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24.07.2012 15:00 Обсудить
Окончательно перевёл весь динамический контент на новый "скрипт".
Список изменений:
- дерево mp3 ушло в историю;
* полностью поменялись все URL :(
+ полная UTFизация;
+ вернулась согласованность между форумом и музыкальной частью сайта;
+ cнова можно писать рецензии :)

Осталось только доваять сортировщик/выкладывалку на сайт... ну и выложЫть те полторы тонны mp3, что принёс Ssphinx...

10.03.2011 17:07 Обсудить
Не смотря ни на что (С) на сервере произошёл "небольшой" апгрейд.
От старого сервера остался только корпус и часть ПО, которую не успел переконфигурировать в соответствии с новыми веяниями.
Из того, что затрагивает качающих:
1. Теперь количество соединений проверяется pf-ом. Есть надежда, что он будет точнее отсекать лишнее.
2. (Временно) сняты ограничения на скорость скачивания для отдельного IP. Сейчас стоит общий лимит 350Kbit/s на всех, что, учитывая текущее количество активных качальщиков, должно быть не так уж плохо.

Правда вообще всё еще стоит вопрос - а стОит ли продолжать раздачу через http. С одной стороны - вроде пытаются поприжать пиратов, с другой - на данный момент качает только лишь двое, с третьем - лишний головняк для меня.

Из менее интересного:
Поменял FreeBSD 7.0/i386 на 9.0/amd64, IDE на SATA2, UFS на ZFS, ipfw на pf, нерезервированное хранилище файлов на полноценное зеркалирование, планирую перевод бОльшей части сайта с apache+cgi и KOI8-R на nginx+fastcgi и UTF-8. Код для последнего действа даже потихоньку пишется. На этот раз таки планирую перетащить и музыкальную часть под новый движок.
Сильно думаю над судьбой данного форума. И над тем, не сделать ли его чем-то вроде новостной ленты для всея сайта, а не только музыкальной его части...

14.12.2009 15:43 Обсудить
Выложены Immortal "Unholy Forces Of Evil (EP)" '1991, Immortal "Sons Of Northern Darkness (Deluxe Edition) (Rerelease)" '2005 (thanks to Ssphinx).

09.11.2009 15:25 Обсудить
Выложены Graveworm "Diabolical Figures" '2009.

08.07.2009 11:29 Обсудить
Выложены Within Temptation "Enter" '1997, Beherit "Drawing Down The Moon" '1993, Noctes "Pandemonic Requiem" '1997, Funeris Nocturnum "Pure Satanic Blasphemy" '2000, Twilight Ophera "Midnight Horror" '1999, Geimhre "Noidagh" '2008 (thanks to Ssphinx).

07.07.2009 16:07 Обсудить
Выложены 5:45 "Notwehr" '2008, Abigail Williams "In The Shadow Of A Thousand Suns" '2008, Abomino Aetas "Sower Of Death" '2008, Abused Majesty "...So Man Created God" '2008, Ad Hominem "Theory 0 (EP)" '2008, Ad Noctum "The Excellence Of Supremacy" '2004, Ad Noctum "Arrogance" '2008, Ador Dorath "Bestiari" '2008, Adorned Brood "Noor" '2008, Adumus "Infinite Battles For Immortality (Demo)" '2000, Adumus "Besieging Abominations (EP)" '2000, Adumus "To Heed The Call Of War" '2004, Adumus "Invincible Black Order" '2008, Aeon "An Extravagance Of Norm" '2008, Aeveron "The Ancient Realm (EP)" '2006, Aeveron "Construality" '2004, Aeveron "Existential Dead End" '2008, Agrypnie "F51.4" '2006, Agrypnie "Exit" '2008, Aguynguerran "Hordes Of The Antichrist (Demo)" '2000, Aguynguerran "Perverting The Nazarene Cult" '2008, Akrival "Enigmas Of The Contradictory Nature" '2004, Akrival "Vitriolic" '2008, Amarok "Blasphemous Edictum" '2008, Amnion "The Return Of Total Desolation (Demo)" '2003, Amnion "Cryptic Wanderings" '2008, Amon Amarth "With Oden On Our Side" '2006, Amon Amarth "Twilight Of The Thunder God" '2008, Anatholian Wisdom "Where The Iblis Dwells" '2008, Andras "Iron Way" '2008, Animae Capronii "Saaroth - True Muntagnunn Black Metal" '2008, Aosoth "Aosoth" '2008, Arathorn "Treue & Verrat" '2008, Arathyr "Curse Man's Blame" '2008, Arcana Imperia "Hymns Of Infinite Decay" '2008, Arckanum "Demo 93 (Demo)" '1993, Arckanum "Antikosmos" '2008, Arckanum "Antikosmos (EP)" '2008, Arckanum "Grimalkinz Skaldi (EP)" '2008, Ashen Light "Бог Мертв! Смерть - Бог!" '2006, Ashen Light "Реальная Жизнь - Жизнь Здесь И Сейчас!" '2008, Asmegin "Arv" '2008, Asmegin "Naar Rimkalkene Heves (Demo)" '1999, Athos "Crossing The River Of Charon" '2008, Aurora Black "And The Skies Dream Infinite Sorrow" '2008, Avsky "Mass Destruction" '2006, Avsky "Malignant" '2008, Battle Dagorath "Eternal Throne" '2008, Black Coven "The Awakening Of Funeralia" '2008, Black Flame "Conquering Purity" '2006, Black Flame "Torment And Glory" '2004, Black Flame "Imperivm" '2008, Blodtru "The Death Of The Spirit" '2008, Blood Red Fog "Blood Red Fog" '2006, Blood Red Fog "Radiating Desolation (EP)" '2008, Bloodstained Dusk "Dirge Of Death's Silence" '2000, Bloodstained Dusk "Thy Legions Reign Over Christendom (EP)" '2000, Bloodstained Dusk "Continuance Of Evil" '2004, Bloodstained Dusk "Black Faith Inquisition" '2008, Bloodsworn "All Hyllest Till Satan" '2008, Blutrache "Todessehnsucht" '2008, Borgazur "2P3 Alchemists Earth Of Aeon" '2008, Brother Von Doom "Relentless" '2008, Brutal Morticinio "'Despertar Dos Chacais; O Outono Dos Povos...'" '2008, Burzukh "End Game" '2008, Capitis Damnaire "Black Stigmatized" '2008, Catamenia "Location: Cold" '2006, Catamenia "The Time Unchained" '2008, Ceremonial Castings "The Chaos Chapter (MCD)" '2002, Ceremonial Castings "Barbaric Is The Beast" '2006, Ceremonial Castings "13 Roses (Demo)" '2000, Ceremonial Castings "Vampiria - The Second Coming (Demo)" '2000, Ceremonial Castings "Immortal Black Art" '2005, Ceremonial Castings "Universal Funeral March" '2003, Ceremonial Castings "Salem 1962" '2008, Chainerdog "Journey To The Omega (EP)" '2008, Chaosweaver "Puppetmaster Of Pandemonium" '2008, Children Of Bodom "Hellhounds On My Trail (EP)" '2008, Crystalmoors "Antiqvam Exqvirite Matrem" '2008, Cult Of Luna "Eternal Kingdom" '2008, Cultes Des Ghoules "Haxan" '2008, Dagon "They Who Abideth Amidst The Posion" '2006, Dagon "In Desolationem Per Nefandum" '2008, Dark Domination "Reign Of The Fallen One (EP)" '2008, Dark Ritual "Under Ravenwings" '2008, Darkestrah "The Great Silk Road" '2008, Darkflight "Perfectly Calm" '2008, Deathmoor "Mors Ultima Ratio" '2008, Deathspell Omega "Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum: Chaining The Katechon (EP)" '2008, Deferum Sacrum "Antichristian Disease (EP)" '2008, Deletion "Deletion" '2008, Den Saakaldte "Ol, Morke Og Depresjon" '2008, Detonator 666 "Supremacy & Tyranny" '2008, Devilry "Inhumane Regiment (EP)" '2002, Devilry "Stormbolt (MCD)" '2006, Devilry "Rites For The Spring Of Supremacy" '2008, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Riders On The Storm" '2006, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Dschingis Khan (EP)" '1998, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Licht" '2008, Diminishing Light "Inherited By Earth" '2008, Diocletian "Sect Of Swords (EP)" '2008, Dornenreich "In Luft Geritzt" '2008, Dragobrath "'And Mountains Openeth Eyes...'" '2008, Drowning The Light "The Serpents Reign" '2008, Dusken "Pyrimanes" '2008, Dzjady "Kryveyu Pa Sneze" '2008, Edieh "Butterfly Catastrophe (EP)" '2008, Eisregen "Knochenkult" '2008, Elimi "Summoned From Ashes" '2008, Elite "We Own The Mountains" '2008, Emancer "Utopian Illusions" '2001, Emancer "The Human Experiment" '2002, Emancer "Invisible" '2004, Emancer "The Menace Within" '2005, Emancer "Twilight And Randomness" '2008, Embryonic Cells "Black Seas" '2008, Enslaved "Vertebrae" '2008, Episode 13 "Pitch Black" '2008, Equilibrium "Sagas" '2008, Ereb Altor "By Honour" '2008, Ethereal Woods "In The Forest Of Arden" '2005, Exterminate "Pact (EP)" '2008, Fairytale Abuse "Perversions Of Angel IV" '2008, Falls Of Rauros "Hail Wind And Hewn Oak" '2008, Feigd "Svarte Sjoar (Demo)" '2008, Fimbulvet "Der Ruf In Goldene Hallen" '2008, Finnugor "Darkness Needs Us" '2004, Finnugor "Voitettuani Kuoleman" '2006, Finnugor "Fame Et Morte" '2008, Folkodia "Odes From The Past" '2008, Frangar "1915 Tvtto Per La Patria (MCD)" '2008, Funebre "Indictment About The World Of Man" '2008, Germanen Blut "Der Zorn Des Sturms" '2006, Germanen Blut "Auf In Die Schlacht (Demo)" '2005, Germanen Blut "Wandelnd In Der Einsamkeit Abgrundtiefer Gedanken" '2008, Gramary "Suffocation" '2008, Gravdal "Sadist" '2008, Grimbane "Let The Empires Fall" '2008, Grimburg "Naturherrschaft" '2008, Hammer "Shoax" '2008, Harvist "A Gleam In The Night" '2002, Harvist "Wolfskin Clad" '2008, Heartless "Suicidal Engagement" '2008, Heimdalls Wacht "Westfalischer Schlachtenlarm" '2005, Heimdalls Wacht "Rehearsal (Demo)" '2008, Heimdalls Wacht "Ut De Graute Olle Tied - Deel I" '2008, Helfahrt "Wiedergang" '2008, Helvete "Warmasters" '2008, Hennes Siste Hoest "Host" '2008, Heralder "Twilight Kingdom" '2008, Hermh "Eden's Fire" '2006, Hermh "After The Fire - Ashes (EP)" '2008, Herrschaft "Tesla" '2008, Horgoth "It Finally Comes... (EP)" '2008, Horn "Wanderszeit (Demo)" '2003, Horn "Der Forst Im Fruhjahr" '2004, Horn "Jahreszeiten" '2005, Horn "Die Kraft Der Szenarien" '2006, Horn "Naturkraft" '2008, Horna "Sanojesi Aarelle" '2008, Im Nebel "Vitriol" '2008, Inchivatu "Miseria" '2008, Dark Intermentn "Наши Боги Дремлют В Нас" '2008, Infaust "Des Schmerzes Macht" '2006, Infaust "Blutbad & Melancholie" '2008, Infernal Hate "Upset" '2008, Invocation Of Evil "Satan's Hellfires (Demo)" '2008, Irae "Hellnation" '2008, Iskald "Revelations Of Reckoning Day" '2008, Istapp "Koldens Union" '2008, Jarost Marksa "We The People (EP)" '2008, Jenovah "Post Mortem (Demo)" '2008, Kargvint "Seelenwerks Fortgang" '2008, Keep Of Kalessin "Kolossus" '2008, Khold "Masterpiss Of Pain" '2001, Khold "Hundre Ar Gammal" '2008, Klage "Veltvinters Kraft (Demo)" '2004, Klage "Die Weihe Des Eises - Eine Grossweise" '2008, Koldbrann "Stigma: Pa Kant Med Livet (EP)" '2008, Korog "Mumus" '2008, Krallice "Krallice" '2008, Kreator "Hordes Of Chaos" '2009, Kruk "U Gonar Czornaga Staba" '1998, Kruk "Endkampf" '2008, Kulto Maldito "Kulto A La Bestia" '2008, Leadhaze "Black Water Path" '2008, Leichenbrand "Traumtoeter (EP)" '2008, Lonndom "Hagkomster Fran Nordliga Nejder (EP)" '2008, Lucifugum "Involtation" '2006, Lucifugum "Stigma Egoism" '2003, Lucifugum "Gates Of Nocticula (Demo) (Rerelease)" '2004, Lucifugum "Sociopath Philosophy Cynicism" '2004, Lucifugum "Высшее Искусство Геноцида" '2006, Lucifugum "Acme Adeptum" '2008, Lugubrum "Albino De Congo" '2008, Malnatt "La Voce Dei Morti" '2008, Malnurture "VII (EP)" '2008, Malus "Insignificant Life" '2002, Malus "Creation Of Death" '2003, Malus "In Revenge" '2003, Malus "The Beauty Of Doom" '2008, Massemord "The Whore Of Hate" '2008, Minhyriath "Gondolyn" '2008, Mitochondrion "Archaeaeon" '2008, Moonsorrow "Tulimyrsky (EP)" '2008, Mort "Godless Dominion" '2004, Mort "Raw & Cold" '2008, Mortjuri "...Desoulate" '2008, Nabaath "War Blasphemy (Demo)" '2008, Nachtmystium "Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. 