:57Обсудить Выложен Impaled Northern Moonforest 'Self Titled 7"'. Thanks to Ssphinx.
21.06.2003 10:37Обсудить Выложены Aeternus "A Darker Monument", Battlelore "Sword's Song", Beherit "Drawing Down The Moon", Beherit "Electric Doom Synthesis", Beherit "Beast Of Beherit - Complete Worxxx", Cryptic Carnage "Rozelowe", Cryptic Carnage "Retrospect 2000", Theatres Des Vampires "Suicide Vampire". Thanks to Northernwind.
16.06.2003 11:06Обсудить В разделе фотографий выложены снимки с Metal fest "Русская рулетка" в ЛДМ. Заенкоден и выложен Obituary "Back From The Dead".
11.06.2003 12:56Обсудить Выложены Forlorn "Hybernation", God Dethroned "Into The Lungs Of Hell", Nagelfar "Srontgorrth", Norther "Mirror Of Madness", Rakoth "Tiny Deaths", The Defaced "Karma In Black", Amon Amarth "The Avenger", Amon Amarth "Versus The World", Barathrum "Okkult", Barathrum "Venomous". Thanks to Ssphinx.
10.06.2003 13:26Обсудить Выложены Ajattara "Kuolema", Bathory "Nordland I", Bathory "Nordland II", Dissection "The Somberlain", Dissection "Live Legacy", Enslaved "Hordanes Land", Enslaved "Vikingligr Veldi", Enslaved "Eld", Enslaved "Blodhemn", Enslaved "Below The Lights". Thanks to Ssphinx.
09.06.2003 13:01Обсудить Заенкоден и выложен Moonsorrow "Suden Uni". Выложены Moonsorrow "Metsa", Moonsorrow "Tama Ikuinen Talvi", Moonsorrow "Kivenkantaja", Graveworm "Engraved In Black", Finntroll "Visor Om Slutet", Marduk "Hearse (MCD)" (thanks to Ssphinx).
27.05.2003 14:34Обсудить Обновлен Bolt Thrower "Realm Of Chaos - Slaves To Darkness" (улучшен bitrate, восстановлен обрезаный трэк). Thanks to AesirLoki.
07.05.2003 15:53Обсудить Выложены Agathocles "Theatric Symbolisation Of Life", Atheist "Piece Of Time", Atheist "Unquestionable Presence", Atheist "Elements", Crown Of Thorns "The Burning", Cynic "Focus", Entombed "Left Hand Path" , Entombed "Some Difference", Entombed "Uprising", Gorguts "From Wisdom To Hate", Lowbrow "Victims At Play", Nocturnus "Nocturnus", Nocturnus "Thresholds", Nocturnus "Ethereal Tomb", Sadist "Above The Light" (thanks to Steyl), Horna "Haudankylmyyden Mailla", Limbonic Art "The Ultimate Death Worship", Enthroned "Carnage In Worlds Beyond", Divercia "Modus Operandi", Thee Maldoror Kollective "New Era Viral Order (Dogma Slaughterhouse And The Children Of Anaemia)", Odes Of Ecstasy "Deceitful Melodies", ...And Oceans "Cypher".
21.04.2003 12:14Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены Apocalyptica "Live", Lord Belial "Kiss The Goat", Theatres Des Vampires "Jubilaeum Anno Dracula 2001" (исправлены ошибки).
18.04.2003 19:12Обсудить Выложены Mortician "Domain Of Death", Krabathor "Orthodox".
16.04.2003 17:52Обсудить Выложены Moon "Satan's Wept", Twilight Ophera "Midnight Horror", Septic Flesh "Mystic Places Of Dawn", Septic Flesh "Esoptron", Septic Flesh "Ophidian Wheel", Septic Flesh "A Fallen Temple", Septic Flesh "Revolution DNA", Pan.Thy.Monium "Dawn Of Dreams", Pan.Thy.Monium "Khaoohs", Pan.Thy.Monium "Khaooohs And Kon-fus-ion".