1" '2008, Nachtmystium "Worldfall (EP)" '2008, Nauthisuruz "Visions" '2008, Necrostorm "Necrostorm" '2008, Negativity "Please Kill Yourself" '2007, Negativity "Perpetual Darkness (Demo)" '2008, Neptune "Acts Of Supremacy" '2008, Netherbird "The Ghost Collector" '2008, Neurolepsia "The Apocalyptic Symphony (Demo)" '2008, Nightwish "The Islander (CDS)" '2008, Njiqahdda "Nji. Njiijn. Njiiijn." '2008, Nocte Obducta "Sequenzen Einer Wanderung" '2008, Nyktalgia "Peisithanatos" '2008, Oakenshield "Gylfaginning" '2008, Obscuro "Where Obscurity Dwells" '2008, Obtest "Tukstantmetis" '1997, Obtest "Gyvybes Medis" '2008, October Falls "The Womb Of Primordial Nature" '2008, Odal "Zornes Heimat" '2008, Ode "Schimmenwoud" '2008, Old Forest "Tales Of The Sussex Weald: Part I (EP)" '2008, Opeth "Watershed" '2008, Osirion "Har Sabbat (Rerelease)" '2008, Osirion "Reconquista" '2008, Pagan Hellfire "A Voice From Centuries Away" '2001, Pagan Hellfire "Solidarity" '2008, Panchrysia "In Obscure Depths" '2003, Panchrysia "Deathcult Salvation" '2008, Panopticon "Panopticon" '2008, Paria "Blut Und Knochenstaub (Demo)" '2005, Paria "VerminRace" '2008, Perversus Stigmata "Interstellar Hatred Void (Demo)" '2008, Pripegal "Ziemia Gromadzi Prochy" '2008, Ragnar "The March Of The Unholy Age (EP)" '2008, Redemptor Hominis "Premices I-IV (EP)" '2008, Revenge "Infiltration, Downfall, Death" '2008, Riddle Of Meander "End Of All Lffe And Creation" '2007, Riddle Of Meander "Orcus" '2008, Rovkram "Asscream" '2008, Ruina "Ukruina" '2008, Ruins "Cauldron" '2008, Sacrilegio "La Tradizione Ermetica" '2008, Sanctus Infernum "Sanctus Infernum" '2008, Sanguis "Ascension" '2008, Satan's Host "Great American Scapegoat" '2008, Sator Marte "Termonuklearni Evoluce" '2008, Saturnian Mist "Saturnian Mist (Demo)" '2008, Satyricon "My Skin Is Cold (EP)" '2008, Sect "WWIII" '2008, Septic Flesh "Communion" '2008, Serpent "Cradle Of Insanity" '2005, Serpent "XGODx" '2008, Shadows Ground "Один Путь - Смерть (EP)" '2008, Sightless "Larvae Of Trinity" '2008, Sikaryus "Unrestrained (Demo)" '2008, Skald "I En Svunnen Tid (EP)" '2008, Skjold "Kirkebrand (Demo)" '1996, Skjold "Fourteen Years Hell" '2008, Slavigrom "Kraj Temny (EP)" '2008, Sorg Uten Tarer "Grave Songs [Part 1] [PLamenism]" '2008, Sorgsvart "Vikingtid Og Anarki" '2008, Sothis "De Oppresso Liber" '2008, Stone Of Erech "Stone Of Erech (EP)" '2008, Storming Darkness "...By Path Of Death (EP)" '2003, Storming Darkness "Sin-Thesis" '2008, Stormlord "Mare Nostrum" '2008, Supplicium "Atrae Poenae (EP)" '2008, Svartahrid "Forthcoming Storm" '1999, Svartahrid "As The Sunrise Flickers" '2000, Svartahrid "Malicious Pride" '2008, Svartediket "Svartediket" '2008, Svartkraft "III - Lord Of Vermin" '2008, Svartthron "Bearer Of The Crimson Flame" '2008, Synnove "Synnove (EP)" '2005, Synnove "The Whore And The Bride" '2008, Syphilitic Vaginas "Black Motor Covenant (EP)" '2008, Syphilitic Vaginas "Syphilitic Vaginas (EP)" '2008, Taake "Taake" '2008, Tapetum Lucidum "Machteloos Bestaan" '2008, Teratism "Pure Unadultered Hate" '2008, Teurgia "With True Faith" '2008, Teutoburg Forest "Chao Ab Ordo" '2008, The Absolute Of Malignity "The Absolute Of Malignity" '2008, The Crypt "Heartless Merciless Blasphemous... Martyr Slain" '2003, The Crypt "Bestialmente" '2008, The End Of Six Thousand Years "Isolation" '2008, The Funeral Pyre "Immersed By The Flames Of Mank" '2004, The Funeral Pyre "Wounds" '2008, The Symphonic Wings Of Tragedy "(Demo)" '2008, Theudho "Cult Of Wuotan" '2008, Thorngoth "Rauhnacht" '2008, Thronar "Unleash The Fire" '2008, Tisic Let Od Raje "Waves" '2008, Tjolgtjar "Halloween" '2007, Tjolgtjar "Ikarikitomidun, Lord Of The Forest" '2008, Total Hate "Depopulating Planet Earth" '2008, Tourment Noir "Entre L'enfer Et Le Paradis (EP)" '2008, Transcending Bizarre? "The Serpent's Manifolds" '2008, Trayjen "Walking Among The Stones Of Fire" '2008, Triskele "Les Murmures De La Fore" '2003, Triskele "Origines" '2004, Triskele "Triade Nordique" '2008, Tystnaden "In Our Eye" '2008, Ulvdalir "Flame Once Lost" '2008, Ulvdalir "Soul Void" '2008, Undivine "A Deceitful Calm" '2008, Urn "Dawn Of The Devastation" '2006, Urn "I Am Your Nightmare (EP)" '1998, Urn "Soul Destroyers" '2008, Urt "Ussikuningas-Saatanhark II" '2008, Utgard "Thrones And Dominions" '2008, VI "De Praestigiis Daemonum (MCD)" '2008, Vanguard "Dragon Slayers (EP)" '2006, Vanguard "Erek And Ivor" '2008, Vardlokkur "Fragmenteret Okkult