15.04.2003 13:50Обсудить Выложены Summoning "Lost Tales", Naglfar "Sheol", Mephistopheles "Death Unveiled", Septic Flesh "Sumerian Daemons", Children Of Bodom "Children Of Bodom (EP)", Children Of Bodom "Downfall (EP)", Children Of Bodom "Hate Me (EP)", Children Of Bodom "You're Better Off Dead! (Single)", Six Feet Under "Double Dead (Bonus CD)", Unleashed "Victory", Unleashed "Warrior", Nile "In Their Darkened Shrines" (thanks to Northernwind), Chaos Opera "Endless Battle", Chaos Opera "Mystery", Kovenant "Seti" (thanks to Dyusha).
31.03.2003 15:15Обсудить Выложен Inner Shrine "Nocturnal Rhymes Entangled In Silence". Thanks to MS.
28.03.2003 11:58Обсудить Выложены Vintersorg "Odemarkens Son" (thanks to AesirLoki), Vintersorg "Hedniskhjartad" (thanks to Northernwind).
27.03.2003 14:17Обсудить Выложены Malevolent Creation "The Ten Commandments", Malevolent Creation "Retribution", Malevolent Creation "Stillborn", Malevolent Creation "Eternal", Malevolent Creation "Joe Black", Malevolent Creation "In Cold Blood", Malevolent Creation "The Fine Art Of Murder", Malevolent Creation "Manifistation", Morbid Angel "Domination", Morbid Angel "Laibach Remixes", Morbid Angel "Entangled In Chaos". Thanks to Steyl.
18.03.2003 15:56Обсудить Выложены Opera IX "The Black Opera", Opera IX "Maleventum". Thanks to Dry Bones.
12.03.2003 14:01Обсудить Выложены Arcturus "Aspera Hiems Symfonia", Carpathian Forest "Defending The Throne Of Evil", Cradle Of Filth "Damnation And A Day", Marduk "World Funeral", Old Mans Child "In Defiance Of Existence", Vintersorg "Till Fjalls", Vintersorg "Cosmic Genesis", Vintersorg "Visions From The Spiral Generator". Thanks to Northernwind.
06.03.2003 18:51Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены Apocalyptica "Reflections", Satyricon "Volcano", Children Of Bodom "Hate Crew Deathroll".
03.03.2003 13:39Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены Alastis "The Other Side", Anathema "Alternative 4", Arckanum "Kampen", Elend "Lecons De Tenebres", Judas Priest "Painkiller", Lake Of Tears "Forever Autumn". Выложены: Nargathrond "...For We Blessed This World With Plagues" (thanks to AesirLoki), Gods Tower "The Turns", Gods Tower "Ebony Birds".
02.03.2003 17:23Обсудить Еще две потеряшки - Sinister и The Abyss. Альбомы возвращены на место.
02.03.2003 01:09Обсудить Найден еще один потеряный при переносе альбом - Carpathian Forest "Morbid Fascination Of Death".
25.02.2003 12:30Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены альбомы Satyricon "The Forest Is My Throne", "The Shadowthrone", "Megiddo", "Nemesis Divina", "Ten Horns - Ten Diadems".
20.02.2003 12:55Обсудить Выложены Death "Individual Thought Patterns", Death "Live In LA", Kataklysm "Sorcery (Kataklysm Part II)", Kataklysm "Temple Of Knowledge (Kataklysm Part III)" (thanks to Steyl), Saturnus "Martyre" (был утерян при переносе), A Canorous Quintet "The Only Pure Hate", Eternal Tears Of Sorrow "Vilda Mannu", Runemagick "Moon Of The Chaos Eclipse" (thanks to DobroZelateL).
22.01.2003 21:24Обсудить Апгрейд проведен... MP3-шность перенесла почти спокойно (пока не показываются новости), а вот у форума поехала крыша... 21:41 - все (или почти все;) восстановлено...
22.01.2003 19:08Обсудить В связи с апгрейдом PostgreSQL сегодня возможна кратковременная остановка работы списка файлов и форума.
13.01.2003 21:14Обсудить Выложен в безобразном качестве Vintersorg "Till Fjalls".
16.12.2002 18:48Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены Dark Tranquillity "Damage Done" и Vader "Kingdom".
26.11.2002 15:27Обсудить Выставлено на общее тестирование альтернативное представление списка файлов. Внешний вид как всегда хромает, но некоторым такое представление представляется более удобным. Плюс к этому в альтернативном виде уже имеется некоторая дополнительная информация (например - страна для некоторых групп), которая будет пополняться и расширяться.
22.11.2002 01:28Обсудить Обновление в разделе фотографий: появился фоторепортаж с выступления Wolfsangel, Black Astrology, Bestial Deform, Stagnatus в клубе "Орландина".
15.11.2002 19:25Обсудить Выложены: Abhorrence "Evoking The Abomination", A Tribute To Iron Maiden "A Call To Irons" (thanks to Margadon), Death "Spiritual Healing", Sirenia "At Sixes And Sevens", Silentium "Altum", Penumbra "The Last Bewitchment", Morbid Angel "Gateways To Annihilation" (thanks to AesirLoki).
11.11.2002 18:21Обсудить Выложены потеряные треки из In Flames "Clayman" и Sinergy "Beware The Heavens". Thanks to Margadon.
10.11.2002 15:08Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены: Anorexia Nervosa "New + Obscurantis + Order", Ashen Light "Stary Byliny", Ashen Light "Slavenskije Vechera", Brutal Truth "Sounds From The Animal Kingdom", Carpe Tenebrum "Dreaded Chaotic Reign", Deicide "Serpents Of The Light", Enslaved "Monumension", Infestdead "Hellfuck" (перекодирован), Infestdead "Killing Christ" (перекодирован), Morbid "Tribute To The Black Emperors", Sunchariot "Harvest" (перекодирован).
03.11.2002 02:26Обсудить Введена новая возможность: теперь для каждого mp3 файла указывается его длина в килобайтах и bitrate. Если на то возникнет необходимость, показ этой информации можно будет сделать отключаемым.
01.11.2002 22:45Обсудить Для тех, кому это может оказаться интересным - в разделе фотографий появился фоторепортаж с выступления Stagnatus и Black Astrology в клубе Пятница 25 октября 2002.
31.10.2002 21:12Обсудить Совершен переезд на новый скрипт, отвечающий за дерево. Возможно появление огромного количества глюков. При их выявлении просьба связываться со мной или писать на форум. Потери понесенные при пеерезде:
Пока в списке отсутствуют все рок группы (Кино и тд), раздел misc и группы, не имевшие нормально оформленых альбомов (Nirvana и тд). Возможно в ближайшее время рок группы будут частично восстановлены. Судьба остальных групп видимо будет печальна. Пока файлы физически не удалены, но в некотором будущем их постигнет эта участь.
Пока в базе полностью отсутствует имевшаяся информация о битрейтах альбомов. Сроки восстановление этой информации представляются плохо, однако следует помнить, что большинство альбомов имеются в качество 192kbit/s.
Из-за переименования некоторых каталогов и файлов могли поехать ссылки на файлы.
Недоступны все совсем старые новости. Если будет необходимость в них - их восстановление возможно.
Хорошая новость - для всех альбомов, загруженых в базу, проставлены года.
29.10.2002 17:44Обсудить Заенкодены и выложены: Arch Enemy "Stigmata", Catamenia "Eskhata", Cryptopsy "Whisper Supremacy", Forefather "Deep Into Time", In Flames "Reroute To Remain", Seth "Divine-X", Soilwork A Predator's Portrait" (исправлена ошибка в 6-ом трэке), Sorhin "I Det Glimrande Morkrets Djup".
28.10.2002 01:10Обсудить Запущена первая отладочная версия новой реализации дерева. Из ограничений - на текущий момент загружены далеко не все данные. О всех глюках и некорректностях и тд просьба сообщать по почте или в форуме.