Bespottelse" '2008, Veil "Dolor" '2005, Veil "Sombre" '2008, Velnias "Sovereign Nocturnal" '2008, Verge "(Demo)" '2005, Verge "Hatemagic" '2008, Verjnuarmu "Ruatokansan Uamunkoetto" '2008, Vermeth "Your Ruin" '2001, Vermeth "Suicide Or Be Killed!" '2008, Verzivatar "In The Shadow Of Sombre Clouds" '2008, Virgin Black "Requiem - Fortissimo" '2008, Vobiscum "Berchfrit" '2008, Volahn "Dimensi?nes Del Trance K?smico" '2008, Vreid "Milorg" '2009, W.E.B "Jesus Heist" '2008, Waylander "Honour Amongst Chaos (Demo)" '2007, Waylander "Honour Amongst Chaos" '2008, Weapon "Para Bhakti... Salvation (EP)" '2008, Weeping Birth "Anosognosic Industry Of The I" '2008, Weltkrieg "Свержение Гнетущих Оков (EP)" '2008, Wildesheer "Wildesheer (Demo)" '2002, Wildes Heer "The Beast Takes Flesh" '2008, Winds Of Plague "Decimate The Weak" '2008, Woe "A Spell For The Death Of Man" '2008, Wolf & Winter "Endless Forest Of Silent Sorrow... The Howl Of Hate" '2008, Wolff "Promo 2008 (Demo)" '2008, Wolfmare "Whitemare Rhymes" '2008, Wolfnacht "Zeit Der Cherusker" '2008, Wolfsrune "Screams Of The Forgotten" '2008, Wrath Passion "Careful Saint" '2008, Wurzelkraft "Urgewalt (Demo)" '2005, Wurzelkraft "'Primitiv Und Edel Wie Nie Zuvor...'" '2008, Yaotzin "Heaven Burning Bleeding" '1998, Yaotzin "Mors Christii" '2008, Zerstorer "Panzer Metal" '2008, Zrec "Zertva" '2008, Веретрагор "Чёрное Золото" '2008, Дружина "Эхо Далёких Битв" '2008, Зверъ "В Сердце Леса" '2008, Крада "Ступени" '2008, Лютомысл "Catharsis" '2006, Лютомысл "De Profundi" '2008, Навь "The Wolf's Sun" '2008, Смага "Мои Земли (EP)" '2008, Твердь "Вслед За Солнцеворотом" '2008, Чёрный Кофе "Сладкий Ангел" '1985, Чёрный Кофе "Полукровка (Cds)" '2008 (thanks to Ssphinx), Cult Of Luna "The Beyond" '2003, Kreator "Coma Of Souls" '1990, Kreator "Renewal" '1992, Kreator "Violent Revolution" '2001, Kreator "Outcast" '1997, Kreator "Chosen Few" '1999, Kreator "Endorama" '1999, Kreator "Live In Moscow" '1999, Kreator "Past Life Trauma" '2000, Kreator "Voices Of Transgression" '1999, Waylander "Reawakening Pride Once Lost" '1998, Waylander "The Light The Dark And The Endless Knot" '2001 (thanks to Satanist), Enslaved "Live Retaliation" '2003, Enslaved "Live Retaliation (DVD Bonus Audio)" '2003 (thanks to Pollux), Septic Flesh "Forgotten Paths (The Early Days)" '2000 (thanks to Metalian), Навь "Гимн Холодному Безмолвию (Demo)" '1998, Навь "Из Нави В Явь (Demo)" '1997 (thanks to Neiromonach).

19.03.2009 10:06 Обсудить
Выложены Unanimated "In The Forest Of The Dreaming Dead" '1993 (thanks to Ssphinx).

23.12.2008 12:42 Обсудить
Выложены Draconian "No Greater Sorrow (Single)" '2008 (thanks to AesirLoki).

17.10.2008 14:11 Обсудить
Выложены Adversam "Animadverte" '1999, Adversam "Proclama" '2008, Aeba "Kodex V" '2008, Alghazanth "Dim Is The Moon's Light (Demo)" '1997, Alghazanth "The Phosphorescent (CDS)" '2008, Alghazanth "Wreath Of Thevetat" '2008, Ancestors Blood "Wisdom Opens The Gates For The King (Demo)" '2003, Ancestors Blood "Return Of The Ancient Ones" '2008, Animus Mortis "Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh)" '2008, Ansur "Warring Factions" '2008, Arsis "We Are The Nightmare" '2008, Artefact "Ruins" '2008, Averse Sefira "Advent Parallax" '2008, Azaghal "Luciferin Valo" '2006, Azaghal "Omega" '2008, Baptism "Sons Of Ruin & Terror (Demo)" '2000, Baptism "The Beherial Midnight" '2002, Baptism "Black Ceremony (EP)" '2004, Baptism "Evil Mysteries (EP)" '2006, Baptism "Grim Arts Of Melancholy" '2008, Behexen "Eternal Realm (Demo)" '1997, Behexen "Blessed Be The Darkness (Demo)" '1998, Behexen "My Soul For His Glory" '2008, Belphegor "The Last Supper (Rerelease)" '1999, Belphegor "Pestapokalypse VI" '2006, Belphegor "Bloodbath In Paradise (EP)" '1992, Belphegor "Blutsabbath" '1997, Belphegor "Goatreich - Fleshcult" '2005, Belphegor "Bondage Goat Zombie" '2008, Blackwind "Flesh Inferno" '2008, Blackwinds "Origin" '2008, Brown Jenkins "Brown Jenkins" '2008, Carach Angren "Lammendam" '2008, Carcharoth "Desolated Battlefields" '2008, Celestia "A Dying Out Ecstasy (Demo)" '1998, Celestia "A Cave Full Of Bats (MCD)" '1999, Celestia "Dead Insecta Sequestration" '2003, Celestia "Frigidiis Apotheosia: Abstinen" '2008, Celestial Bloodshed "Cursed, Scarred And Forever Possessed" '2008, Children Of Bodom "Are You Dead Yet?" '2005, Children Of Bodom "Blooddrunk" '2008, Children Of Bodom "Blooddrunk (CDS)" '2008, Cor Scorpii "Attergangar (Demo)" '2005, Cor Scorpii "Monument" '2008, Cradle Of Filth "Dirge Inferno (CDS)" '2006, Cradle Of Filth "Thornography" '2006, Cradle Of Filth "Orgiastic Pleasures Foul (Demo)" '1992, Cradle Of Filth "Harder, Darker, Faster: Thornography Deluxe" '2008, Crematory "Pray" '2008, Crematory "Greed Digipak" '2004, Cryptic Tales "Valley Of The Dolls" '1994, Cryptic Tales "The Tales" '1996, Cryptic Tales "VII Dogmata Of Mercy" '2008, Dagorlad "Herald Of Doom" '2008, Dark Age "Minus Exitus" '2008, Dark Fortress "Seance" '2006, Dark Fortress "Eidolon" '2008, Dead Christ Cult "Stigma" '2008, Deathgate Arkanum "Stillhallen" '2008, Degradead "Til Death Do Us Apart" '2008, Dekadent "The Deliverance Of The Fall" '2008, Destinity "Wepts From The Sky" '1999, Destinity "Supreme Domination's Art" '2001, Destinity "Under The Smell Of Chaos" '2003, Destinity "The Inside" '2008, Detonator 666 "At The Dawn Of Sadistic Infernal Holocaust" '2004, Detonator 666 "Supremacy And Tyranny" '2008, Dulcamara "Anatomicamente Imperfecto" '2008, Elivagar "Heirs Of The Ancient Tales" '2008, Eluveitie "Ven (MCD)" '2003, Eluveitie "Spirit" '2006, Eluveitie "Slania" '2008, Elvira Madigan "Regent Sie" '2008, Enclave "Paradise Of Putrefaction" '2008, Enoid "Dodssyklus" '2007, Enoid "Ad Nilem (EP)" '2008, Epiclore "Labyrinth Alpha" '2008, Epping Forest "Everblasting Struggle" '2008, Flagellum Dei "Under The Might" '2008, Flame Of War "Europa Or The Spirit Among The Ruins" '2008, Flaming Fog "Armony In Desgrace (EP)" '2008, Flesh "Worship The Soul Of Disgust" '2008, Folkearth "By The Sword Of My Father" '2006, Folkearth "Drakkars In The Mist" '2007, Folkearth "Father Of Victory" '2008, Forefather "Steadfast" '2008, Gargotheron "Black Metal Supreme" '2008, Geimhre "Mollachd" '2005, Geimhre "Hinterland Suthainn" '2007, Geimhre "Noidagh" '2008, Gloria Morti "Eryx" '2008, Gouda Borgir "Ostafaerd (EP)" '2008, Grab "Plague" '2008, Gwydion "Ynys Moen" '2008, Hate "Morphosis" '2008, Hegemon "Contempus Mundi" '2008, Hegemon "Chaos Supreme" '2000, Helheim "Nidr Ok Nordr Liggr Helvegr (Demo)" '1994, Helheim "Kaoskult" '2008, Her Whisper "The Great Unifier" '2008, Hindvir "Roth Cingetos Taxonaria" '2008, IC Rex "Valonkantajan Alkemia" '2008, In Flames "A Sense Of Purpose" '2008, Inferno "'V Navratu Pohanstvi...'" '2003, Inferno "Utter Hell" '1996, Inferno "Downtown Hades" '1997, Inferno "Uctivani Temne Zuoivosti" '2008, Iskon "Dok Gniev Prosloti Navire" '2008, KRV "Ponor" '2008, Kalmah "For The Revolution" '2008, Kataklysm "Prevail" '2008, Kawir "Epoptia" '1999, Kawir "Ophiolatreia" '2008, Korpiklaani "Tervaskanto" '2007, Korpiklaani "Keep On Galloping (CDS)" '2008, Korpiklaani "Korven Kuningas" '2008, Kurgan "...And Green Grasses Are Freezing Slowly" '2008, Lost Dreams "End Of Time" '2008, Martriden "The Unsettling Dark" '2008, Mercenary "Architect Of Lies" '2008, Mirrorthrone "Gangrene" '2008, Moonspell "The Antidote" '2003, Moonspell "Memorial" '2006, Moonspell "Under Satanae" '2007, Moonspell "Night Eternal" '2008, Mygrain "Signs Of Existence" '2008, Nastrond "Muspellz Synir" '2008, Nefarium "Praesidium" '2005, Nefarium "Haeretichristus" '2008, Nightwish "Bye Bye Beautiful (CDS)" '2008, Nihil Nocturne "Necrohell" '2003, Nihil Nocturne "Wahnsinn Tod Verrat" '2006, Nihil Nocturne "Entheogen" '2008, Nordafrost "North Arise" '2004, Nordafrost "Back To The Shores Of Grey" '2008, Norther "Till Death Us Unites" '2006, Norther "N" '2008, Orcivus "Consummatum Est" '2008, Rexor "Ain (Demo)" '2008, Rookwood "You Worship Shit" '2008, Svyatogor "...With Wolfish Stalk And By Wings Of Black (Rerelease)" '2007, Thyrgrim "Winterhall" '2006, Thyrgrim "Niedergang" '2008, Fatum "Неприкаянный (Demo)" '2008, Holdaar "Противление" '2007, Holdaar "Путь К Солнцу" '2008, Kamaedzitca "Пяруне" '2008, Svyatogor "Энергия-Свобода Сила Сильная, Власть Властная" '2008, Aboriorth "Far Away From Hateful Mankind Plague" '2007, Adversus "Winter So Unsagbar Winter" '2003, Adversus "Einer Nacht Gewesenes" '2005, Adversus "Laya (EP)" '2007, Aeon "Rise To Dominate" '2007, Aetherius Obscuritas "Layae Bolcsoje" '2006, Aetherius Obscuritas "Viziok (Visions)" '2007, After Death "Retronomicon" '2007, Against The Plagues "The Architecture Of Oppression" '2007, Alfa Eridano Akhernar "Aberrant Hate Icon" '2007, Alien Vampires "Nuns Are Pregnant (MCD)" '2007, Amputator "Amputator (Demo)" '2005, Amputator "Deathcult Barbaric Hell" '2007, Anaal Nathrakh "Eschaton" '2006, Anthems Of Gomorrah "Gebrechlichkeit" '2007, Armagedda "Echoes In Eternity" '2007, Armentar "Baptism By Hate" '2007, Arsonist Lodge "Lihaa Pedolle (Demo)" '2004, Arsonist Lodge "Perkele, Antikristus Ja Vaara Profeetta (MCD)" '2007, Aryanas "Vinlandic Winds Shall Guide Me (Demo)" '2005, Aryanas "Dawn Of A Noble Era" '2007, Aryanas "Volkskrieg (Demo)" '2006, Astaarth "Gloria Burgundia" '2007, Astarium "On The Edge Of Chasm" '2007, Astral Division "Spadyum" '2007, Astrofaes "Dying Emotions Domain" '1998, Astrofaes "'Idea. Form. Essence...'" '2007, Austere "Withering Illusions And Desolation" '2007, Azhyria "The Dark Land" '2007, Azrael "Goat" '2007, Azrael "Self" '2007, Beastcraft "Baptised In Blood And Goatsemen" '2007, Behelal "Metamorphosis" '2007, Belenos "Notre Amour Eternel (Demo)" '1996, Belenos "Triste Pensee" '1997, Belenos "Allegorie D'une Souffrance (Demo)" '1998, Belenos "Notre Amour Eternel" '1998, Belenos "L'Ancien Temps (Triste Pensee) (Rerelease)" '2004, Belenos "Chemins De Souffrance" '2007, Bergraven "Dodsvisioner" '2007, Bergraven "Foerdaerv" '2004, Besatt "In Nomine Satanas" '1997, Besatt "Roots Of Evil (EP)" '2003, Besatt "Black Mass" '2006, Besatt "Triumph Of Antichrist" '2007, Besatt "Hail Lucifer" '2000, Bilskirnir "Wolfswut (EP)" '2006, Bilskirnir "Wotansvolk" '2007, Black Wraith "Channeling The Unlight Of The Moon (Demo)" '2007, Blessmon "Under The Storm Of Hate" '2007, Blinded By Faith "Under An Occult Sun" '2003, Blinded By Faith "Veiled Hideousness (EP) (Rerelease)" '2006, Blinded By Faith "Weapons Of Mass Distraction" '2007, Blodfest "I Kong Skjolds Navn" '2007, Blood Of Kingu "De Occulta Philosophia" '2007, Blood Stain Child "Silence Of Northern Hell" '2002, Blood Stain Child "Idolator" '2005, Blood Stain Child "Mozaiq" '2007, Bloody Sign "Explosion Of Elements" '2007, Blowsight "Destination Terrorville" '2007, Blut Aus Nord "Mort" '2006, Blut Aus Nord "Odinist" '2007, Bluteszorn "Victory Of The Dead" '2007, Blutklinge "Reflection Of A Bleak Mind" '2007, Borgne "II" '2007, By Brute Force "With Intent To Destroy" '2007, Caina "Mourner" '2007, Calvarium Funestus "Opus Domine Satanus" '2007, Ceremony Of Opposites "Death's Dominion" '2007, Chaos Moon "Languor Into Echoes, Beyond" '2007, Chaos Moon "Origin Of Apparition" '2007, Chaoswolf "Lychanthropic Passages And Mystic Blackness (Demo)" '2007, Charnel Valley "The Dark Archives" '2005, Charnel Valley "The Igneous Race" '2007, Church Bizarre "Sinister Glorification" '2007, Cobalt "Eater Of Birds" '2007, Coldhand "Coldfield" '2007, Control Human Delete "Terminal World Perspective" '2007, Corpus Christii "Saeculum Domini" '2000, Corpus Christii "F.O.A.D. (Split)" '2004, Corpus Christii "Rising" '2007, Countess "Holocaust Of The God Believers" '2006, Countess "Blazing Flames Of War" '2007, Crionics "Armageddons Evolution" '2004, Crionics "Neuthrone" '2007, Crionics "Beyond The Blazing Horizon" '2001, Cryfemal "Perpetua Funebre GLoria" '2005, Cryfemal "Apoteosis Oculta" '2007, Crystal Abyss "Word Of The Darkest Ages" '2007, Crystal Abyss "Sageness Fallen (MCD)" '2001, Crystalium "Doxa O Revelation" '2007, Crystalium "De Aeternitate Commando" '2001, Daemonheim "Hexentanz" '2007, Dark Funeral "In The Sign... (EP)" '1994, Dark Funeral "The Secrets Of The Black Arts (Rerelease)" '2007, Darkest Hate Warfront "The Aftermath" '2007, Darkthrone "NWOBHM (New Wave Of Black Heavy Metal) (EP)" '2007, Dead To This World "First Strike For Spiritual Renewance" '2007, Deathrow "Primordial Lifecode" '2007, Deathspell Omega "Infernal Battles" '2000, Deathspell Omega "Inquisitors Of Satan" '2002, Deathspell Omega "Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem" '2007, Deborah "The Song Of Deborah" '2004, Deborah "Soteria" '2007, Decades Of Blood "Bitchblood And Beatdown Fury (Demo)" '2007, Decayed "The Conjuration Of The Southern Circle" '1993, Decayed "Behold The Wrath (CDS)" '1997, Decayed "The Book Of Darkness" '1999, Decayed "Nockthurnaal" '2001, Decayed "Hexagram" '2007, Deinonychus "Warfare Machines" '2610, Deinonychus "Mournument" '2002, Deofel "Aposni Rytual (The Last Ritual)" '2007, Depressive Reality "Las Sombras" '2007, Devian "Ninewinged Serpent" '2007, Die Entweihung "Die Entweihung (Demo)" '2007, Dimension F3H "Does The Pain Excite You?" '2007, Diphteria "Gateways To My Hell" '2007, Direwolf "Beyond The Lands Of Human Existence" '2007, Dissentient "Northern Aloofness" '2007, Dodheimsgard "Supervillain Outcast (Demo)" '2005, Dodheimsgard "Supervillain Outcast" '2007, Doomsword "My Name Will Live On" '2007, Dorn "Spiegel Der Unendlichkeit" '2007, Drautran "Unter Dem Banner Der Nordwinde (Demo)" '1999, Drautran "Throne Of The Depths" '2007, Drautran "Unter Dem Banner Der Nordwind" '2000, Drowning The Light "A World Long Dead" '2007, Drudkh "Songs Of Grief And Solitude" '2006, Drudkh "Anti-Urban (EP)" '2007, Dusk "Pray For Death" '2007, Dusken "Hateful" '2007, Einherjar "Sur Les Sentiers Dune Guerre Paienne (Demo)" '2007, Eisregen "Blutbahnen" '2007, Elexorien "Elexorien" '2007, Elvenking "The Scythe" '2007, Elysian Blaze "Levitating The Carnal" '2006, Elysian Blaze "Beneath Silent Faces (Rerelease)" '2007, Empyreal Destroyer "The Destroyer (MCD)" '2007, Enslavement Of Beauty "Mere Contemplations" '2007, Enthroned "Prophecies Of Pagan Fire" '1995, Enthroned "Prophecies Of Pagan Fire (Bonus Cd - Live & Demo 94) (Compilation)" '1999, Enthroned "Tetra Karcist" '2007, Entirety "Proud" '2007, Eternity "Funeral Mass" '2007, Fall Of Eden "Dawn Of A New Age" '2007, Farsot "IIII" '2007, Finsterforst "Wiege Der Finsternis (EP)" '2005, Finsterforst "Weltenkraft" '2007, Fjoergyn "Sade Et Masoch" '2007, Forest Of Impaled "Rise And Conquer" '2007, Forgotten Tomb "Negative Megalomania" '2007, Forgotten Woods "Race Of Cain" '2007, Foscor "The Smile Of The Sad Ones" '2007, Frangar "Totalitarian War" '2007, From Ashes "As The Leaves Fall" '2007, Frozen "'Их Имена На Снегах...'" '2007, Funeral Fog "Channelling Ancient Shadows" '2007, Funeral Forest "Winter Forest (Demo)" '2005, Drowning The Light "Through The Noose Of Existance" '2007, Drowning The Light "To The End Of Time" '2007, Funeral Forest "Against The Mordern Black Metal (Demo)" '2007, Funeral Winds "Nexion Xul - The Cursed Blood" '2007, Funeral Winds "Resurection Of The Five Winds" '1993, Furze "First Feast For Freedom (EP)" '2000, Furze "Necromanzee Cogent" '2003, Furze "UTD" '2007, Gallhammer "Ill Innocence" '2007, Gardarika "Volkodav" '2007, Garden Of Delight "Lutherion III" '2007, Geistbeschworer "...Und Zuruck Kehrt Die Pest Namens Nacht" '2007, Gestapo 666 "Black Gestapo Metal" '2005, Gestapo 666 "Nostalgiah" '2007, Geyst "Into The Nocturnal (EP)" '2007, Ghremdrakk "Sterrenpracht" '2006, Ghremdrakk "Je M Exalte" '2007, Glemt "Comatose Visions (Demo)" '2007, Gloomy Grim "Tapetum Lucidum (EP)" '2007, Gloria Diaboli "Gate To Sheol (EP)" '2007, Glorior Belli "Manifesting The Raging Beast" '2007, Goat Semen "En Vivo En Lima Hell" '2007, Gorefest "Rise To Ruin" '2007, Gospel Of The Horns "Realm Of The Damned" '2007, Grabak "Agash Daeva" '2007, Grabak "Demo" '1997, Grabak "Der Prophet Des Chaos" '1999, Graveland "Will Stronger Than Death" '2007, Graveworm "Collateral Defect (Promo)" '2007, Grenade "The Howling Damned" '2007, Grigori "Visions Of A Burning Dawn (Demo)" '2007, Grimfaug "Blood Upon The Face Of Creation" '2004, Grimfaug "Defloration Of Life's Essence" '2007, Groza "Gecmisin Kasvetli Izleri" '2007, Gurtholfinn "Never Forget (Demo)" '2006, Gurtholfinn "The Forest Of Long Awaiting (Demo)" '2007, Hacride "Deviant Current Signal" '2005, Hacride "Amoeba" '2007, Haereticus "Our Legions Fight Religions (Rerelease)" '2007, Hargonath "Hargonath" '2007, Hathor "Ancient" '2007, Havohej "Dethrone The Son Of God" '1993, Havohej "Tungkat Blood Wand (EP)" '2007, Heavenwood "Promo (Demo)" '2007, Helcaraxe "Triumph And Revenge" '2007, Hellishthrone "Light A Candle For The Dead... And A Torch To Burn Their Corpses" '2007, Hellveto "Visions From The Past/stony Fathers Of Winter" '2006, Hellveto "966" '2007, Helrunar "Gratr" '2003, Helrunar "Baldr Ok Iss" '2007, Helvetespine "Frykten Og Mennesket" '2007, Hexenwood "Regevandor" '2007, Hilderog "66,6° Nord" '2007, Hollow Corp. "Cloister Of Radiance" '2007, Horna "Pakanhymni Rehearsal (Demo)" '1994, Horna "Poltettu Rehearsal (Demo)" '1994, Horna "Kristuksentappo Treenit (Rehearsal) (Demo)" '1996, Horna "Pimeyden Hehku (MCD)" '2007, Horna "Sotahuuto" '2007, Huldrefolk "Eeuwenhout" '2007, Hymir "Perish" '2007, Iceni "As Carnyx Screams Consume The Silence (Demo)" '2007, Iciclan "Frozen Dimensions" '2007, Imperium Dekadenz "...Und Die Welt Ward Kalt Und Leer" '2006, Imperium Dekadenz "Dammerung Der Szenarien" '2007, Impious Havoc "At The Ruins Of The Holy Kingdom" '2004, Impious Havoc "The Great Day Of Wrath" '2003, Impious Havoc "Maleficium" '2007, Impious Havoc "Manifestations Of Plague And War" '2007, In Lingua Mortua "Bellowing Sea - Racked By Tempest" '2007, In Vain "The Latter Rain" '2007, InThyFlesh "Crawl Beneath Our Shadow" '2004, InThyFlesh "Lechery Maledictions" '2007, Infernaeon "A Symphony Of Suffering" '2007, Infernal War "Infernal SS" '2002, Infernal War "Redesekration" '2007, Inferno Requiem "Gloomy Night Stories" '2007, Irrlycht "Irrlycht" '2007, Jumalhamara "Slaughter The Messanger (MCD)" '2007, Kalot Enbolot "MCCCXLVII" '2007, Kapein "Aeon Of Rust" '2007, Kekal "The Habit Of Fire" '2007, Kill "Necro (EP)" '2002, Kill "Inverted Funeral" '2007, Klabautamann "Opus Obscoenum Infernalis (Demo)" '1998, Klabautamann "Gott Schenkt Gift (Demo)" '2000, Klabautamann "Our Journey Through The Woods" '2003, Klabautamann "Der Ort" '2005, Klabautamann "Klabautamann (EP)" '2007, Korgonthurus "Root Of Evil (Demo)" '2005, Korgonthurus "Ristilla Madantyen (EP)" '2007, Korvus "In The Name Of Lucifer" '2007, Kroda "Cry To Me, River" '2004, Kroda "'Do Nebokraju Zhittja...'" '2005, Kroda "Fimbulvinter" '2007, Krohm "Crown Of The Ancients (Demo)" '2000, Krohm "The Haunting Presence" '2007, Kromlek "Kveldridhur" '2005, Kromlek "Strange Rumours... Distant Tremors" '2007, Krypt "I Am God (EP)" '2007, Kult Perunov "Slavenski Crni Metal (Demo)" '2007, Kyrie Eleison "... In The Arms Of Decadence" '2007, Kythrone "Kult Des Todes" '2007, Lik "Besvartade Strofer" '2005, Lik "Lekamen Illusionen Kallet" '2007, Limbonic Art "A Legacy Of Evil" '2007, Little Dead Bertha "In Memorium Premortis" '1998, Little Dead Bertha "Two Sides... (Rerelease 2004)" '2000, Little Dead Bertha "Light And Shadows" '2003, Little Dead Bertha "Way Of Blind" '2005, Little Dead Bertha "Dance... In Darkness (EP)" '2007, Loits "Vere Kutse Kohustab" '2004, Loits "Must Album" '2007, Lonndom "Falen Fran Norr" '2007, Lugubrum "De Vette Cuecken" '2004, Lugubrum "Black Prophecies (Demo)" '1993, Lugubrum "Gedachte & Geheugen" '1997, Lugubrum "De Ware Hond" '2007, Lugubrum "Al Ghemist" '2001, Lunatic Gods "Ante Portas" '2007, Lupine Fall "Trials For Worthless Flesh (Demo)" '2001, Lupine Fall "Zarathustran Funeral Song (Demo)" '2003, Lupine Fall "Nemesis Of Nazarene Sickness (Demo)" '2004, Lupine Fall "Cold And Deaf To Sorrow (EP)" '2007, Malfeitor "Unio Mystica Maxima" '2007, Malsain "The Disease" '2007, Manegarm "Vargstenen" '2007, Mare "Rehearsal (Demo)" '2005, Mare "Throne Of The Thirteenth Witch (EP)" '2007, Massenvernichtung "Im Dienste Des Morddoms" '2007, Mayhem "Ordo Ad Chao" '2007, Medea "Декаданс" '2007, Membaris "Into Nevermore" '2007, Menhir "Barditus (Demo)" '1995, Menhir "Die Ewigen Steine" '1997, Menhir "Buchonia (EP)" '1998, Menhir "Ziuwari" '2001, Menhir "Hildebrandslied" '2007, Menhir "Thuringia" '1999, Mephisto "Tyrant's Return" '2007, Mgla "Crushing The Holy Trinity (Split)" '2005, Mgla "Further Down The Nest (EP)" '2007, Mgla "Mdlosci And Further Down The Nest (Compilation)" '2007, Misanthropic Path "A Bluntly Descripton Of The Present" '2007, Moorgate "Close Your Eyes And Fade Away" '2007, Moravska Zima "Pod Praporem Vitezstvi" '2007, Morkriket "Hellwards" '2007, Morrigan "Welcome To Samhain" '2006, Morrigan "The Damned" '2007, Mortuus "De Contemplanda Morte" '2007, Mortuus Infradaemoni "Daemon Qui Fecit Terram" '2007, Must Missa "The Target Of Hate" '2005, Must Missa "Martyr Of Wrath" '2007, Mutiilation "Destroy Your Life For Satan (Demo)" '2001, Mutiilation "Sorrow Galaxies" '2007, N.I.L. "N.I.L." '2007, Nae'blis "Sketches Of Reality" '2007, Narath "Fury" '2007, Ne Obliviscaris "The Aurora Veil (Demo)" '2007, Necromantia "The Sound Of Lucifer Storming Heaven" '2007, Necronoclast "The Plague" '2007, Nekrokrist SS "Suicide" '2007, Neochrome "Manifestation Of The Forgotten Subconscious" '2004, Neochrome "Downfall - ?ollapse" '2007, Nerthus "The Crowned's Reunion" '2007, Nervengas "Alpha Germania" '2007, Nightkarnation "Impending Hell" '2006, Nightkarnation "Hell Overdose (EP)" '2007, Nightrage "A New Disease Is Born" '2007, Nihternnes "The Dawning Of A New Era" '2007, Niroth "Niroth" '2007, Nocturnal Breed "Fields Of Rot" '2007, Nocturnal Depression "Four Seasons To A Depression" '2006, Nocturnal Depression "Soundtrack For A Suicide - Opus II" '2007, Nocturnal Feelings "Consecration Of Evil Forces" '2007, Nordglanz "Kampfhymnen Germaniens" '2006, Nordglanz "Heldenreich" '2004, Nordglanz "Volkischer Schwarzmetall" '2007, Nordheim "Nordheim (MCD)" '2007, Noromi Lucalen "A Pitiful Tribute To Satan (Demo)" '2007, Northern Breeze "Sailing To The North" '2007, Northern Frost "Ewig Kalte (EP)" '2007, Obituary "Xecutioner's Return" '2007, Obscure "Shedded Blood" '2007, Obscurus Advocam "Verbia Daemonicus" '2007, Obskene Sonare "Wildes Blut (Demo)" '2006, Obskene Sonare "Todnachten (MCD)" '2007, Odious "Summoned By Night (Demo)" '2003, Odious "Mirror Of Vibrations" '2007, Ohtar "Human Fuel Of Death" '2007, Ominous Grief "Nothing In Remembrance" '2007, Omitir "Old Temple Of Depression" '2007, Pagan Hellfire "In Desolation, In Ruins" '2007, Pagan Heritage "Forn Sed" '2007, Panychida "Paganized" '2007, Panzerfrost "AK-47 Supreme Terrorism Bloodstorm (EP)" '2007, Sigh "Hangman's Hymn" '2007, Slaotvean "Origins" '2007, Soulgrind "Pakana" '2007, Taake "Nekro (EP)" '2007, Taarma "Sorrow Of My Ancestral Spirits" '2006, Taarma "Remnants Of A Tormenting Black Shadow" '2007, The Mission "God Is A Bullet" '2007, Thornspawn "Sanctified By Satan's Blood" '2007, Throne Of Katarsis "An Eternal Dark Horizon" '2007, Thunderbolt "The Sons Of The Darkness" '2001, Thunderbolt "The Burning Deed Of Deceit" '2003, Thunderbolt "Apocalyptic Doom" '2007, Thurs "Mot Nord (Demo)" '2007, Thyruz "Northern Blasphemy" '2007, Trimonium "Son Of A Blizzard" '2007, Tulus "Biography Obscene" '2007, Tulus "Pure Black Energy" '1996, Vehementer Nos "Vehementer Nos" '2007, Vreid "I Krig" '2007, Vrolok "Soul Amputation" '2005, Vrolok "Resurgence II: Where The Dying Meet The Dead" '2003, Vrolok "Resurgence III: Order Of The Sphere" '2007, Watain "Casus Luciferi" '2003, Watain "The Ritual Macabre" '2001, Watain "Puzzlez Ov Flesh" '2002, Watain "Sworn To The Dark" '2007, Weltkrieg "(Demo)" '2007, Winds Of Torment "Delighting In Relentless Ignorance" '2007, Wolfenhords "Pathway To Lunar Utopia" '2007, Wolfenhords "Wolfs Of The New Beginning" '2007, Xeohl "Un Genre De Noir" '2007 (thanks to Ssphinx), Moonspell "Live In Moscow" '2002, Moonspell "Wolfheart" '1995, Moonspell "Sin / Pecado" '1998, Moonspell "2econd Skin" '1997, Moonspell "Unreleased Tracks" '2003, Moonspell "Irreligious" '1996, Moonspell "Darkness And Hope" '2001, Moonspell "The Butterfly Effect" '1999, Moonspell "Under The Moonspell" '1994, Obituary "Anthology" '2001 (thanks to Pollux), Countess "Permafrost" '1992 (thanks to LEICK), Heavenwood "Swallow" '1998, Heavenwood "Diva" '1996, Sopor Aeternus "Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two)" '2000 (thanks to AesirLoki), Obituary "Cause Of Death" '1990, Obituary "Dead" '1998 (thanks to Satanist), Sopor Aeternus "Voyager - The Jugglers Of Jusa" '1997, Sopor Aeternus "The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller (Aus Dem Scho Der Holle Ward Geboren Die Totensonne)" '1997, Sopor Aeternus "Ehjeh Ascher Ehjeh" '1995, Sopor Aeternus "Todeswunch" '1995, Sopor Aeternus "Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell" '2003 (thanks to Neiromonach).

24.01.2008 10:20 Обсудить
Выложены Darkstroll "Frozen Forest (Demo)" '2005, Darkstroll "At The Silent Halls (EP)" '2007, Taigensis "Six Spheres Of Satan [EP]" '2007 (thanks to OiZiN).

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